3 research outputs found

    Určování regionálních subjektů a prvků kritické infrastruktury

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    Disertační práce se zabývá problematikou určování regionálních subjektů a prvků kritické infrastruktury. Práce je koncipována do tří navazujících částí. V rámci teoretické části je provedena deskripce historického vývoje infrastruktury, vývoje přístupů ke zkoumání kritické infrastruktury a systému určování kritické infrastruktury v České republice. Analytická část je zaměřena na analýzu přístupů k určování regionální kritické infrastruktury ve vybraných zemích a analýzu technik a nástrojů používaných pro analýzu infrastruktur. Stěžejní částí práce je návrh systému určování regionálních subjektů a prvků kritické infrastruktury. V rámci tohoto systému jsou navrženy dva přístupy, a to konzervativní založený na hodnocení prvků způsobem „top-down“ a progresivní založený na hodnocení prvků způsobem „bottom-up“. Pro konzervativní přístup byla v rámci disertační práce navržena průřezová kritéria pro hodnocení prvků regionální kritické infrastruktury. Oproti tomu u přístupu progresivního byla provedena validace, jejíž podstatou je prokázání jeho funkčnosti a možnosti praktického uplatnění.Dissertation thesis is focused on problematics of designation process of regional critical infrastructure subjects and elements. Dissertation is designed for three related parts. Theoretic part obtains description of infrastructure historical development and development of approach to critical infrastructure research and designation system of critical infrastructure in the Czech Republic. Analytical part is focused on analysis of approaches to regional critical infrastructure designation in selected countries of the World and analysis of tools and methods using for infrastructure analysis. Crucial part of dissertation is proposal of designation system of regional critical infrastructure subjects and elements. There is designed two approaches within this system. First approach is conservative and it is based on top-down elements assessment. On the other hand, second approach is progressive and it is based on bottom up elements assessment. There is proposal of cross-cutting criteria for assessment of regional critical infrastructure elements within conservative approach. Finally, there is realized validation of progressive approach. Nature of validation is demonstration of progressive approach functionality and possibility of practical using.050 - Katedra ochrany obyvatelstvavyhově

    Agent-Based Planning and Control of a Multi-Manipulator Assembly System

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    This paper presents a distributed planning and control architecture for autonomous Multi-Manipulator Systems (MMS). The control architecture is implemented using an agent-based approach. A team of distributed and autonomous agents is deployed to model the flexible assembly system in such a way that the agents negotiate, collaborate, and cooperate to achieve the goals of assembly tasks.  The main focus of this paper is on assembly task allocation and assembly task execution. We describe the agent models and communication mechanism, and explain how they handle complex interactions among agents. A distributed trajectory planning approach based on artificial potential fields is also presented.  Experimental results show that our multi-agent planning and control framework is suitable for flexible robotic assembly tasks. Our approach addresses the issues of flexibility, scalability, reconfigurability, and fault-tolerance. We anticipate that the same approach can be applied to other flexible manufacturing environments.</p

    Agent-Based Planning and Control of a Multi-Manipulator Assembly System

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    This paper was presented at the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Detroit, MI, May 10-15. The definitive paper can be found at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ (DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.1999.772528). © IEEEThis paper presents a distributed planning and control architecture for autonomous Multi-Manipulator Systems (MMS). The control architecture is implemented using an agent-based approach. A team of distributed and autonomous agents is deployed to model the flexible assembly system in such a way that the agents negotiate, collaborate, and cooperate to achieve the goals of assembly tasks. The main focus of this paper is on assembly task allocation and assembly task execution. We describe the agent models and communication mechanism, and explain how they handle complex interactions among agents. A distributed trajectory planning approach based on artificial potential fields is also presented. Experimental results show that our multi-agent planning and control framework is suitable for flexible robotic assembly tasks. Our approach addresses the issues of flexibility, scalability, reconfigurability, and fault-tolerance. We anticipate that the same approach can be applied to other flexible manufacturing environments.Institute for Complex Engineered Systems at Carnegie Mellon UniversityResearch Program TAP 95-0092 of the “Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT)” of the Spanish Government, by DARPA under contract ONR #N00014- 96-1-085