3,281 research outputs found

    Statistical Romberg extrapolation: A new variance reduction method and applications to option pricing

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    We study the approximation of Ef(XT)\mathbb{E}f(X_T) by a Monte Carlo algorithm, where XX is the solution of a stochastic differential equation and ff is a given function. We introduce a new variance reduction method, which can be viewed as a statistical analogue of Romberg extrapolation method. Namely, we use two Euler schemes with steps δ\delta and δβ,0<β<1\delta^{\beta},0<\beta<1. This leads to an algorithm which, for a given level of the statistical error, has a complexity significantly lower than the complexity of the standard Monte Carlo method. We analyze the asymptotic error of this algorithm in the context of general (possibly degenerate) diffusions. In order to find the optimal β\beta (which turns out to be β=1/2\beta=1/2), we establish a central limit type theorem, based on a result of Jacod and Protter for the asymptotic distribution of the error in the Euler scheme. We test our method on various examples. In particular, we adapt it to Asian options. In this setting, we have a CLT and, as a by-product, an explicit expansion of the discretization error.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051605000000511 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Performance Evaluation of an Extrapolation Method for Ordinary Differential Equations with Error-free Transformation

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    The application of error-free transformation (EFT) is recently being developed to solve ill-conditioned problems. It can reduce the number of arithmetic operations required, compared with multiple precision arithmetic, and also be applied by using functions supported by a well-tuned BLAS library. In this paper, we propose the application of EFT to explicit extrapolation methods to solve initial value problems of ordinary differential equations. Consequently, our implemented routines can be effective for large-sized linear ODE and small-sized nonlinear ODE, especially in the case when harmonic sequence is used

    Accurate and efficient spin integration for particle accelerators

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    Accurate spin tracking is a valuable tool for understanding spin dynamics in particle accelerators and can help improve the performance of an accelerator. In this paper, we present a detailed discussion of the integrators in the spin tracking code gpuSpinTrack. We have implemented orbital integrators based on drift-kick, bend-kick, and matrix-kick splits. On top of the orbital integrators, we have implemented various integrators for the spin motion. These integrators use quaternions and Romberg quadratures to accelerate both the computation and the convergence of spin rotations. We evaluate their performance and accuracy in quantitative detail for individual elements as well as for the entire RHIC lattice. We exploit the inherently data-parallel nature of spin tracking to accelerate our algorithms on graphics processing units.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figure

    Rotation method for accelerating multiple-spherical Bessel function integrals against a numerical source function

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    A common problem in cosmology is to integrate the product of two or more spherical Bessel functions (sBFs) with different configuration-space arguments against the power spectrum or its square, weighted by powers of wavenumber. Naively computing them scales as Ngp+1N_{\rm g}^{p+1} with pp the number of configuration space arguments and NgN_{\rm g} the grid size, and they cannot be done with Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs). Here we show that by rewriting the sBFs as sums of products of sine and cosine and then using the product to sum identities, these integrals can then be performed using 1-D FFTs with NglogNgN_{\rm g} \log N_{\rm g} scaling. This "rotation" method has the potential to accelerate significantly a number of calculations in cosmology, such as perturbation theory predictions of loop integrals, higher order correlation functions, and analytic templates for correlation function covariance matrices. We implement this approach numerically both in a free-standing, publicly-available \textsc{Python} code and within the larger, publicly-available package \texttt{mcfit}. The rotation method evaluated with direct integrations already offers a factor of 6-10×\times speed-up over the naive approach in our test cases. Using FFTs, which the rotation method enables, then further improves this to a speed-up of \sim10003000×1000-3000\times over the naive approach. The rotation method should be useful in light of upcoming large datasets such as DESI or LSST. In analysing these datasets recomputation of these integrals a substantial number of times, for instance to update perturbation theory predictions or covariance matrices as the input linear power spectrum is changed, will be one piece in a Monte Carlo Markov Chain cosmological parameter search: thus the overall savings from our method should be significant

    A Multi-Step Richardson-Romberg Extrapolation Method For Stochastic Approximation

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    We obtain an expansion of the implicit weak discretization error for the target of stochastic approximation algorithms introduced and studied in [Frikha2013]. This allows us to extend and develop the Richardson-Romberg extrapolation method for Monte Carlo linear estimator (introduced in [Talay & Tubaro 1990] and deeply studied in [Pag{\`e}s 2007]) to the framework of stochastic optimization by means of stochastic approximation algorithm. We notably apply the method to the estimation of the quantile of diffusion processes. Numerical results confirm the theoretical analysis and show a significant reduction in the initial computational cost.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur