21 research outputs found

    Algebraically Structured LWE, Revisited

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    In recent years, there has been a proliferation of *algebraically structured* Learning With Errors (LWE) variants, including Ring-LWE, Module-LWE, Polynomial-LWE, Order-LWE, and Middle-Product LWE, and a web of reductions to support their hardness, both among these problems themselves and from related worst-case problems on structured lattices. However, these reductions are often difficult to interpret and use, due to the complexity of their parameters and analysis, and most especially their (frequently large) blowup and distortion of the error distributions. In this paper we unify and simplify this line of work. First, we give a general framework that encompasses *all* proposed LWE variants (over commutative base rings), and in particular unifies all prior ``algebraic\u27\u27 LWE variants defined over number fields. We then use this framework to give much simpler, more general, and tighter reductions from Ring-LWE to other algebraic LWE variants, including Module-LWE, Order-LWE, and Middle-Product LWE. In particular, all of our reductions have easy-to-analyze and frequently small error expansion; in most cases they even leave the error unchanged. A main message of our work is that it is straightforward to use the hardness of the original Ring-LWE problem as a foundation for the hardness of all other algebraic LWE problems defined over number fields, via simple and rather tight reductions

    Cryptanalysis of PLWE based on zero-trace quadratic roots

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    We extend two of the attacks on the PLWE problem presented in (Y. Elias, K. E. Lauter, E. Ozman, and K. E. Stange, Ring-LWE Cryptography for the Number Theorist, in Directions in Number Theory, E. E. Eischen, L. Long, R. Pries, and K. E. Stange, eds., vol. 3 of Association for Women in Mathematics Series, Cham, 2016, Springer International Publishing, pp. 271-290) to a ring Rq=Fq[x]/(f(x))R_q=\mathbb{F}_q[x]/(f(x)) where the irreducible monic polynomial f(x)∈Z[x]f(x)\in\mathbb{Z}[x] has an irreducible quadratic factor over Fq[x]\mathbb{F}_q[x] of the form x2+ρx^2+\rho with ρ\rho of suitable multiplicative order in Fq\mathbb{F}_q. Our attack exploits the fact that the trace of the root is zero and has overwhelming success probability as a function of the number of samples taken as input. An implementation in Maple and some examples of our attack are also provided.Comment: 18 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2209.1196

    Sublattice Attack on Poly-LWE with Wide Error Distributions

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    The fundamental problem in lattice-based cryptography is the hardness of the Ring-LWE, which has been based on the conjectured hardness of approximating ideal-SIVP or ideal-SVP. Though it is now widely conjectured both are hard in classical and quantum computation model” there is no sufficient attacks proposed and considered. In this paper we propose the subset quadruple attack on general structured LWE problems over any ring endowed with a positive definite inner product and an error distribution. Hence from the view of subset quadruple attacks, the error distributions of feasible non-negligible subset quadruples should be calculated to test the hardness. Sublattice pair with an ideal attack is a special case of subset quadruple attack. A lower bound for the Gaussian error distribution is proved to construct suitable feasible non-negligible sublattices. From the sublattice pair with an ideal attack we prove that the decision Poly-LWE over Z[x]/(xn−pn){\bf Z}[x]/(x^n-p_n) with certain special inner products and arbitrary polynomially bounded widths of Gaussian error distributions can be solved with the polynomial time for the sufficiently large polynomially bounded modulus parameters pnp_n.\\ Keywords: Poly-LWE, Ring-LWE, Wide Error distribution, Subset quadruple attack, Sublattice pair with an ideal

