6,991 research outputs found

    Combinatorics and geometry of finite and infinite squaregraphs

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    Squaregraphs were originally defined as finite plane graphs in which all inner faces are quadrilaterals (i.e., 4-cycles) and all inner vertices (i.e., the vertices not incident with the outer face) have degrees larger than three. The planar dual of a finite squaregraph is determined by a triangle-free chord diagram of the unit disk, which could alternatively be viewed as a triangle-free line arrangement in the hyperbolic plane. This representation carries over to infinite plane graphs with finite vertex degrees in which the balls are finite squaregraphs. Algebraically, finite squaregraphs are median graphs for which the duals are finite circular split systems. Hence squaregraphs are at the crosspoint of two dualities, an algebraic and a geometric one, and thus lend themselves to several combinatorial interpretations and structural characterizations. With these and the 5-colorability theorem for circle graphs at hand, we prove that every squaregraph can be isometrically embedded into the Cartesian product of five trees. This embedding result can also be extended to the infinite case without reference to an embedding in the plane and without any cardinality restriction when formulated for median graphs free of cubes and further finite obstructions. Further, we exhibit a class of squaregraphs that can be embedded into the product of three trees and we characterize those squaregraphs that are embeddable into the product of just two trees. Finally, finite squaregraphs enjoy a number of algorithmic features that do not extend to arbitrary median graphs. For instance, we show that median-generating sets of finite squaregraphs can be computed in polynomial time, whereas, not unexpectedly, the corresponding problem for median graphs turns out to be NP-hard.Comment: 46 pages, 14 figure

    Recognizing Partial Cubes in Quadratic Time

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    We show how to test whether a graph with n vertices and m edges is a partial cube, and if so how to find a distance-preserving embedding of the graph into a hypercube, in the near-optimal time bound O(n^2), improving previous O(nm)-time solutions.Comment: 25 pages, five figures. This version significantly expands previous versions, including a new report on an implementation of the algorithm and experiments with i

    Parallel Metric Tree Embedding based on an Algebraic View on Moore-Bellman-Ford

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    A \emph{metric tree embedding} of expected \emph{stretch~α1\alpha \geq 1} maps a weighted nn-node graph G=(V,E,ω)G = (V, E, \omega) to a weighted tree T=(VT,ET,ωT)T = (V_T, E_T, \omega_T) with VVTV \subseteq V_T such that, for all v,wVv,w \in V, dist(v,w,G)dist(v,w,T)\operatorname{dist}(v, w, G) \leq \operatorname{dist}(v, w, T) and operatornameE[dist(v,w,T)]αdist(v,w,G)operatorname{E}[\operatorname{dist}(v, w, T)] \leq \alpha \operatorname{dist}(v, w, G). Such embeddings are highly useful for designing fast approximation algorithms, as many hard problems are easy to solve on tree instances. However, to date the best parallel (polylogn)(\operatorname{polylog} n)-depth algorithm that achieves an asymptotically optimal expected stretch of αO(logn)\alpha \in \operatorname{O}(\log n) requires Ω(n2)\operatorname{\Omega}(n^2) work and a metric as input. In this paper, we show how to achieve the same guarantees using polylogn\operatorname{polylog} n depth and O~(m1+ϵ)\operatorname{\tilde{O}}(m^{1+\epsilon}) work, where m=Em = |E| and ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 is an arbitrarily small constant. Moreover, one may further reduce the work to O~(m+n1+ϵ)\operatorname{\tilde{O}}(m + n^{1+\epsilon}) at the expense of increasing the expected stretch to O(ϵ1logn)\operatorname{O}(\epsilon^{-1} \log n). Our main tool in deriving these parallel algorithms is an algebraic characterization of a generalization of the classic Moore-Bellman-Ford algorithm. We consider this framework, which subsumes a variety of previous "Moore-Bellman-Ford-like" algorithms, to be of independent interest and discuss it in depth. In our tree embedding algorithm, we leverage it for providing efficient query access to an approximate metric that allows sampling the tree using polylogn\operatorname{polylog} n depth and O~(m)\operatorname{\tilde{O}}(m) work. We illustrate the generality and versatility of our techniques by various examples and a number of additional results

    Two-Level Rectilinear Steiner Trees

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    Given a set PP of terminals in the plane and a partition of PP into kk subsets P1,...,PkP_1, ..., P_k, a two-level rectilinear Steiner tree consists of a rectilinear Steiner tree TiT_i connecting the terminals in each set PiP_i (i=1,...,ki=1,...,k) and a top-level tree TtopT_{top} connecting the trees T1,...,TkT_1, ..., T_k. The goal is to minimize the total length of all trees. This problem arises naturally in the design of low-power physical implementations of parity functions on a computer chip. For bounded kk we present a polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) that is based on Arora's PTAS for rectilinear Steiner trees after lifting each partition into an extra dimension. For the general case we propose an algorithm that predetermines a connection point for each TiT_i and TtopT_{top} (i=1,...,ki=1,...,k). Then, we apply any approximation algorithm for minimum rectilinear Steiner trees in the plane to compute each TiT_i and TtopT_{top} independently. This gives us a 2.372.37-factor approximation with a running time of O(PlogP)\mathcal{O}(|P|\log|P|) suitable for fast practical computations. The approximation factor reduces to 1.631.63 by applying Arora's approximation scheme in the plane