793 research outputs found

    Resilient Monotone Submodular Function Maximization

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    In this paper, we focus on applications in machine learning, optimization, and control that call for the resilient selection of a few elements, e.g. features, sensors, or leaders, against a number of adversarial denial-of-service attacks or failures. In general, such resilient optimization problems are hard, and cannot be solved exactly in polynomial time, even though they often involve objective functions that are monotone and submodular. Notwithstanding, in this paper we provide the first scalable, curvature-dependent algorithm for their approximate solution, that is valid for any number of attacks or failures, and which, for functions with low curvature, guarantees superior approximation performance. Notably, the curvature has been known to tighten approximations for several non-resilient maximization problems, yet its effect on resilient maximization had hitherto been unknown. We complement our theoretical analyses with supporting empirical evaluations.Comment: Improved suboptimality guarantees on proposed algorithm and corrected typo on Algorithm 1's statemen

    A deep reinforcement learning based homeostatic system for unmanned position control

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    Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has been proven to be capable of designing an optimal control theory by minimising the error in dynamic systems. However, in many of the real-world operations, the exact behaviour of the environment is unknown. In such environments, random changes cause the system to reach different states for the same action. Hence, application of DRL for unpredictable environments is difficult as the states of the world cannot be known for non-stationary transition and reward functions. In this paper, a mechanism to encapsulate the randomness of the environment is suggested using a novel bio-inspired homeostatic approach based on a hybrid of Receptor Density Algorithm (an artificial immune system based anomaly detection application) and a Plastic Spiking Neuronal model. DRL is then introduced to run in conjunction with the above hybrid model. The system is tested on a vehicle to autonomously re-position in an unpredictable environment. Our results show that the DRL based process control raised the accuracy of the hybrid model by 32%.N/

    Annotated Bibliography: Anticipation

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    New And Surprising Ways to Be Mean: Adversarial NPCs with Coupled Empowerment Minimisation

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    Creating Non-Player Characters (NPCs) that can react robustly to unforeseen player behaviour or novel game content is difficult and time-consuming. This hinders the design of believable characters, and the inclusion of NPCs in games that rely heavily on procedural content generation. We have previously addressed this challenge by means of empowerment, a model of intrinsic motivation, and demonstrated how a coupled empowerment maximisation (CEM) policy can yield generic, companion-like behaviour. In this paper, we extend the CEM framework with a minimisation policy to give rise to adversarial behaviour. We conduct a qualitative, exploratory study in a dungeon-crawler game, demonstrating that CEM can exploit the affordances of different content facets in adaptive adversarial behaviour without modifications to the policy. Changes to the level design, underlying mechanics and our character's actions do not threaten our NPC's robustness, but yield new and surprising ways to be mean

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: A Perspective on Integrated Systems Opportunities and Challenges for Multi-Domain Operations

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    This paper provides a perspective on historical background, innovation and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), data successes and systems challenges, national security interests, and mission opportunities for system problems. AI and ML today are used interchangeably, or together as AI/ML, and are ubiquitous among many industries and applications. The recent explosion, based on a confluence of new ML algorithms, large data sets, and fast and cheap computing, has demonstrated impressive results in classification and regression and used for prediction, and decision-making. Yet, AI/ML today lacks a precise definition, and as a technical discipline, it has grown beyond its origins in computer science. Even though there are impressive feats, primarily of ML, there still is much work needed in order to see the systems benefits of AI, such as perception, reasoning, planning, acting, learning, communicating, and abstraction. Recent national security interests in AI/ML have focused on problems including multidomain operations (MDO), and this has renewed the focus on a systems view of AI/ML. This paper will address the solutions for systems from an AI/ML perspective and that these solutions will draw from methods in AI and ML, as well as computational methods in control, estimation, communication, and information theory, as in the early days of cybernetics. Along with the focus on developing technology, this paper will also address the challenges of integrating these AI/ML systems for warfare
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