    Ring-LWE over two-to-power cyclotomics is not hard

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    The Ring-LWE over two-to-power cyclotomic integer rings has been the hard computational problem for lattice cryptographic constructions. Its hardness and the conjectured hardness of approximating ideal SIVP for ideal lattices in two-to-power cyclotomic fields have been the fundamental open problems in lattice cryptography and the computational number theory. In our previous paper we presented a general theory of subset attack on the Ring-LWE with not only the Gaussian error distribution but also general error distributions. By the usage of our subset attack from sublattice quadruples we prove that the decision Ring-LWE (then the search version) over two-to-power cyclotomic integer rings with certain sufficiently large polynomially bounded modulus parameters when degrees d_n = 2^{n-1} going to the infinity can be solved by a polynomial (in d_n) time algorithm for wide error distributions with widths in the range of Peikert-Regev-Stephens-Davidowitz hardness reduction results in their STOC 2017 paper. Hence we also prove that approximating idealSIV Ppoly(dn) with some polynomial factors for ideal lattices in two-to-power cyclotomic fields can be solved within the quantum polynomial time. Therefore post-quantum lattice cryptographic constructions can not be based on the ”hardness” of Ring-LWE over two-to-power cyclotomic integer rings even in the classical computational model

    Middle-Products of Skew Polynomials and Learning with Errors

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    We extend the middle product to skew polynomials, which we use to define a skew middle-product Learning with Errors (LWE) variant. We also define a skew polynomial LWE problem, which we connect to Cyclic LWE (CLWE), a variant of LWE in cyclic division algebras. We then reduce a family of skew polynomial LWE problems to skew middle-product LWE, for a family which includes the structures found in CLWE. Finally, we give an encryption scheme and demonstrate its IND-CPA security, assuming the hardness of skew middle-product LWE

    Sublattice Attacks on LWE over Arbitrary Number Field Lattices

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    Learning with errors over algebraic integer rings (Ring-LWE) was introduced by Lyubashevsky, Peikert and Regev in Eurocrypt 2010 and has been served as the fundamental hard problem for lattice cryptogra- phy. In recent years variants of algebraically structured learning with errors such as order-LWE, module-LWE and LWE over number field lattices have been introduced. In this paper we prove that for LWE over a number field lattice L in an arbitrary number field of degree √ logn n, when the width is smaller than O(λ1(L∨1 )) for some polynomially bounded cardinality |L∨/L1| sublattice L1 ⊂ L∨ with non-negligible OL1 , then the LWE over L can be solved by a polynomial time al- gorithm for some modulus parameters. This leads to new sublattice bounds on widths of solvable Ring-LWE instances. From our sublat- tice attack on Ring-LWE it is natural to ask if there exists sublattices L ⊂ RK for some number field K with very small λ1(L∨) and non- negligible OL? In practice sub lattice attack is very necessary for Ring-LWE based lattice cryptography. Secondly we prove that for LWE over an arbitrary num- ber field lattice there are infinitely many modulus parameters such that the problem can be transformed to distinguishing the discretization of one-dimensional continuous Gaussian distribution from the uniform distribution. Hence for these modulus parameters these LWE over ar- bitrary number arbitrary number field lattices can be solved within a polynomial time for a suitable large width (though still narrower than the range in hardness reduction results). While for plain LWE there is no such modulus parameters

    Learning with Errors over Group Rings Constructed by Semi-direct Product

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    The Learning with Errors (LWE) problem has been widely utilized as a foundation for numerous cryptographic tools over the years. In this study, we focus on an algebraic variant of the LWE problem called Group ring LWE (GR-LWE). We select group rings (or their direct summands) that underlie specific families of finite groups constructed by taking the semi-direct product of two cyclic groups. Unlike the Ring-LWE problem described in \cite{lyubashevsky2010ideal}, the multiplication operation in the group rings considered here is non-commutative. As an extension of Ring-LWE, it maintains computational hardness and can be potentially applied in many cryptographic scenarios. In this paper, we present two polynomial-time quantum reductions. Firstly, we provide a quantum reduction from the worst-case shortest independent vectors problem (SIVP) in ideal lattices with polynomial approximate factor to the search version of GR-LWE. This reduction requires that the underlying group ring possesses certain mild properties; Secondly, we present another quantum reduction for two types of group rings, where the worst-case SIVP problem is directly reduced to the (average-case) decision GR-LWE problem. The pseudorandomness of GR-LWE samples guaranteed by this reduction can be consequently leveraged to construct semantically secure public-key cryptosystems.Comment: 45 page

    HPKA: A High-Performance CRYSTALS-Kyber Accelerator Exploring Efficient Pipelining

