178 research outputs found

    New Records in Collision Attacks on RIPEMD-160 and SHA-256

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    RIPEMD-160 and SHA-256 are two hash functions used to generate the bitcoin address. In particular, RIPEMD-160 is an ISO/IEC standard and SHA-256 has been widely used in the world. Due to their complex designs, the progress to find (semi-free-start) collisions for the two hash functions is slow. Recently at EUROCRYPT 2023, Liu et al. presented the first collision attack on 36 steps of RIPEMD-160 and the first MILP-based method to find collision-generating signed differential characteristics. We continue this line of research and implement the MILP-based method with a SAT/SMT-based method. Furthermore, we observe that the collision attack on RIPEMD-160 can be improved to 40 steps with different message differences. We have practically found a colliding message pair for 40-step RIPEMD-160 in 16 hours with 115 threads. Moreover, we also report the first semi-free-start (SFS) colliding message pair for 39-step SHA-256, which can be found in about 3 hours with 120 threads. These results update the best (SFS) collision attacks on RIPEMD-160 and SHA-256. Especially, we have made some progress on SHA-256 since the last update on (SFS) collision attacks on it at EUROCRYPT 2013, where the first practical SFS collision attack on 38-step SHA-256 was found

    Security Guidelines for Implementing Homomorphic Encryption

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    Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a cryptographic primitive that allows performing arbitrary operations on encrypted data. Since the conception of the idea in [RAD78], it was considered a holy grail of cryptography. After the first construction in 2009 [Gen09], it has evolved to become a practical primitive with strong security guarantees. Most modern constructions are based on well-known lattice problems such as Learning with Errors (LWE). Besides its academic appeal, in recent years FHE has also attracted significant attention from industry, thanks to its applicability to a considerable number of real-world use-cases. An upcoming standardization effort by ISO/IEC aims to support the wider adoption of these techniques. However, one of the main challenges that standards bodies, developers, and end users usually encounter is establishing parameters. This is particularly hard in the case of FHE because the parameters are not only related to the security level of the system, but also to the type of operations that the system is able to handle. In this paper, we provide examples of parameter sets for LWE targeting particular security levels that can be used in the context of FHE constructions. We also give examples of complete FHE parameter sets, including the parameters relevant for correctness and performance, alongside those relevant for security. As an additional contribution, we survey the parameter selection support offered in open-source FHE libraries

    A Note on Adversarial Online Complexity in Security Proofs of Duplex-Based Authenticated Encryption Modes

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    This note examines a nuance in the methods employed for counting the adversarial online complexity in the security proofs of duplex-based modes, with a focus on authenticated encryption. A recent study by Gilbert et al., reveals an attack on a broad class of duplex-based authenticated encryption modes. In particular, their approach to quantifying the adversarial online complexity, which capture realistic attack scenarios, includes certain queries in the count which are not in the security proofs. This note analyzes these differences and concludes that the attack of Gilbert et al, for certain parameter choices, matches the security bound

    Quantum Attacks on Hash Constructions with Low Quantum Random Access Memory

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    At ASIACRYPT 2022, Benedikt, Fischlin, and Huppert proposed the quantum herding attacks on iterative hash functions for the first time. Their attack needs exponential quantum random access memory (qRAM), more precisely {20.43n2^{0.43n}} quantum accessible classical memory (QRACM). As the existence of large qRAM is questionable, Benedikt et al. leave an open question on building low-qRAM quantum herding attacks. In this paper, we answer this open question by building a quantum herding attack, where the time complexity is slightly increased from Benedikt et al.\u27s 20.43n2^{0.43n} to ours 20.46n2^{0.46n}, but {it does not need qRAM anymore (abbreviated as no-qRAM)}. Besides, we also introduce various low-qRAM {or no-qRAM} quantum attacks on hash concatenation combiner, hash XOR combiner, Hash-Twice, and Zipper hash functions

    Improved quantum attack on Type-1 Generalized Feistel Schemes and Its application to CAST-256

