12,665 research outputs found

    Algebraic Techniques for Constructing Minimal Weight Threshold Functions

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    A linear threshold element computes a function that is a sign of a weighted sum of the input variables. The weights are arbitrary integers; actually, they can be very big integers- exponential in the number of the input variables. While in the present literature a distinction is made between the two extreme cases of linear threshold functions with polynomial-size weights as opposed to those with exponential-size weights, the best known lower bounds on the size of threshold circuits are for depth-2 circuits with small weights. Our main contributions are devising two distinct methods for constructing threshold functions with minimal weights and filling up the gap between polynomial and exponential weight growth by further refining the separation. Namely, we prove that the class of linear threshold functions with polynomial-size weights can be divided into subclasses according to the degree of the polynomial. In fact, we prove a more general result-that there exists a minimal weight linear threshold function for any arbitrary number of inputs and any weight size

    Algebraic techniques for constructing minimal weight threshold functions

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    A linear threshold element computes a function that is a sign of a weighted sum of the input variables. The best known lower bounds on the size of threshold circuits are for depth-2 circuits with small (polynomial-size) weights. However, in general, the weights are arbitrary integers and can be of exponential size in the number of input variables. Namely, obtaining progress in lower bounds for threshold circuits seems to be related to understanding the role of large weights. In the present literature, a distinction is made between the two extreme cases of linear threshold functions with polynomial-size weights, as opposed to those with exponential-size weights. Our main contributions are in devising two novel methods for constructing threshold functions with minimal weights and filling up the gap between polynomial and exponential weight growth by further refining the separation. Namely, we prove that the class of linear threshold functions with polynomial-size weights can be divided into subclasses according to the degree of the polynomial. In fact, we prove a more general result — that there exists a minimal weight linear threshold function for any arbitrary number of inputs and any weight size

    The complexity of class polynomial computation via floating point approximations

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    We analyse the complexity of computing class polynomials, that are an important ingredient for CM constructions of elliptic curves, via complex floating point approximations of their roots. The heart of the algorithm is the evaluation of modular functions in several arguments. The fastest one of the presented approaches uses a technique devised by Dupont to evaluate modular functions by Newton iterations on an expression involving the arithmetic-geometric mean. It runs in time O(Dlog5DloglogD)=O(D1+ϵ)=O(h2+ϵ)O (|D| \log^5 |D| \log \log |D|) = O (|D|^{1 + \epsilon}) = O (h^{2 + \epsilon}) for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, where DD is the CM discriminant and hh is the degree of the class polynomial. Another fast algorithm uses multipoint evaluation techniques known from symbolic computation; its asymptotic complexity is worse by a factor of logD\log |D|. Up to logarithmic factors, this running time matches the size of the constructed polynomials. The estimate also relies on a new result concerning the complexity of enumerating the class group of an imaginary-quadratic order and on a rigorously proven upper bound for the height of class polynomials

    Adequate bases of phase space master integrals for gghgg \to h at NNLO and beyond

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    We study master integrals needed to compute the Higgs boson production cross section via gluon fusion in the infinite top quark mass limit, using a canonical form of differential equations for master integrals, recently identified by Henn, which makes their solution possible in a straightforward algebraic way. We apply the known criteria to derive such a suitable basis for all the phase space master integrals in afore mentioned process at next-to-next-to-leading order in QCD and demonstrate that the method is applicable to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order as well by solving a non-planar topology. Furthermore, we discuss in great detail how to find an adequate basis using practical examples. Special emphasis is devoted to master integrals which are coupled by their differential equations.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figure