2 research outputs found

    An谩lisis judeo-cristiano de la crisis de COVID-19 y su gesti贸n

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    The present coronavirus crisis caused major worldwide disruption. Numerous experts admit now that the crisis management was far from optimal from the very beginning. In the paper, we first digest the available information on the crisis and its management. We then list factors that led to the chosen way of crisis management. Afterwards, we question whether religious leaders could have gained enough information for them not to have supported lockdowns etc. back in March, 2020. In our opinion, they could have if they would have addressed trustworthy experts with a list of reasonable professional questions. We then analyze the question if hypothetical coercive measures are justified in the case when they are effective in decreasing the overall mortality but cause the death of several people. Our conclusion is that such measures are not justified ethically, and implementing emergency powers is justified only in the case of war. Finally, we formulate several important problems highlighted by COVID-19 to be discussed in the future.La actual crisis del coronavirus ha causado una gran perturbaci贸n a nivel mundial. Numerosos expertos admiten ahora que la gesti贸n de crisis estuvo lejos de ser 贸ptima desde el principio. En el documento, primero resumimos la informaci贸n disponible sobre la crisis y su gesti贸n. A continuaci贸n, enumeramos los factores que llevaron a la forma elegida de gesti贸n de crisis. Posteriormente, cuestionamos si los l铆deres religiosos podr铆an haber obtenido suficiente informaci贸n para no haber apoyado los bloqueos, etc. en marzo de 2020. En nuestra opini贸n, podr铆an haberlo hecho si se hubieran dirigido a expertos confiables con una lista de preguntas profesionales razonables. Luego analizamos la cuesti贸n de si las medidas coercitivas hipot茅ticas est谩n justificadas en el caso de que sean efectivas para disminuir la mortalidad general pero causen la muerte de varias personas. Nuestra conclusi贸n es que tales medidas no est谩n justificadas 茅ticamente, y la implementaci贸n de poderes de emergencia solo est谩 justificada en caso de guerra. Finalmente, formulamos varios problemas importantes destacados por COVID-19 para ser discutidos en el futuro. Palabras clave: salud p煤blica; ate铆smo; responsabilidad del sacerdocio; Toma de decisiones; elecci贸

    Law, Ethics and Lockdowns: impacts on life, liberty and the economy

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    Many people worldwide, particularly those with disabilities and the elderly, suffered greatly not only as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic but also as a result of the lockdowns. In this article we set out widely-accepted ethical criteria for assessing when coercive public health measures are justified. We then review the empirical evidence, not least concerning the benefits and costs of the lockdowns, and conclude that lockdowns as instituted in the UK (and, presumptively, in many other jurisdictions) appeared to breach those criteria. We conclude that any future proposal to lockdown should be subjected to the strictest ethical scrutiny, and that a lockdown should not be contemplated unless it could be convincingly demonstrated that the benefits would substantially outweigh the harms; that it would be proportionate, and that legal coercion would be strictly necessary