1 research outputs found

    On some problems in reconstruction

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    A graph is {\it reconstructible} if it is determined by its {\it deck} of unlabeled subgraphs obtained by deleting one vertex; a {\it card} is one of these subgraphs. The {\it Reconstruction Conjecture} asserts that all graphs with at least three vertices are reconstructible. In Chapter 22 we consider kk-deck reconstruction of graphs. The {\it kk-deck} of a graph is its multiset of kk-vertex induced subgraphs. We prove a generalization of a result by Bollob\'as concerning the kk-deck reconstruction of almost all graphs, showing that when ℓ≀(1βˆ’Ο΅)n2\ell \le (1-\epsilon)\frac{n}{2}, the probability than an nn-vertex graph is reconstructible from some (β„“+12)\binom{\ell+1}{2} of the graphs in the (nβˆ’β„“)(n-\ell)-deck tends to 11 as nn tends to ∞\infty. We determine the smallest kk such that all graphs with maximum degree 22 are kk-deck reconstructible. We prove for nβ‰₯26n\ge 26 that whether a graph is connected is determined by its (nβˆ’3)(n-3)-deck. We prove that if GG is a complete rr-partite graphs, then GG is (r+1)(r+1)-deck reconstructible (the same holds for Gβ€Ύ\overline{G}). In Chapter 33 we consider degree-associated reconstruction. An (nβˆ’1)(n-1)-vertex induced subgraph accompanied with the degree of the missing vertex is called a {\it dacard}. The {\it degree-associated reconstruction number} of a graph GG is the fewest number of dacards needed to determine GG. We provide a tool for reconstructing some graphs from two dacards. We prove that certain families of trees and disconnected graphs can be reconstructed from two dacards. We also determine the degree-associated reconstruction number for complete multipartite graphs and their complements. For such graphs, we also determine the least ss such that {\it every} set of ss dacards determine the graph. In Chapter 44 we consider the reconstruction of matrices from principal submatrices. A (nβˆ’β„“)(n-\ell)-by-(nβˆ’β„“)(n-\ell) principal submatrix is a submatrix formed by deleting β„“\ell rows and columns symmetrically. The {\it matrix reconstruction threshold} mrt(β„“)mrt(\ell) is the minimum integer n0n_0 such that for nβ‰₯n0n\ge n_0 all nn-by-nn matrices are reconstructible from their deck of (nβˆ’β„“)(n-\ell)-by-(nβˆ’β„“)(n-\ell) principal submatrices. We prove mrt(β„“)≀2ln⁑2β„“2+3β„“mrt(\ell) \leq \frac{2}{\ln 2}\ell^2+3\ell