94 research outputs found

    Perspectives on Large Language Models for Relevance Judgment

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    When asked, current large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT claim that they can assist us with relevance judgments. Many researchers think this would not lead to credible IR research. In this perspective paper, we discuss possible ways for LLMs to assist human experts along with concerns and issues that arise. We devise a human-machine collaboration spectrum that allows categorizing different relevance judgment strategies, based on how much the human relies on the machine. For the extreme point of "fully automated assessment", we further include a pilot experiment on whether LLM-based relevance judgments correlate with judgments from trained human assessors. We conclude the paper by providing two opposing perspectives - for and against the use of LLMs for automatic relevance judgments - and a compromise perspective, informed by our analyses of the literature, our preliminary experimental evidence, and our experience as IR researchers. We hope to start a constructive discussion within the community to avoid a stale-mate during review, where work is dammed if is uses LLMs for evaluation and dammed if it doesn't

    From people to entities : typed search in the enterprise and the web

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    Deep Sequential Neural Network

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    Neural Networks sequentially build high-level features through their successive layers. We propose here a new neural network model where each layer is associated with a set of candidate mappings. When an input is processed, at each layer, one mapping among these candidates is selected according to a sequential decision process. The resulting model is structured according to a DAG like architecture, so that a path from the root to a leaf node defines a sequence of transformations. Instead of considering global transformations, like in classical multilayer networks, this model allows us for learning a set of local transformations. It is thus able to process data with different characteristics through specific sequences of such local transformations, increasing the expression power of this model w.r.t a classical multilayered network. The learning algorithm is inspired from policy gradient techniques coming from the reinforcement learning domain and is used here instead of the classical back-propagation based gradient descent techniques. Experiments on different datasets show the relevance of this approach

    On Term Selection Techniques for Patent Prior Art Search

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    A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted to an inventor to protect his invention for a limited period of time. Patent prior art search involves finding previously granted patents, scientific articles, product descriptions, or any other published work that may be relevant to a new patent application. Many well-known information retrieval (IR) techniques (e.g., typical query expansion methods), which are proven effective for ad hoc search, are unsuccessful for patent prior art search. In this thesis, we mainly investigate the reasons that generic IR techniques are not effective for prior art search on the CLEF-IP test collection. First, we analyse the errors caused due to data curation and experimental settings like applying International Patent Classification codes assigned to the patent topics to filter the search results. Then, we investigate the influence of term selection on retrieval performance on the CLEF-IP prior art test collection, starting with the description section of the reference patent and using language models (LM) and BM25 scoring functions. We find that an oracular relevance feedback system, which extracts terms from the judged relevant documents far outperforms the baseline (i.e., 0.11 vs. 0.48) and performs twice as well on mean average precision (MAP) as the best participant in CLEF-IP 2010 (i.e., 0.22 vs. 0.48). We find a very clear term selection value threshold for use when choosing terms. We also notice that most of the useful feedback terms are actually present in the original query and hypothesise that the baseline system can be substantially improved by removing negative query terms. We try four simple automated approaches to identify negative terms for query reduction but we are unable to improve on the baseline performance with any of them. However, we show that a simple, minimal feedback interactive approach, where terms are selected from only the first retrieved relevant document outperforms the best result from CLEF-IP 2010, suggesting the promise of interactive methods for term selection in patent prior art search

    What you say and how you say it : joint modeling of topics and discourse in microblog conversations

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    This paper presents an unsupervised framework for jointly modeling topic content and discourse behavior in microblog conversations. Concretely, we propose a neural model to discover word clusters indicating what a conversation concerns (i.e., topics) and those reflecting how participants voice their opinions (i.e., discourse).1 Extensive experiments show that our model can yield both coherent topics and meaningful discourse behavior. Further study shows that our topic and discourse representations can benefit the classification of microblog messages, especially when they are jointly trained with the classifier

    Geographic information extraction from texts

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    A large volume of unstructured texts, containing valuable geographic information, is available online. This information – provided implicitly or explicitly – is useful not only for scientific studies (e.g., spatial humanities) but also for many practical applications (e.g., geographic information retrieval). Although large progress has been achieved in geographic information extraction from texts, there are still unsolved challenges and issues, ranging from methods, systems, and data, to applications and privacy. Therefore, this workshop will provide a timely opportunity to discuss the recent advances, new ideas, and concepts but also identify research gaps in geographic information extraction
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