7,918 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal attacks for embodied agents

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    Adversarial attacks are valuable for providing insights into the blind spots of deep learning models and help improve their robustness. Existing work on adversarial attacks have mainly focused on static scenes; however, it remains unclear whether such attacks are effective against embodied agents, which could navigate and interact with a dynamic environment. In this work, we take the first step to study adversarial attacks for embodied agents. In particular, we generate spatiotemporal perturbations to form 3D adversarial examples, which exploit the interaction history in both the temporal and spatial dimensions. Regarding the temporal dimension, since agents make predictions based on historical observations, we develop a trajectory attention model to explore scene view contributions, which further help localize 3D objects appeared with the highest stimuli. By conciliating with clues from the temoral dimension, along the spatial dimension, we adversarially perturb the physical properties (e.g., texture and 3D shape) of the contextual objects that appeared in the most important scene views. Extensive experments on the EQA-v1 dataset for several emboded tasks in both the white-box and the black-box settings have been conducted, which demonstrate that our perturbations have strong attack and generalization abilities

    Is Deep Learning Safe for Robot Vision? Adversarial Examples against the iCub Humanoid

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    Deep neural networks have been widely adopted in recent years, exhibiting impressive performances in several application domains. It has however been shown that they can be fooled by adversarial examples, i.e., images altered by a barely-perceivable adversarial noise, carefully crafted to mislead classification. In this work, we aim to evaluate the extent to which robot-vision systems embodying deep-learning algorithms are vulnerable to adversarial examples, and propose a computationally efficient countermeasure to mitigate this threat, based on rejecting classification of anomalous inputs. We then provide a clearer understanding of the safety properties of deep networks through an intuitive empirical analysis, showing that the mapping learned by such networks essentially violates the smoothness assumption of learning algorithms. We finally discuss the main limitations of this work, including the creation of real-world adversarial examples, and sketch promising research directions.Comment: Accepted for publication at the ICCV 2017 Workshop on Vision in Practice on Autonomous Robots (ViPAR

    Consistent Attack: Universal Adversarial Perturbation on Embodied Vision Navigation

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    Embodied agents in vision navigation coupled with deep neural networks have attracted increasing attention. However, deep neural networks have been shown vulnerable to malicious adversarial noises, which may potentially cause catastrophic failures in Embodied Vision Navigation. Among different adversarial noises, universal adversarial perturbations (UAP), i.e., a constant image-agnostic perturbation applied on every input frame of the agent, play a critical role in Embodied Vision Navigation since they are computation-efficient and application-practical during the attack. However, existing UAP methods ignore the system dynamics of Embodied Vision Navigation and might be sub-optimal. In order to extend UAP to the sequential decision setting, we formulate the disturbed environment under the universal noise δ\delta, as a δ\delta-disturbed Markov Decision Process (δ\delta-MDP). Based on the formulation, we analyze the properties of δ\delta-MDP and propose two novel Consistent Attack methods, named Reward UAP and Trajectory UAP, for attacking Embodied agents, which consider the dynamic of the MDP and calculate universal noises by estimating the disturbed distribution and the disturbed Q function. For various victim models, our Consistent Attack can cause a significant drop in their performance in the PointGoal task in Habitat with different datasets and different scenes. Extensive experimental results indicate that there exist serious potential risks for applying Embodied Vision Navigation methods to the real world

