1,899 research outputs found

    Betweenness Centrality of Fractal and Non-Fractal Scale-Free Model Networks and Tests on Real Networks

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    We study the betweenness centrality of fractal and non-fractal scale-free network models as well as real networks. We show that the correlation between degree and betweenness centrality CC of nodes is much weaker in fractal network models compared to non-fractal models. We also show that nodes of both fractal and non-fractal scale-free networks have power law betweenness centrality distribution P(C)∼C−δP(C)\sim C^{-\delta}. We find that for non-fractal scale-free networks δ=2\delta = 2, and for fractal scale-free networks δ=2−1/dB\delta = 2-1/d_{B}, where dBd_{B} is the dimension of the fractal network. We support these results by explicit calculations on four real networks: pharmaceutical firms (N=6776), yeast (N=1458), WWW (N=2526), and a sample of Internet network at AS level (N=20566), where NN is the number of nodes in the largest connected component of a network. We also study the crossover phenomenon from fractal to non-fractal networks upon adding random edges to a fractal network. We show that the crossover length ℓ∗\ell^{*}, separating fractal and non-fractal regimes, scales with dimension dBd_{B} of the network as p−1/dBp^{-1/d_{B}}, where pp is the density of random edges added to the network. We find that the correlation between degree and betweenness centrality increases with pp.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to PR

    MEDUSA - New Model of Internet Topology Using k-shell Decomposition

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    The k-shell decomposition of a random graph provides a different and more insightful separation of the roles of the different nodes in such a graph than does the usual analysis in terms of node degrees. We develop this approach in order to analyze the Internet's structure at a coarse level, that of the "Autonomous Systems" or ASes, the subnetworks out of which the Internet is assembled. We employ new data from DIMES (see http://www.netdimes.org), a distributed agent-based mapping effort which at present has attracted over 3800 volunteers running more than 7300 DIMES clients in over 85 countries. We combine this data with the AS graph information available from the RouteViews project at Univ. Oregon, and have obtained an Internet map with far more detail than any previous effort. The data suggests a new picture of the AS-graph structure, which distinguishes a relatively large, redundantly connected core of nearly 100 ASes and two components that flow data in and out from this core. One component is fractally interconnected through peer links; the second makes direct connections to the core only. The model which results has superficial similarities with and important differences from the "Jellyfish" structure proposed by Tauro et al., so we call it a "Medusa." We plan to use this picture as a framework for measuring and extrapolating changes in the Internet's physical structure. Our k-shell analysis may also be relevant for estimating the function of nodes in the "scale-free" graphs extracted from other naturally-occurring processes.Comment: 24 pages, 17 figure

    Betweenness Centrality of Fractal and Non-Fractal Scale-Free Model Networks and Tests on Real Networks

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    We study the betweenness centrality of fractal and non-fractal scale-free network models as well as real networks. We show that the correlation between degree and betweenness centrality C of nodes is much weaker in fractal network models compared to non-fractal models. We also show that nodes of both fractal and non-fractal scale-free networks have power law betweenness centrality distribution P(C) ~ C^δ. We find that for non-fractal scale-free networks δ = -2, and for fractal scale-free networks δ = -2 + 1/dB, where dB is the dimension of the fractal network. We support these results by explicit calculations on four real networks: pharmaceutical firms (N = 6776), yeast (N = 1458), WWW (N = 2526), and a sample of Internet network at AS level (N = 20566), where N is the number of nodes in the largest connected component of a network. We also study the crossover phenomenon from fractal to non-fractal networks upon adding random edges to a fractal network. We show that the crossover length ℓ*, separating fractal and non-fractal regimes, scales with dimension dB of the network as p−1/dB, where p is the density of random edges added to the network. We find that the correlation between degree and betweenness centrality increases with p.Interfirm networks; R&D collaborations, Pharmaceutical industry; ICT.

    Self-similar disk packings as model spatial scale-free networks

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    The network of contacts in space-filling disk packings, such as the Apollonian packing, are examined. These networks provide an interesting example of spatial scale-free networks, where the topology reflects the broad distribution of disk areas. A wide variety of topological and spatial properties of these systems are characterized. Their potential as models for networks of connected minima on energy landscapes is discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures; some bugs fixed and further discussion of higher-dimensional packing

    IMDB network revisited: unveiling fractal and modular properties from a typical small-world network

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    We study a subset of the movie collaboration network, imdb.com, where only adult movies are included. We show that there are many benefits in using such a network, which can serve as a prototype for studying social interactions. We find that the strength of links, i.e., how many times two actors have collaborated with each other, is an important factor that can significantly influence the network topology. We see that when we link all actors in the same movie with each other, the network becomes small-world, lacking a proper modular structure. On the other hand, by imposing a threshold on the minimum number of links two actors should have to be in our studied subset, the network topology becomes naturally fractal. This occurs due to a large number of meaningless links, namely, links connecting actors that did not actually interact. We focus our analysis on the fractal and modular properties of this resulting network, and show that the renormalization group analysis can characterize the self-similar structure of these networks.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in PLOS ON

    Generalized Hurst exponent and multifractal function of original and translated texts mapped into frequency and length time series

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    A nonlinear dynamics approach can be used in order to quantify complexity in written texts. As a first step, a one-dimensional system is examined : two written texts by one author (Lewis Carroll) are considered, together with one translation, into an artificial language, i.e. Esperanto are mapped into time series. Their corresponding shuffled versions are used for obtaining a "base line". Two different one-dimensional time series are used here: (i) one based on word lengths (LTS), (ii) the other on word frequencies (FTS). It is shown that the generalized Hurst exponent h(q)h(q) and the derived f(α)f(\alpha) curves of the original and translated texts show marked differences. The original "texts" are far from giving a parabolic f(α)f(\alpha) function, - in contrast to the shuffled texts. Moreover, the Esperanto text has more extreme values. This suggests cascade model-like, with multiscale time asymmetric features as finally written texts. A discussion of the difference and complementarity of mapping into a LTS or FTS is presented. The FTS f(α)f(\alpha) curves are more opened than the LTS onesComment: preprint for PRE; 2 columns; 10 pages; 6 (multifigures); 3 Tables; 70 reference

    Statistical mechanics of complex networks

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    Complex networks describe a wide range of systems in nature and society, much quoted examples including the cell, a network of chemicals linked by chemical reactions, or the Internet, a network of routers and computers connected by physical links. While traditionally these systems were modeled as random graphs, it is increasingly recognized that the topology and evolution of real networks is governed by robust organizing principles. Here we review the recent advances in the field of complex networks, focusing on the statistical mechanics of network topology and dynamics. After reviewing the empirical data that motivated the recent interest in networks, we discuss the main models and analytical tools, covering random graphs, small-world and scale-free networks, as well as the interplay between topology and the network's robustness against failures and attacks.Comment: 54 pages, submitted to Reviews of Modern Physic
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