5 research outputs found

    Algorithms and Computation, 14th International Symposium, ISAAC 2003, Kyoto, Japan, December 15-17, 2003, Proceedings

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    Certified Everlasting Zero-Knowledge Proof for QMA

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    In known constructions of classical zero-knowledge protocols for NP, either of zero-knowledge or soundness holds only against computationally bounded adversaries. Indeed, achieving both statistical zero-knowledge and statistical soundness at the same time with classical verifier is impossible for NP unless the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses, and it is also believed to be impossible even with a quantum verifier. In this work, we introduce a novel compromise, which we call the certified everlasting zero-knowledge proof for QMA. It is a computational zero-knowledge proof for QMA, but the verifier issues a classical certificate that shows that the verifier has deleted its quantum information. If the certificate is valid, even unbounded malicious verifier can no longer learn anything beyond the validity of the statement. We construct a certified everlasting zero-knowledge proof for QMA. For the construction, we introduce a new quantum cryptographic primitive, which we call commitment with statistical binding and certified everlasting hiding, where the hiding property becomes statistical once the receiver has issued a valid certificate that shows that the receiver has deleted the committed information. We construct commitment with statistical binding and certified everlasting hiding from quantum encryption with certified deletion by Broadbent and Islam [TCC 2020] (in a black box way), and then combine it with the quantum sigma-protocol for QMA by Broadbent and Grilo [FOCS 2020] to construct the certified everlasting zero-knowledge proof for QMA. Our constructions are secure in the quantum random oracle model. Commitment with statistical binding and certified everlasting hiding itself is of independent interest, and there will be many other useful applications beyond zero-knowledge.Comment: 33 page

    Nonlocality under Computational Assumptions

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    Nonlocality and its connections to entanglement are fundamental features of quantum mechanics that have found numerous applications in quantum information science. A set of correlations is said to be nonlocal if it cannot be reproduced by spacelike-separated parties sharing randomness and performing local operations. An important practical consideration is that the runtime of the parties has to be shorter than the time it takes light to travel between them. One way to model this restriction is to assume that the parties are computationally bounded. We therefore initiate the study of nonlocality under computational assumptions and derive the following results: (a) We define the set NeL\mathsf{NeL} (not-efficiently-local) as consisting of all bipartite states whose correlations arising from local measurements cannot be reproduced with shared randomness and \emph{polynomial-time} local operations. (b) Under the assumption that the Learning With Errors problem cannot be solved in \emph{quantum} polynomial-time, we show that NeL=ENT\mathsf{NeL}=\mathsf{ENT}, where ENT\mathsf{ENT} is the set of \emph{all} bipartite entangled states (pure and mixed). This is in contrast to the standard notion of nonlocality where it is known that some entangled states, e.g. Werner states, are local. In essence, we show that there exist (efficient) local measurements producing correlations that cannot be reproduced through shared randomness and quantum polynomial-time computation. (c) We prove that if NeL=ENT\mathsf{NeL}=\mathsf{ENT} unconditionally, then BQP≠PP\mathsf{BQP}\neq\mathsf{PP}. In other words, the ability to certify all bipartite entangled states against computationally bounded adversaries gives a non-trivial separation of complexity classes. (d) Using (c), we show that a certain natural class of 1-round delegated quantum computation protocols that are sound against PP\mathsf{PP} provers cannot exist.Comment: 65 page

    Post-quantum Zero Knowledge in Constant Rounds

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    We construct a constant-round zero-knowledge classical argument for NP secure against quantum attacks. We assume the existence of Quantum Fully-Homomorphic Encryption and other standard primitives, known based on the Learning with Errors Assumption for quantum algorithms. As a corollary, we also obtain a constant-round zero-knowledge quantum argument for QMA. At the heart of our protocol is a new no-cloning non-black-box simulation technique

    Scheduling with Time Lags

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    Scheduling is essential when activities need to be allocated to scarce resources over time. Motivated by the problem of scheduling barges along container terminals in the Port of Rotterdam, this thesis designs and analyzes algorithms for various on-line and off-line scheduling problems with time lags. A time lag specifies a minimum time delay required between the execution of two consecutive operations of the same job. Time lags may be the result of transportation delays (like the time required for barges to sail from one terminal to the next), the duration of activities that do not require resources (like drying or cooling down), or intermediate processes on non-bottleneck machines between two bottleneck machines. For the on-line flow shop, job shop and open shop problems of minimizing the makespan, we analyze the competitive ratio of a class of greedy algorithms. For the off-line parallel flow shop scheduling problem with time lags of minimizing the makespan, we design algorithms with fixed worst-case performance guarantees. For two special subsets of scheduling problems with time lags, we show that Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes (PTAS) can be constructed under certain mild conditions. For the fixed interval scheduling problem, we show that the flow shop problem is solvable in polynomial time in the case of equal time lags but that it is NP-hard in the strong sense for general time lags. The fixed interval two-machine job shop and open shop problems are shown to be solvable in polynomial time if the time lags are smaller than the processing time of any operation