156 research outputs found

    Byzantine Generals in the Permissionless Setting

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    Consensus protocols have traditionally been studied in a setting where all participants are known to each other from the start of the protocol execution. In the parlance of the 'blockchain' literature, this is referred to as the permissioned setting. What differentiates Bitcoin from these previously studied protocols is that it operates in a permissionless setting, i.e. it is a protocol for establishing consensus over an unknown network of participants that anybody can join, with as many identities as they like in any role. The arrival of this new form of protocol brings with it many questions. Beyond Bitcoin, what can we prove about permissionless protocols in a general sense? How does recent work on permissionless protocols in the blockchain literature relate to the well-developed history of research on permissioned protocols in distributed computing? To answer these questions, we describe a formal framework for the analysis of both permissioned and permissionless systems. Our framework allows for "apples-to-apples" comparisons between different categories of protocols and, in turn, the development of theory to formally discuss their relative merits. A major benefit of the framework is that it facilitates the application of a rich history of proofs and techniques in distributed computing to problems in blockchain and the study of permissionless systems. Within our framework, we then address the questions above. We consider the Byzantine Generals Problem as a formalisation of the problem of reaching consensus, and address a programme of research that asks, "Under what adversarial conditions, and for what types of permissionless protocol, is consensus possible?" We prove a number of results for this programme, our main result being that deterministic consensus is not possible for decentralised permissionless protocols. To close, we give a list of eight open questions

    Byzantine generals in the permissionless setting

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    Consensus protocols have traditionally been studied in the permissioned setting, where all participants are known to each other from the start of the protocol execution. What differentiates the most prominent blockchain protocol Bitcoin [N+08] from these previously studied protocols is that it operates in a permissionless setting, i.e. it is a protocol for establishing consensus over an unknown network of participants that anybody can join, with as many identities as they like in any role. The arrival of this new form of protocol brings with it many questions. Beyond Bitcoin and other proof-of-work (PoW) protocols, what can we prove about permissionless protocols in a general sense? How does the recent stream of work on permissionless protocols relate to the well-developed history of research on permissioned protocols? To help answer these questions, we describe a formal framework for the analysis of both permissioned and permissionless systems. Our framework allows for “apples-to-apples” comparisons between different categories of protocols and, in turn, the development of theory to formally discuss their relative merits. A major benefit of the framework is that it facilitates the application of a rich history of proofs and techniques for permissioned systems to problems in blockchain and the study of permissionless systems. Within our framework, we then address the questions above. We consider a programme of research that asks, “Under what adversarial conditions, and for what types of permissionless protocol, is consensus possible?” We prove several results for this programme, our main result being that deterministic consensus is not possible for permissionless protocols

    SoK: A Consensus Taxonomy in the Blockchain Era

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    Consensus (a.k.a. Byzantine agreement) is arguably one of the most fundamental problems in distributed systems, playing also an important role in the area of cryptographic protocols as the enabler of a (secure) broadcast functionality. While the problem has a long and rich history and has been analyzed from many different perspectives, recently, with the advent of blockchain protocols like Bitcoin, it has experienced renewed interest from a much wider community of researchers and has seen its application expand to various novel settings. One of the main issues in consensus research is the many different variants of the problem that exist as well as the various ways the problem behaves when different setup, computational assumptions and network models are considered. In this work we perform a systematization of knowledge in the landscape of consensus research starting with the original formulation in the early 1980s up to the present blockchain-based new class of consensus protocols. Our work is a roadmap for studying the consensus problem under its many guises, classifying the way it operates in many settings and highlighting the exciting new applications that have emerged in the blockchain era

