231 research outputs found

    Linear-algebraic list decoding of folded Reed-Solomon codes

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    Folded Reed-Solomon codes are an explicit family of codes that achieve the optimal trade-off between rate and error-correction capability: specifically, for any \eps > 0, the author and Rudra (2006,08) presented an n^{O(1/\eps)} time algorithm to list decode appropriate folded RS codes of rate RR from a fraction 1-R-\eps of errors. The algorithm is based on multivariate polynomial interpolation and root-finding over extension fields. It was noted by Vadhan that interpolating a linear polynomial suffices if one settles for a smaller decoding radius (but still enough for a statement of the above form). Here we give a simple linear-algebra based analysis of this variant that eliminates the need for the computationally expensive root-finding step over extension fields (and indeed any mention of extension fields). The entire list decoding algorithm is linear-algebraic, solving one linear system for the interpolation step, and another linear system to find a small subspace of candidate solutions. Except for the step of pruning this subspace, the algorithm can be implemented to run in {\em quadratic} time. The theoretical drawback of folded RS codes are that both the decoding complexity and proven worst-case list-size bound are n^{\Omega(1/\eps)}. By combining the above idea with a pseudorandom subset of all polynomials as messages, we get a Monte Carlo construction achieving a list size bound of O(1/\eps^2) which is quite close to the existential O(1/\eps) bound (however, the decoding complexity remains n^{\Omega(1/\eps)}). Our work highlights that constructing an explicit {\em subspace-evasive} subset that has small intersection with low-dimensional subspaces could lead to explicit codes with better list-decoding guarantees.Comment: 16 pages. Extended abstract in Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity (CCC), 201

    Optimal rate list decoding via derivative codes

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    The classical family of [n,k]q[n,k]_q Reed-Solomon codes over a field \F_q consist of the evaluations of polynomials f \in \F_q[X] of degree <k< k at nn distinct field elements. In this work, we consider a closely related family of codes, called (order mm) {\em derivative codes} and defined over fields of large characteristic, which consist of the evaluations of ff as well as its first m−1m-1 formal derivatives at nn distinct field elements. For large enough mm, we show that these codes can be list-decoded in polynomial time from an error fraction approaching 1−R1-R, where R=k/(nm)R=k/(nm) is the rate of the code. This gives an alternate construction to folded Reed-Solomon codes for achieving the optimal trade-off between rate and list error-correction radius. Our decoding algorithm is linear-algebraic, and involves solving a linear system to interpolate a multivariate polynomial, and then solving another structured linear system to retrieve the list of candidate polynomials ff. The algorithm for derivative codes offers some advantages compared to a similar one for folded Reed-Solomon codes in terms of efficient unique decoding in the presence of side information.Comment: 11 page

    Reed-Solomon list decoding from a system-theoretic perspective

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    In this paper, the Sudan-Guruswami approach to list decoding of Reed-Solomon (RS) codes is cast in a system-theoretic framework. With the data, a set of trajectories or time series is associated which is then modeled as a so-called behavior. In this way, a connection is made with the behavioral approach to system theory. It is shown how a polynomial representation of the modeling behavior gives rise to the bivariate interpolating polynomials of the Sudan-Guruswami approach. The concept of "weighted row reduced" is introduced and used to achieve minimality. Two decoding methods are derived and a parametrization of all bivariate interpolating polynomials is given

    A behavioral framework for Reed-Solomon decoding through multiplicative bivariate interpolation

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    A behavioral setting is provided for decoding of Reed-Solomon codes. More specifically Sudan's approach based on bivariate polynomial interpolation is cast into a behavioral setting. The interpolation problem is translated into a linear behavioral modelling problem. The notion of weighted row reduced representation turns out to be crucial