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    Generalized Feistel Schemes (GFS) are important components of symmetric ciphers, which have been extensively researched in classical setting. However, the security evaluations of GFS in quantum setting are rather scanty. In this paper, we give more improved polynomial-time quantum distinguishers on Type-1 GFS in quantum chosen-plaintext attack (qCPA) setting and quantum chosen-ciphertext attack (qCCA) setting. In qCPA setting, we give new quantum polynomial-time distinguishers on (3d−3)(3d-3)-round Type-1 GFS with branches d≄3d\geq3, which gain d−2d-2 more rounds than the previous distinguishers. Hence, we could get better key-recovery attacks, whose time complexities gain a factor of 2(d−2)n22^{\frac{(d-2)n}{2}}. In qCCA setting, we get (3d−3)(3d-3)-round quantum distinguishers on Type-1 GFS, which gain d−1d-1 more rounds than the previous distinguishers. In addition, we give some quantum attacks on CAST-256 block cipher. We find 12-round and 13-round polynomial-time quantum distinguishers in qCPA and qCCA settings, respectively, while the best previous one is only 7 rounds. Hence, we could derive quantum key-recovery attack on 19-round CAST-256. While the best previous quantum key-recovery attack is on 16 rounds. When comparing our quantum attacks with classical attacks, our result also reaches 16 rounds on CAST-256 with 128-bit key under a competitive complexity

    A Practical Key-Recovery Attack on 805-Round Trivium

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    The cube attack is one of the most important cryptanalytic techniques against Trivium. Many improvements have been proposed and lots of key-recovery attacks based on cube attacks have been established. However, among these key-recovery attacks, few attacks can recover the 80-bit full key practically. In particular, the previous best practical key-recovery attack was on 784-round Trivium proposed by Fouque and Vannet at FSE 2013 with on-line complexity about 2392^{39}. To mount a practical key-recovery attack against Trivium on a PC, a sufficient number of low-degree superpolies should be recovered, which is around 40. This is a difficult task both for experimental cube attacks and division property based cube attacks with randomly selected cubes due to lack of efficiency. In this paper, we give a new algorithm to construct candidate cubes targeting at linear superpolies in cube attacks. It is shown by our experiments that the new algorithm is very effective. In our experiments, the success probability is 100% 100\% for finding linear superpolies using the constructed cubes. As a result, we mount a practical key-recovery attack on 805-round Trivium, which increases the number of attacked initialisation rounds by 21. We obtain over 1000 cubes with linear superpolies for 805-round Trivium, where 42 linearly independent ones could be selected. With these superpolies, for 805-round Trivium, the 80-bit key could be recovered within on-line complexity 241.40 2^{41.40} , which could be carried out on a single PC equipped with a GTX-1080 GPU in several hours. Furthermore, the new algorithm is applied to 810-round Trivium, a cube of size 43 is constructed and two subcubes of size 42 with linear superpolies for 810-round Trivium are found

    Asymptotics of hybrid primal lattice attacks

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    The literature gives the impression that (1) existing heuristics accurately predict how effective lattice attacks are, (2) non-ternary lattice systems are not vulnerable to hybrid multi-decoding primal attacks, and (3) the asymptotic exponents of attacks against non-ternary systems have stabilized. This paper shows that 1 contradicts 2 and that 1 contradicts 3: the existing heuristics imply that hybrid primal key-recovery attacks are exponentially faster than standard non-hybrid primal key-recovery attacks against the LPR PKE with any constant error width. This is the first report since 2015 of an exponential speedup in heuristic non-quantum primal attacks against non-ternary LPR. Quantitatively, for dimension n, modulus n^{Q_0+o(1)}, and error width w, a surprisingly simple hybrid attack reduces heuristic costs from 2^{(ρ+o(1))n} to 2^{(ρ-ρ H_0+o(1))n}, where z_0=2Q_0/(Q_0+1/2)^2, ρ=z_0 log_4(3/2), and H_0=1/(1+(lg w)/0.057981z_0). This raises the questions of (1) what heuristic exponent is achieved by more sophisticated hybrid attacks and (2) what impact hybrid attacks have upon concrete cryptosystems whose security analyses have ignored hybrid attacks, such as Kyber-512