    A Trembling House of Cards? Mapping Adversarial Attacks against Language Agents

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    Language agents powered by large language models (LLMs) have seen exploding development. Their capability of using language as a vehicle for thought and communication lends an incredible level of flexibility and versatility. People have quickly capitalized on this capability to connect LLMs to a wide range of external components and environments: databases, tools, the Internet, robotic embodiment, etc. Many believe an unprecedentedly powerful automation technology is emerging. However, new automation technologies come with new safety risks, especially for intricate systems like language agents. There is a surprisingly large gap between the speed and scale of their development and deployment and our understanding of their safety risks. Are we building a house of cards? In this position paper, we present the first systematic effort in mapping adversarial attacks against language agents. We first present a unified conceptual framework for agents with three major components: Perception, Brain, and Action. Under this framework, we present a comprehensive discussion and propose 12 potential attack scenarios against different components of an agent, covering different attack strategies (e.g., input manipulation, adversarial demonstrations, jailbreaking, backdoors). We also draw connections to successful attack strategies previously applied to LLMs. We emphasize the urgency to gain a thorough understanding of language agent risks before their widespread deployment

    Addressing Mistake Severity in Neural Networks with Semantic Knowledge

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    Robustness in deep neural networks and machine learning algorithms in general is an open research challenge. In particular, it is difficult to ensure algorithmic performance is maintained on out-of-distribution inputs or anomalous instances that cannot be anticipated at training time. Embodied agents will be deployed in these conditions, and are likely to make incorrect predictions. An agent will be viewed as untrustworthy unless it can maintain its performance in dynamic environments. Most robust training techniques aim to improve model accuracy on perturbed inputs; as an alternate form of robustness, we aim to reduce the severity of mistakes made by neural networks in challenging conditions. We leverage current adversarial training methods to generate targeted adversarial attacks during the training process in order to increase the semantic similarity between a model's predictions and true labels of misclassified instances. Results demonstrate that our approach performs better with respect to mistake severity compared to standard and adversarially trained models. We also find an intriguing role that non-robust features play with regards to semantic similarity

    Navigation as Attackers Wish? Towards Building Byzantine-Robust Embodied Agents under Federated Learning

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    Federated embodied agent learning protects the data privacy of individual visual environments by keeping data locally at each client (the individual environment) during training. However, since the local data is inaccessible to the server under federated learning, attackers may easily poison the training data of the local client to build a backdoor in the agent without notice. Deploying such an agent raises the risk of potential harm to humans, as the attackers may easily navigate and control the agent as they wish via the backdoor. Towards Byzantine-robust federated embodied agent learning, in this paper, we study the attack and defense for the task of vision-and-language navigation (VLN), where the agent is required to follow natural language instructions to navigate indoor environments. First, we introduce a simple but effective attack strategy, Navigation as Wish (NAW), in which the malicious client manipulates local trajectory data to implant a backdoor into the global model. Results on two VLN datasets (R2R and RxR) show that NAW can easily navigate the deployed VLN agent regardless of the language instruction, without affecting its performance on normal test sets. Then, we propose a new Prompt-Based Aggregation (PBA) to defend against the NAW attack in federated VLN, which provides the server with a ''prompt'' of the vision-and-language alignment variance between the benign and malicious clients so that they can be distinguished during training. We validate the effectiveness of the PBA method on protecting the global model from the NAW attack, which outperforms other state-of-the-art defense methods by a large margin in the defense metrics on R2R and RxR

    Visually Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in the Physical World: A Survey

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    Although Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been widely applied in various real-world scenarios, they are vulnerable to adversarial examples. The current adversarial attacks in computer vision can be divided into digital attacks and physical attacks according to their different attack forms. Compared with digital attacks, which generate perturbations in the digital pixels, physical attacks are more practical in the real world. Owing to the serious security problem caused by physically adversarial examples, many works have been proposed to evaluate the physically adversarial robustness of DNNs in the past years. In this paper, we summarize a survey versus the current physically adversarial attacks and physically adversarial defenses in computer vision. To establish a taxonomy, we organize the current physical attacks from attack tasks, attack forms, and attack methods, respectively. Thus, readers can have a systematic knowledge of this topic from different aspects. For the physical defenses, we establish the taxonomy from pre-processing, in-processing, and post-processing for the DNN models to achieve full coverage of the adversarial defenses. Based on the above survey, we finally discuss the challenges of this research field and further outlook on the future direction