10,728 research outputs found

    Many-Task Computing and Blue Waters

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    This report discusses many-task computing (MTC) generically and in the context of the proposed Blue Waters systems, which is planned to be the largest NSF-funded supercomputer when it begins production use in 2012. The aim of this report is to inform the BW project about MTC, including understanding aspects of MTC applications that can be used to characterize the domain and understanding the implications of these aspects to middleware and policies. Many MTC applications do not neatly fit the stereotypes of high-performance computing (HPC) or high-throughput computing (HTC) applications. Like HTC applications, by definition MTC applications are structured as graphs of discrete tasks, with explicit input and output dependencies forming the graph edges. However, MTC applications have significant features that distinguish them from typical HTC applications. In particular, different engineering constraints for hardware and software must be met in order to support these applications. HTC applications have traditionally run on platforms such as grids and clusters, through either workflow systems or parallel programming systems. MTC applications, in contrast, will often demand a short time to solution, may be communication intensive or data intensive, and may comprise very short tasks. Therefore, hardware and software for MTC must be engineered to support the additional communication and I/O and must minimize task dispatch overheads. The hardware of large-scale HPC systems, with its high degree of parallelism and support for intensive communication, is well suited for MTC applications. However, HPC systems often lack a dynamic resource-provisioning feature, are not ideal for task communication via the file system, and have an I/O system that is not optimized for MTC-style applications. Hence, additional software support is likely to be required to gain full benefit from the HPC hardware

    LOMo: Latent Ordinal Model for Facial Analysis in Videos

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    We study the problem of facial analysis in videos. We propose a novel weakly supervised learning method that models the video event (expression, pain etc.) as a sequence of automatically mined, discriminative sub-events (eg. onset and offset phase for smile, brow lower and cheek raise for pain). The proposed model is inspired by the recent works on Multiple Instance Learning and latent SVM/HCRF- it extends such frameworks to model the ordinal or temporal aspect in the videos, approximately. We obtain consistent improvements over relevant competitive baselines on four challenging and publicly available video based facial analysis datasets for prediction of expression, clinical pain and intent in dyadic conversations. In combination with complimentary features, we report state-of-the-art results on these datasets.Comment: 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR

    A Method for Finding Structured Sparse Solutions to Non-negative Least Squares Problems with Applications

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    Demixing problems in many areas such as hyperspectral imaging and differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) often require finding sparse nonnegative linear combinations of dictionary elements that match observed data. We show how aspects of these problems, such as misalignment of DOAS references and uncertainty in hyperspectral endmembers, can be modeled by expanding the dictionary with grouped elements and imposing a structured sparsity assumption that the combinations within each group should be sparse or even 1-sparse. If the dictionary is highly coherent, it is difficult to obtain good solutions using convex or greedy methods, such as non-negative least squares (NNLS) or orthogonal matching pursuit. We use penalties related to the Hoyer measure, which is the ratio of the l1l_1 and l2l_2 norms, as sparsity penalties to be added to the objective in NNLS-type models. For solving the resulting nonconvex models, we propose a scaled gradient projection algorithm that requires solving a sequence of strongly convex quadratic programs. We discuss its close connections to convex splitting methods and difference of convex programming. We also present promising numerical results for example DOAS analysis and hyperspectral demixing problems.Comment: 38 pages, 14 figure
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