    The Bitcoin Backbone Protocol: Analysis and Applications

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    Bitcoin is the first and most popular decentralized cryptocurrency to date. In this work, we extract and analyze the core of the Bitcoin protocol, which we term the Bitcoin backbone, and prove two of its fundamental properties which we call common prefix and chain quality in the static setting where the number of players remains fixed. Our proofs hinge on appropriate and novel assumptions on the hashing power of the adversary relative to network synchronicity; we show our results to be tight under high synchronization. Next, we propose and analyze applications that can be built on top of the backbone protocol, specifically focusing on Byzantine agreement (BA) and on the notion of a public transaction ledger. Regarding BA, we observe that Nakamoto\u27s suggestion falls short of solving it, and present a simple alternative which works assuming that the adversary\u27s hashing power is bounded by 1/3. The public transaction ledger captures the essence of Bitcoin\u27s operation as a cryptocurrency, in the sense that it guarantees the liveness and persistence of committed transactions. Based on this notion we describe and analyze the Bitcoin system as well as a more elaborate BA protocol, proving them secure assuming high network synchronicity and that the adversary\u27s hashing power is strictly less than 1/2, while the adversarial bound needed for security decreases as the network desynchronizes. Finally, we show that our analysis of the Bitcoin backbone protocol for synchronous networks extends with relative ease to the recently considered partially synchronous model, where there is an upper bound in the delay of messages that is unknown to the honest parties

    Byzantine agreement with homonyms

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    So far, the distributed computing community has either assumed that all the processes of a distributed system have distinct identifiers or, more rarely, that the processes are anonymous and have no identifiers. These are two extremes of the same general model: namely, n processes use l different authenticated identifiers, where 1 ≤ l ≤ n. In this paper, we ask how many identifiers are actually needed to reach agreement in a distributed system with t Byzantine processes. We show that having 3t+1 identifiers is necessary and sufficient for agreement in the synchronous case but, more surprisingly, the number of identifiers must be greater than n+3t/2 in the partially synchronous case. This demonstrates two differences from the classical model (which has l=n): there are situations where relaxing synchrony to partial synchrony renders agreement impossible; and, in the partially synchronous case, increasing the number of correct processes can actually make it harder to reach agreement. The impossibility proofs use the fact that a Byzantine process can send multiple messages to the same recipient in a round. We show that removing this ability makes agreement easier: then, t+1 identifiers are sufficient for agreement, even in the partially synchronous model

    Consensus from Signatures of Work

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    Assuming the existence of a public-key infrastructure (PKI), digital signatures are a fundamental building block in the design of secure consensus protocols with optimal resilience. More recently, with the advent of blockchain protocols like Bitcoin, consensus has been considered in the ``permissionless\u27\u27 setting where no authentication or even point-to-point communication is available. Yet, despite some positive preliminary results, there has been no attempt to formalize a building block that is sufficient for designing consensus protocols in this setting. In this work we fill this void by putting forth a formalization of such a primitive, which we call {\em signatures of work} (SoW). Distinctive features of our new notion are a lower bound on the number of steps required to produce a signature; fast verification; {\em moderate unforgeability}---producing a sequence of SoWs, for chosen messages, does not provide an advantage to an adversary in terms of running time; and signing time independence---most relevant in concurrent multi-party applications, as we show. Armed with SoW, we then present a new permissionless consensus protocol which is secure assuming an honest majority of computational power, thus providing a blockchain counterpart to the classical Dolev-Strong consensus protocol. The protocol is built on top of a SoW-based blockchain and standard properties of the underlying hash function, thus improving on the only known provably secure consensus protocol in this setting, which relies on the random-oracle model in a fundamental way

    Constantine and Christianity

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    It was the purpose of this dissertation to examine the origins and reasons for the Emperor Constantine's relationship with Christianity. In church history, Constantine was a figure of great importance. During his reign Christianity became a legal religion and grew in wealth and prestige. This study attempted to determine the reasons for Constantine's supporting the Christians and to explain the emperor's interference in matters which pertained to church doctrine. It has been hypothesized that he was guided by superstitious beliefs in supporting the Church. The victory over Maxentius at the Milvian Bridge in 312 was the key to understanding these beliefs. The victory convinced Constantine that his own and the Empire's prosperity was linked with the Christian Deity. If Constantine had been beaten in battle or had encountered strong opposition to his support of the Christians, then he would have withdrawn his assistance. In this paper Constantine's conversion has been examined in the light of primary and secondary sources. Next the legal position of Christianity in the Empire both before and after the Edict of Milan (313) was studied. The Donatist and Arian controversies have been discussed in detail. Constantine was determined to retain God's favor, therefore, the emperor's interference in matters of church doctrine was prompted more by a concern for church unity and correct worship than for the finer points of Christian theology. The final section dealt with the building of churches and the creation of Constantinople as important symbols of the emperor's alliance with the Church

