6 research outputs found

    Agent-Grid Integration Language

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    The GRID and MAS (Multi-Agent Systems) communities believe in the potential of GRID and MAS to enhance each other as these models have developed significant complementarities. Thus, both communities agree on the ’what ’ to do: promote an integration of GRID and MAS models. However, while the ’why ’ to do it has been stated and assessed, the ’how ’ to do it remains a research problem. This paper addresses this problem by means of a service-oriented approach. Services are exchanged (i.e., provided and used) by agents through GRID mechanisms and infrastructure. The paper first consists of a set of states of the art about integration approaches in GRID, MAS and Service-Oriented Computing (SOC). It secondly proposes a model for GRID-MAS integrated systems. Concepts, relations between them and rules are semantically described by a set-theory formalization and a common graphical description language, called Agent-Grid Integration Language (AGIL). This language may be used to describe future GRID-MAS integrated systems. AGIL’s concepts are directly influenced by OGSA (Open Grid Service Architecture) and the STROBE agent communication and representation model

    Agent-Grid Integration Ontology

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    International audienceThe integration of GRID and MAS (Multi-Agents Systems) is an active research topic.We have recently proposed the Agent-Grid Integration Language, to describe a service-based integration of GRID and MAS models. However, the complexity of the mutual integration aspects leads us to define a rigorous way to formalize the key concepts, their relations and the integration rules by means of an ontology. With this ontology, we can describe the elements and their composition that occur in various service exchange scenarios with agent on the Grid. The ontology could be used both to model the behaviour of GRIDMAS integrated systems and to check the consistency of these systems and their instances. A concrete scenario is illustrated

    Agent Grid Integration Ontology

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    Abstract. The integration of GRID and MAS (Multi-Agents Systems) is an active research topic. We have recently proposed the Agent-Grid Integration Language, to describe a service-based integration of GRID and MAS models. However, the complexity of the mutual integration aspects leads us to define a rigorous way to formalize the key concepts, their relations and the integration rules by means of an ontology. With this ontology, we can describe the elements and their composition that occur in various service exchange scenarios with agent on the Grid. The ontology could be used both to model the behaviour of GRID-MAS integrated systems and to check the consistency of these systems and their instances. A concrete scenario is illustrated.

    AGIL Specifications

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    The GRID and MAS (Multi-Agent Systems) communities believe in the potential of GRID and MAS to enhance each other because these models have developed significant complementarities. Thus, both communities agree on the 'what' to do: promote an integration of GRID and MAS models. However, while the 'why' to do it has been stated and assessed, the 'how' to do it remains a research problem. This paper addresses this problem by eans of a service-oriented approach. Services are exchanged (i.e., provided and used) by agents through GRID mechanisms and infrastructure. The paper first consists of a set of states of the art about integration approaches in GRID, MAS and Service Oriented Computing (SOC). It secondly proposes to formalize integrated GRID-MAS systems. Concepts, relations between them and rules are semantically described by a set-theory formalization and a common graphical description language, called Agent-Grid Integration Language (AGIL). This language may be used to describe future integrated GRID-MAS systems. AGIL's concepts are directly influenced by OGSA (Open Grid Service Architecture) and the STROBE agent communication and representation model

    Génération dynamique de service : Interactions entre agents pour l'échange de service Grid

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    This thesis deals with dynamic service exchange modelling. The notion of service is now at the centre of distributed system development; it plays a key role in their implementation and success. The thesis proposes firstly a reflection about the notion of service and introduces the concept of Dynamic Service Generation (DSG) as a different way to provide and use services in a computer-mediated context: services are dynamically constructed, provided and used by agents (human or artificial) within a community, by means of a conversation. In particular, two major characteristics of DSG are highlighted: an agent and Grid oriented aspect of service exchange. Therefore, the thesis proposes an integration of three research domains in Informatics: Service-Oriented Computing (SOC), Multi-Agents System (MAS) and GRID. The thesis contributions consists of three main aspects: The proposal of (i) a new agent representation and communication model, called STROBE, that enables agents to develop different languages for each agent they communicate with. STROBE agents are able to interpret communication messages and execute services in a given dynamic dedicated conversation context; (ii) a computational abstraction, called i-dialogue (intertwined dialogues) that models multi-agent conversations by means of fundamental constructs of applicative/functional languages (i.e., streams, lazy evaluation and higher-order functions); (iii) a service-oriented GRID-MAS integrated model based on the representation of agent capabilities as Grid services. In this model, concepts of GRID and MAS, relations between them and the rules are semantically described by a set-theory formalization and a common graphical description language, called Agent-Grid Integration Language (AGIL). AGIL integrates the thesis results together by formalizing agent interactions for service exchange on the Grid.L'objet de cette thèse est la modélisation de l'échange dynamique de services. La notion de service joue désormais un rôle clé dans le développement, la diffusion et l'implémentation des systèmes distribués. Cette thèse propose une réflexion sur la notion de service et introduit le concept de Génération Dynamique de Service (GDS) comme une approche différente de l'échange de service en informatique, dans laquelle des services sont dynamiquement construits, fournis et utilisés par des agents (humains ou artificiels). Ces échanges de services sont basés sur des conversations qui ont lieu au sein de différentes communautés. Deux caractéristiques de la GDS sont particulièrement mises en avant : l'aspect orienté agent et l'aspect orienté Grid. La thèse se situe donc à l'intersection de trois domaines~: le Service-Oriented Computing (SOC), les Systèmes Multi-Agents (SMA) et GRID. Les trois contributions majeures sont :: (i) la proposition d'un nouveau modèle de représentation et de communication agent, appelé STROBE, qui permet aux agents de développer dynamiquement un langage différent pour chacun de leurs interlocuteurs. Ils sont capables d'interpréter des messages et d'exécuter des services dans des contextes de conversation dédiés; (ii) une fonction, appelée i-dialogue, qui modélise les conversations agents à l'aide des principes de la programmation applicative/fonctionnelle (i.e., flots, évaluation paresseuse, procédures de première classe) ; (iii) un modèle d'intégration GRID-SMA qui représente les capacités des agents par des services Grid. Dans ce modèle, un langage formel, appelé Agent-Grid Integration Language (AGIL), décrit sémantiquement et graphiquement les concepts clés de GRID et SMA, leurs relations, ainsi que les règles de leur intégration. AGIL intègre tous les résultats de la thèse en proposant une formalisation des interactions entre agents pour l'échange de services sur le Grid

