1,753 research outputs found

    Quantifying Facial Age by Posterior of Age Comparisons

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    We introduce a novel approach for annotating large quantity of in-the-wild facial images with high-quality posterior age distribution as labels. Each posterior provides a probability distribution of estimated ages for a face. Our approach is motivated by observations that it is easier to distinguish who is the older of two people than to determine the person's actual age. Given a reference database with samples of known ages and a dataset to label, we can transfer reliable annotations from the former to the latter via human-in-the-loop comparisons. We show an effective way to transform such comparisons to posterior via fully-connected and SoftMax layers, so as to permit end-to-end training in a deep network. Thanks to the efficient and effective annotation approach, we collect a new large-scale facial age dataset, dubbed `MegaAge', which consists of 41,941 images. Data can be downloaded from our project page mmlab.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/projects/MegaAge and github.com/zyx2012/Age_estimation_BMVC2017. With the dataset, we train a network that jointly performs ordinal hyperplane classification and posterior distribution learning. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results on popular benchmarks such as MORPH2, Adience, and the newly proposed MegaAge.Comment: To appear on BMVC 2017 (oral) revised versio

    Understanding and Comparing Deep Neural Networks for Age and Gender Classification

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    Recently, deep neural networks have demonstrated excellent performances in recognizing the age and gender on human face images. However, these models were applied in a black-box manner with no information provided about which facial features are actually used for prediction and how these features depend on image preprocessing, model initialization and architecture choice. We present a study investigating these different effects. In detail, our work compares four popular neural network architectures, studies the effect of pretraining, evaluates the robustness of the considered alignment preprocessings via cross-method test set swapping and intuitively visualizes the model's prediction strategies in given preprocessing conditions using the recent Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) algorithm. Our evaluations on the challenging Adience benchmark show that suitable parameter initialization leads to a holistic perception of the input, compensating artefactual data representations. With a combination of simple preprocessing steps, we reach state of the art performance in gender recognition.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables. Presented at ICCV 2017 Workshop: 7th IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gesture

    VirtualIdentity : privacy preserving user profiling

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    User profiling from user generated content (UGC) is a common practice that supports the business models of many social media companies. Existing systems require that the UGC is fully exposed to the module that constructs the user profiles. In this paper we show that it is possible to build user profiles without ever accessing the user's original data, and without exposing the trained machine learning models for user profiling - which are the intellectual property of the company - to the users of the social media site. We present VirtualIdentity, an application that uses secure multi-party cryptographic protocols to detect the age, gender and personality traits of users by classifying their user-generated text and personal pictures with trained support vector machine models in a privacy preserving manner