16 research outputs found

    Convex-Arc Drawings of Pseudolines

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    A weak pseudoline arrangement is a topological generalization of a line arrangement, consisting of curves topologically equivalent to lines that cross each other at most once. We consider arrangements that are outerplanar---each crossing is incident to an unbounded face---and simple---each crossing point is the crossing of only two curves. We show that these arrangements can be represented by chords of a circle, by convex polygonal chains with only two bends, or by hyperbolic lines. Simple but non-outerplanar arrangements (non-weak) can be represented by convex polygonal chains or convex smooth curves of linear complexity.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. A preliminary announcement of these results was made as a poster at the 21st International Symposium on Graph Drawing, Bordeaux, France, September 2013, and published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8242, Springer, 2013, pp. 522--52

    Cubic Partial Cubes from Simplicial Arrangements

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    We show how to construct a cubic partial cube from any simplicial arrangement of lines or pseudolines in the projective plane. As a consequence, we find nine new infinite families of cubic partial cubes as well as many sporadic examples.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Drawing Arrangement Graphs In Small Grids, Or How To Play Planarity

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    We describe a linear-time algorithm that finds a planar drawing of every graph of a simple line or pseudoline arrangement within a grid of area O(n^{7/6}). No known input causes our algorithm to use area \Omega(n^{1+\epsilon}) for any \epsilon>0; finding such an input would represent significant progress on the famous k-set problem from discrete geometry. Drawing line arrangement graphs is the main task in the Planarity puzzle.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. To appear at 21st Int. Symp. Graph Drawing, Bordeaux, 201

    Recognizing Partial Cubes in Quadratic Time

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    We show how to test whether a graph with n vertices and m edges is a partial cube, and if so how to find a distance-preserving embedding of the graph into a hypercube, in the near-optimal time bound O(n^2), improving previous O(nm)-time solutions.Comment: 25 pages, five figures. This version significantly expands previous versions, including a new report on an implementation of the algorithm and experiments with i

    Convex-Arc Drawings of Pseudolines ⋆

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    Introduction. A pseudoline is formed from a line by stretching the plane without tearing: it is the image of a line under a homeomorphism of the plane [13]. In arrangements of pseudolines, pairs of pseudolines intersect at most once and cross at their intersections. Pseudoline arrangements can be used to model sorting networks [1], tilings of convex polygons by rhombi [4], and graphs that have distance-preserving embedding

    Convex-arc drawings of pseudolines

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    A weak pseudoline arrangement is a topological generalization of a line arrangement, consisting of curves topologically equivalent to lines that cross each other at most once. We consider arrangements that are outerplanar---each crossing is incident to an unbounded face---and simple---each crossing point is the crossing of only two curves. We show that these arrangements can be represented by chords of a circle, by convex polygonal chains with only two bends, or by hyperbolic lines. Simple but non-outerplanar arrangements (non-weak) can be represented by convex polygonal chains or convex smooth curves of linear complexity