    Génération dynamique de service (Interactions entre agents pour l échange de service Grid )

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    This thesis deals with dynamic service exchange modelling. The notion of service is now at the centre of distributed system development; it plays a key role in their implementation and success. The thesis proposes firstly a reflection about the notion of service and introduces the concept of Dynamic Service Generation (DSG) as a different way to provide and use services in a computer-mediated context: services are dynamically constructed, provided and used by agents (human or artificial) within a community, by means of a conversation. In particular, two major characteristics of DSG are highlighted: an agent and Grid oriented aspect of service exchange. Therefore, the thesis proposes an integration of three research domains in Informatics: Service-Oriented Computing (SOC), Multi-Agents System (MAS) and GRID. The thesis contributions consists of three main aspects: The proposal of (i) a new agent representation and communication model, called STROBE, that enables agents to develop different languages for each agent they communicate with. STROBE agents are able to interpret communication messages and execute services in a given dynamic dedicated conversation context; (ii) a computational abstraction, called i-dialogue (intertwined dialogues) that models multi-agent conversations by means of fundamental constructs of applicative/functional languages (i.e., streams, lazy evaluation and higher-order functions); (iii) a service-oriented GRID-MAS integrated model based on the representation of agent capabilities as Grid services. In this model, concepts of GRID and MAS, relations between them and the rules are semantically described by a set-theory formalization and a common graphical description language, called Agent-Grid Integration Language (AGIL). AGIL integrates the thesis results together by formalizing agent interactions for service exchange on the GridL'objet de cette thèse est la modélisation de l'échange dynamique de services. La notion de service joue désormais un rôle clé dans le développement, la diffusion et l'implémentation des systèmes distribués. Cette thèse propose une réflexion sur la notion de service et introduit le concept de Génération Dynamique de Service (GDS) comme une approche différente de l'échange de service en informatique, dans laquelle des services sont dynamiquement construits, fournis et utilisés par des agents (humains ou artificiels). Ces échanges de services sont basés sur des conversations qui ont lieu au sein de différentes communautés. Deux caractéristiques de la GDS sont particulièrement mises en avant~: l'aspect orienté agent et l'aspect orienté Grid. La thèse se situe donc à l'intersection de trois domaines : le Service-Oriented Computing (SOC), les Systèmes Multi-Agents (SMA) et GRID. Les trois contributions majeures sont : (i) la proposition d'un nouveau modèle de représentation et de communication agent, appelé STROBE, qui permet aux agents de développer dynamiquement un langage différent pour chacun de leurs interlocuteurs. Ils sont capables d'interpréter des messages et d'exécuter des services dans des contextes de conversation dédiés; (ii) une fonction, appelée i-dialogue, qui modélise les conversations agents à l'aide des principes de la programmation applicative/fonctionnelle (i.e., flots, évaluation paresseuse, procédures de première classe) ; (iii) un modèle d'intégration GRID-SMA qui représente les capacités des agents par des services Grid. Dans ce modèle, un langage formel, appelé Agent-Grid Integration Language (AGIL), décrit sémantiquement et graphiquement les concepts clés de GRID et SMA, leurs relations, ainsi que les règles de leur intégration. AGIL intègre tous les résultats de la thèse en proposant une formalisation des interactions entre agents pour l'échange de services sur le GridMONTPELLIER-BU Sciences (341722106) / SudocSudocFranceF