17,713 research outputs found

    On the behavior of test ideals under finite morphisms

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    We derive transformation rules for test ideals and FF-singularities under an arbitrary finite surjective morphism π:Y→X\pi : Y \to X of normal varieties in prime characteristic p>0p > 0. The main technique is to relate homomorphisms F∗OX→OXF_{*} O_{X} \to O_{X}, such as Frobenius splittings, to homomorphisms F∗OY→OYF_{*} O_{Y} \to O_{Y}. In the simplest cases, these rules mirror transformation rules for multiplier ideals in characteristic zero. As a corollary, we deduce sufficient conditions which imply that trace is surjective, i.e. TrY/X(π∗OY)=OXTr_{Y/X}(\pi_{*}O_{Y}) = O_{X}.Comment: 33 pages. The appendix has been removed (it will appear in a different work). Minor changes and typos corrected throughout. To appear in the Journal of Algebraic Geometr

    Additive unit representations in global fields - A survey

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    We give an overview on recent results concerning additive unit representations. Furthermore the solutions of some open questions are included. The central problem is whether and how certain rings are (additively) generated by their units. This has been investigated for several types of rings related to global fields, most importantly rings of algebraic integers. We also state some open problems and conjectures which we consider to be important in this field.Comment: 13 page

    Projective equivalence of ideals in Noetherian integral domains

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    Let I be a nonzero proper ideal in a Noetherian integral domain R. In this paper we establish the existence of a finite separable integral extension domain A of R and a positive integer m such that all the Rees integers of IA are equal to m. Moreover, if R has altitude one, then all the Rees integers of J = Rad(IA) are equal to one and the ideals J^m and IA have the same integral closure. Thus Rad(IA) = J is a projectively full radical ideal that is projectively equivalent to IA. In particular, if R is Dedekind, then there exists a Dedekind domain A having the following properties: (i) A is a finite separable integral extension of R; and (ii) there exists a radical ideal J of A and a positive integer m such that IA = J^m.Comment: 20 page

    Transcendental extensions of a valuation domain of rank one

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    Let VV be a valuation domain of rank one and quotient field KK. Let K^‾\overline{\hat{K}} be a fixed algebraic closure of the vv-adic completion K^\hat K of KK and let V^‾\overline{\hat{V}} be the integral closure of V^\hat V in K^‾\overline{\hat{K}}. We describe a relevant class of valuation domains WW of the field of rational functions K(X)K(X) which lie over VV, which are indexed by the elements α∈K^‾∪{∞}\alpha\in\overline{\hat{K}}\cup\{\infty\}, namely, W=Wα={φ∈K(X)∣φ(α)∈V^‾}W=W_{\alpha}=\{\varphi\in K(X) \mid \varphi(\alpha)\in\overline{\hat{V}}\}. If VV is discrete and π∈V\pi\in V is a uniformizer, then a valuation domain WW of K(X)K(X) is of this form if and only if the residue field degree [W/M:V/P][W/M:V/P] is finite and πW=Me\pi W=M^e, for some e≥1e\geq 1, where MM is the maximal ideal of WW. In general, for α,β∈K^‾\alpha,\beta\in\overline{\hat{K}} we have Wα=WβW_{\alpha}=W_{\beta} if and only if α\alpha and β\beta are conjugated over K^\hat K. Finally, we show that the set Pirr\mathcal{P}^{{\rm irr}} of irreducible polynomials over K^\hat K endowed with an ultrametric distance introduced by Krasner is homeomorphic to the space {Wα∣α∈K^‾}\{W_{\alpha} \mid \alpha\in\overline{\hat{K}}\} endowed with the Zariski topology.Comment: accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the AMS (2016); comments are welcome
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