11 research outputs found

    Universal gradings of orders

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    For commutative rings, we introduce the notion of a {\em universal grading}, which can be viewed as the "largest possible grading". While not every commutative ring (or order) has a universal grading, we prove that every {\em reduced order} has a universal grading, and this grading is by a {\em finite} group. Examples of graded orders are provided by group rings of finite abelian groups over rings of integers in number fields. We generalize known properties of nilpotents, idempotents, and roots of unity in such group rings to the case of graded orders; this has applications to cryptography. Lattices play an important role in this paper; a novel aspect is that our proofs use that the additive group of any reduced order can in a natural way be equipped with a lattice structure.Comment: Added section 10; added to and rewrote introduction and abstract (new Theorem 1.4 and Examples 1.6 and 1.7

    Algorithms on Ideal over Complex Multiplication order

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    We show in this paper that the Gentry-Szydlo algorithm for cyclotomic orders, previously revisited by Lenstra-Silverberg, can be extended to complex-multiplication (CM) orders, and even to a more general structure. This algorithm allows to test equality over the polarized ideal class group, and finds a generator of the polarized ideal in polynomial time. Also, the algorithm allows to solve the norm equation over CM orders and the recent reduction of principal ideals to the real suborder can also be performed in polynomial time. Furthermore, we can also compute in polynomial time a unit of an order of any number field given a (not very precise) approximation of it. Our description of the Gentry-Szydlo algorithm is different from the original and Lenstra- Silverberg's variant and we hope the simplifications made will allow a deeper understanding. Finally, we show that the well-known speed-up for enumeration and sieve algorithms for ideal lattices over power of two cyclotomics can be generalized to any number field with many roots of unity.Comment: Full version of a paper submitted to ANT

    Testing isomorphism of lattices over CM-orders

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    A CM-order is a reduced order equipped with an involution that mimics complex conjugation. The Witt-Picard group of such an order is a certain group of ideal classes that is closely related to the "minus part" of the class group. We present a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm for the following problem, which may be viewed as a special case of the principal ideal testing problem: given a CM-order, decide whether two given elements of its Witt-Picard group are equal. In order to prevent coefficient blow-up, the algorithm operates with lattices rather than with ideals. An important ingredient is a technique introduced by Gentry and Szydlo in a cryptographic context. Our application of it to lattices over CM-orders hinges upon a novel existence theorem for auxiliary ideals, which we deduce from a result of Konyagin and Pomerance in elementary number theory.Comment: To appear in SIAM Journal on Computin

    Realizing orders as group rings

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    An order is a commutative ring that as an abelian group is finitely generated and free. A commutative ring is reduced if it has no non-zero nilpotent elements. In this paper we use a new tool, namely, the fact that every reduced order has a universal grading, to answer questions about realizing orders as group rings. In particular, we address the Isomorphism Problem for group rings in the case where the ring is a reduced order. We prove that any non-zero reduced order RR can be written as a group ring in a unique ``maximal'' way, up to isomorphism. More precisely, there exist a ring AA and a finite abelian group GG, both uniquely determined up to isomorphism, such that R≅A[G]R\cong A[G] as rings, and such that if BB is a ring and HH is a group, then R≅B[H]R\cong B[H] as rings if and only if there is a finite abelian group JJ such that B≅A[J]B\cong A[J] as rings and J×H≅GJ\times H\cong G as groups. Computing AA and GG for given RR can be done by means of an algorithm that is not quite polynomial-time. We also give a description of the automorphism group of RR in terms of AA and GG