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    CRYSTALS-Kyber (Kyber) was recently chosen as the first quantum resistant Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) scheme for standardisation, after three rounds of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) initiated PQC competition which begin in 2016 and search of the best quantum resistant KEMs and digital signatures. Kyber is based on the Module-Learning with Errors (M-LWE) class of Lattice-based Cryptography, that is known to manifest efficiently on FPGAs. This work explores several architectural optimizations and proposes a high-performance and area-time (AT) product efficient hardware accelerator for Kyber. The proposed architectural optimizations include inter-module and intra-module pipelining, that are designed and balanced via FIFO based buffering to ensure maximum parallelisation. The implementation results show that compared to state-of-the-art designs, the proposed architecture delivers 25-51% speedups for Kyber\u27s three different security levels on Artix-7 and Zynq UltraScale+ devices, and a 50-75\% reduction in DSPs at comparable security level. Consequently, the proposed design achieve higher AT product efficiencies of 19-33%

    In Praise of Twisted Embeddings

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    Our main result in this work is the extension of the Ring-LWE problem in lattice-based cryptography to include algebraic lattices, realized through twisted embeddings. We define the class of problems Twisted Ring-LWE, which replaces the canonical embedding by an extended form. We prove that our generalization for Ring-LWE is secure by providing a security reduction from Ring-LWE to Twisted Ring-LWE in both search and decision forms. It is also shown that the addition of a new parameter, the torsion factor defining the twisted embedding, does not affect the asymptotic approximation factors in the worst-case to average-case reductions. Thus, Twisted Ring-LWE maintains the consolidated hardness guarantee of Ring-LWE and increases the existing scope of algebraic lattices that can be considered for cryptographic applications. Additionally, we expand on the results of Ducas and Durmus (Public-Key Cryptography, 2012) on spherical Gaussian distributions to the proposed class of lattices under certain restrictions. Thus, sampling from a spherical Gaussian distribution can be done directly in the respective number field, while maintaining its shape and standard deviation when seen in Rn\mathbb{R}^n via twisted embeddings

    A note on short invertible ring elements and applications to cyclotomic and trinomials number fields

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    Ring-SIS based Σ\Sigma-protocols require a challenge set C\mathcal{C} in some ring RR, usually an order in a number field LL. These Σ\Sigma-protocols impose various requirements on the subset C\mathcal{C}, and finding a good, or even optimal, challenge set is a non-trivial task that involves making various trade-offs. Ring-SIS based Σ\Sigma-protocols require a challenge set C\mathcal{C} in some ring RR, usually an order in a number field LL. These Σ\Sigma-protocols impose various requirements on the subset C\mathcal{C}, and finding a good, or even optimal, challenge set is a non-trivial task that involves making various trade-offs. In particular, (1) the set C\mathcal{C} should be `large', (2) elements in C\mathcal{C} should be `small', and (3) differences of distinct elements in C\mathcal{C} should be invertible modulo a rational prime pp. Moreover, for efficiency purposes, it is desirable that (4) the prime pp is small, and that (5) it splits in many factors in the number field LL. These requirements on C\mathcal{C} are subject to certain trade-offs, e.g., between the splitting behavior of the prime pp and its size. Lyubashevsky and Seiler (Eurocrypt 2018) have studied these trade-offs for subrings of cyclotomic number fields. Cyclotomic number fields possess convenient properties and as a result most Ring-SIS based protocols are defined over these specific fields. However, recent attacks have shown that, in certain protocols, these convenient properties can be exploited by adversaries, thereby weakening or even breaking the cryptographic protocols. In this work, we revisit the results of Lyubashevsky and Seiler and show that they follow from standard Galois theory, thereby simplifying their proofs. Subsequently, this approach leads to a natural generalization from cyclotomic to arbitrary number fields. We apply the generalized results to construct challenge sets in trinomial number fields of the form Q[X]/(f)\mathbb{Q}[X]/(f) with f=Xn+aXk+b∈Z[X]f=X^n+aX^k+b \in \mathbb{Z}[X] irreducible. Along the way we prove a conjectured result on the practical applicability for cyclotomic number fields and prove the optimality of certain constructions. Finally, we find a new construction for challenge sets resulting in smaller prime sizes at the cost of slightly increasing the ℓ2\ell_2-norm of the challenges