13 research outputs found

    On the Fon-der-Flaass Interpretation of Extremal Examples for Turan's (3,4)-problem

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    In 1941, Turan conjectured that the edge density of any 3-graph without independent sets on 4 vertices (Turan (3,4)-graph) is >= 4/9(1-o(1)), and he gave the first example witnessing this bound. Brown (1983) and Kostochka (1982) found many other examples of this density. Fon-der-Flaass (1988) presented a general construction that converts an arbitrary C⃗4\vec C_4-free orgraph Γ\Gamma into a Turan (3,4)-graph. He observed that all Turan-Brown-Kostochka examples result from his construction, and proved the bound >= 3/7(1-o(1)) on the edge density of any Turan (3,4)-graph obtainable in this way. In this paper we establish the optimal bound 4/9(1-o(1)) on the edge density of any Turan (3,4)-graph resulting from the Fon-der-Flaass construction under any of the following assumptions on the undirected graph GG underlying the orgraph Γ\Gamma: 1. GG is complete multipartite; 2. The edge density of GG is >= (2/3-epsilon) for some absolute constant epsilon>0. We are also able to improve Fon-der-Flaass's bound to 7/16(1-o(1)) without any extra assumptions on Γ\Gamma

    Approximate equivalence relations

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    Generalizing results for approximate subgroups, we study approximate equivalence relations up to commensurability, in the presence of a definable measure. As a basic framework, we give a presentation of probability logic based on continuous logic. Hoover’s normal form is valid here; if one begins with a discrete logic structure, it reduces arbitrary formulas of probability logic to correlations between quantifier-free formulas. We completely classify binary correlations in terms of the Kim–Pillay space, leading to strong results on the interpretative power of pure probability logic over a binary language. Assuming higher amalgamation of independent types, we prove a higher stationarity statement for such correlations. We also give a short model-theoretic proof of a categoricity theorem for continuous logic structures with a measure of full support, generalizing theorems of Gromov–Vershik and Keisler, and often providing a canonical model for a complete pure probability logic theory. These results also apply to local probability logic, providing in particular a canonical model for a local pure probability logic theory with a unique 1-type and geodesic metric. For sequences of approximate equivalence relations with an “approximately unique” probability logic 1-type, we obtain a structure theorem generalizing the “Lie model” theorem for approximate subgroups (Theorem 5.5). The models here are Riemannian homogeneous spaces, fibered over a locally finite graph. Specializing to definable graphs over finite fields, we show that after a finite partition, a definable binary relation converges in finitely many self-compositions to an equivalence relation of geometric origin. This generalizes the main lemma for strong approximation of groups. For NIP theories, pursuing a question of Pillay’s, we prove an archimedean finite-dimensionality statement for the automorphism groups of definable measures, acting on a given type of definable sets. This can be seen as an archimedean analogue of results of Macpherson and Tent on NIP profinite groups