    Fast and Frobenius: Rational Isogeny Evaluation over Finite Fields

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    Consider the problem of efficiently evaluating isogenies ϕ:E→E/H\phi: E \to E/H of elliptic curves over a finite field Fq\mathbb{F}_q, where the kernel H=⟹G⟩H = \langle G\rangle is a cyclic group of odd (prime) order: given EE, GG, and a point (or several points) PP on EE, we want to compute ϕ(P)\phi(P). This problem is at the heart of efficient implementations of group-action- and isogeny-based post-quantum cryptosystems such as CSIDH. Algorithms based on V{\'e}lu's formulae give an efficient solution to this problem when the kernel generator GG is defined over Fq\mathbb{F}_q. However, for general isogenies, GG is only defined over some extension Fqk\mathbb{F}_{q^k}, even though ⟹G⟩\langle G\rangle as a whole (and thus ϕ\phi) is defined over the base field Fq\mathbb{F}_q; and the performance of V{\'e}lu-style algorithms degrades rapidly as kk grows. In this article we revisit the isogeny-evaluation problem with a special focus on the case where 1≀k≀121 \le k \le 12. We improve V{\'e}lu-style isogeny evaluation for many cases where k=1k = 1 using special addition chains, and combine this with the action of Galois to give greater improvements when k>1k > 1

    Block Cipher Doubling for a Post-Quantum World

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    In order to maintain a similar security level in a post-quantum setting, many symmetric primitives should have to double their keys and increase their state sizes. So far, no generic way for doing this is known that would provide convincing quantum security guarantees. In this paper we propose a new generic construction, QuEME, that allows to double the key and the state size of a block cipher. The QuEME design is inspired by the ECB-Mix-ECB (EME) construction, but is defined for a different choice of mixing function that withstands our new quantum superposition attack that exhibits a periodic property found in collisions and that breaks EME and a large class of variants of it. We prove that QuEME achieves nn-bit security in the classical setting, where nn is the block size of the underlying block cipher, and at least n/6n/6-bit security in the quantum setting. We propose a concrete instantiation of this construction, called Double-AES, that is built with variants of AES-128

    Programming the Demirci-Selçuk Meet-in-the-Middle Attack with Constraints

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    International audienceCryptanalysis with SAT/SMT, MILP and CP has increased in popularity among symmetric-key cryptanalysts and designers due to its high degree of automation. So far, this approach covers differential, linear, impossible differential, zero-correlation, and integral cryptanaly-sis. However, the Demirci-Selçuk meet-in-the-middle (DS-MITM) attack is one of the most sophisticated techniques that has not been automated with this approach. By an in-depth study of Derbez and Fouque's work on DS-MITM analysis with dedicated search algorithms, we identify the crux of the problem and present a method for automatic DS-MITM attack based on general constraint programming, which allows the crypt-analysts to state the problem at a high level without having to say how it should be solved. Our method is not only able to enumerate distin-guishers but can also partly automate the key-recovery process. This approach makes the DS-MITM cryptanalysis more straightforward and easier to follow, since the resolution of the problem is delegated to off-the-shelf constraint solvers and therefore decoupled from its formulation. We apply the method to SKINNY, TWINE, and LBlock, and we get the currently known best DS-MITM attacks on these ciphers. Moreover, to demonstrate the usefulness of our tool for the block cipher designers, we exhaustively evaluate the security of 8! = 40320 versions of LBlock instantiated with different words permutations in the F functions. It turns out that the permutation used in the original LBlock is one of the 64 permutations showing the strongest resistance against the DS-MITM attack. The whole process is accomplished on a PC in less than 2 hours. The same process is applied to TWINE, and similar results are obtained