    Permissionless Consensus

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    Blockchain protocols typically aspire to run in the permissionless setting, in which nodes are owned and operated by a large number of diverse and unknown entities, with each node free to start or stop running the protocol at any time. This setting is more difficult than the traditional permissioned setting, in which the set of nodes that will be running the protocol is fixed and known at the time of protocol deployment. The goal of this paper is to provide a model for reasoning about the rich design space of blockchain protocols and their capabilities and limitations in the permissionless setting. Our results demonstrate senses in which the permissionless setting is provably more challenging than its permissioned counterpart, and identify unavoidable protocol ingredients and additional assumptions that are necessary to achieve various forms of consensus in the permissionless setting.Comment: This is a journal version of the paper that subsumes earlier (conference) versions "Byzantine Generals in the Permissionless Setting" and "Resource Pools and the CAP Theorem

    On Trees, Chains and Fast Transactions in the Blockchain

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    A fundamental open problem in the area of blockchain protocols is whether the Bitcoin protocol is the only solution for building a secure transaction ledger. A recently proposed and widely considered alternative is the \GHOST protocol which, notably, was proposed to be at the core of Ethereum as well as other recent proposals for improved Bitcoin-like systems. % The \GHOST variant is touted as offering superior performance compared to Bitcoin (potentially offering block production speed up by a factor of more than 40) without a security loss. Motivated by this, in this work, we study from a provable security point of view the \GHOST protocol. We introduce a new formal framework for the analysis of blockchain protocols that relies on trees (rather than chains) and we showcase the power of the framework by providing a unified description of the \GHOST and Bitcoin protocols, the former of which we extract and formally describe. We then prove that \GHOST implements a ``robust transaction ledger\u27\u27 (i.e., possesses liveness and persistence) and hence it is a provably secure alternative to Bitcoin; moreover, our bound for the liveness parameter is superior to that proven for the bitcoin backbone in line with the original expectation for \GHOST. Our proof follows a novel methodology for establishing that \GHOST is a robust transaction ledger compared to previous works, which may be of independent interest and can be applicable to other blockchain variants

    SoK: Understanding BFT Consensus in the Age of Blockchains

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    Blockchain as an enabler to current Internet infrastructure has provided many unique features and revolutionized current distributed systems into a new era. Its decentralization, immutability, and transparency have attracted many applications to adopt the design philosophy of blockchain and customize various replicated solutions. Under the hood of blockchain, consensus protocols play the most important role to achieve distributed replication systems. The distributed system community has extensively studied the technical components of consensus to reach agreement among a group of nodes. Due to trust issues, it is hard to design a resilient system in practical situations because of the existence of various faults. Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) state machine replication (SMR) is regarded as an ideal candidate that can tolerate arbitrary faulty behaviors. However, the inherent complexity of BFT consensus protocols and their rapid evolution makes it hard to practically adapt themselves into application domains. There are many excellent Byzantine-based replicated solutions and ideas that have been contributed to improving performance, availability, or resource efficiency. This paper conducts a systematic and comprehensive study on BFT consensus protocols with a specific focus on the blockchain era. We explore both general principles and practical schemes to achieve consensus under Byzantine settings. We then survey, compare, and categorize the state-of-the-art solutions to understand BFT consensus in detail. For each representative protocol, we conduct an in-depth discussion of its most important architectural building blocks as well as the key techniques they used. We aim that this paper can provide system researchers and developers a concrete view of the current design landscape and help them find solutions to concrete problems. Finally, we present several critical challenges and some potential research directions to advance the research on exploring BFT consensus protocols in the age of blockchains
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