1 research outputs found

    Algorithm With Linear Computational Complexity For Batch Scheduling In Obs Networks

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    This paper introduces a batch scheduling algorithm for OBS networks which has linear computational complexity. A transformation of the problem formulation is applied to allow the modeling of the problem as a job scheduling with identical machine type of problem. The proposed algorithm was compared to several other heuristic. Results show that it produces a lower bound to the blocking probability of those given by heuristics and it is only 3% slower than the fastest one. © 2011 IEEE. IEEE Communication Society,IEICE Communications Society,Science Council of JapanXiong, Y., Vandenhoute, M., Cankaya, C., Design and analysis of optical burst-switched networks (1999) SPIE'99 Conf. All Optical Networking: Architecture, Control and Management Issues, 3843, pp. 112-119Xu, L., Perros, H.G., Rouskas, G.N., A Simulation Study of Access Protocols for Optical Burst-Switched Ring Networks (2003) Computer Networks, 41, pp. 143-160Xu, J., Qiao, C., Li, J., Xu, G., Efficient channel scheduling algorithms in optical burst switched networks (2003) IEEE INFOCOM, 3, pp. 2268-2278Yu, X., Li, J., Cao, X., Chen, Y., Qiao, C., Traffic statistics and performance evaluation in optical burst switched networks (2004) Journal of Lightwave Technology, 22 (12), pp. 2722-2738Xiong, Y., Vandenhoute, M., Cankaya, C., Control architecture in optical burst-switched wdm networks (2000) IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communications, pp. 1838-1851Wang, X., Morikawa, H., Aoyama, T., Priority-based wavelength assignment algorithm for optical burst switched photonic networks Optical Fiber Communications Conference, 2002, pp. 765-766Turner, J., Terabit burst switching (1999) Journal of High Speed Networking, pp. 3-16Murty, C., Gurusamy, M., (2002) WDM Optical Networks: Concepts, Design and Algorithms, , Prentice HallLi, J., Qiao, C., Schedule bursts proactively for optical burst switched networks (2004) Computer Networks, 44, pp. 617-629Kaheel, A., Alnuweiri, H., Batch scheduling algorithms for optical burst switching networks (2005) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3462 (2005), pp. 90-101Figueiredo, G.B., Xavier, E.C., Da Fonseca, N.L.S., An optimal batch scheduling algorithm for obs networks (2009) IEEE Globecom, pp. 1-6Bouzina, K.I., Emmons, H., Interval scheduling on identical machines (1996) Journal of Global Optimization, 9 (3-4), pp. 379-393Arkin, E.M., Silverberg, E.B., Scheduling jobs with fixed start and end times (1987) Discrete Applied Mathematics, 18, pp. 1-8Charcranoon, S., El-Bawab, T.S., Cankaya, H.C., Shin, J.D., Group scheduling for optical burst switched (obs) networks (2003) Globecom, pp. 2745-2749Figueiredo, G.B., (2009) Control Mechanisms for Optical Burst Switching Networks, , Ph.D. dissertation, Institute of Computing, University of Campina