2 research outputs found

    Resource allocation model for grid computing environment

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    Grid computing is a collection of heterogeneous resources that is highly dynamic and unpredictable. It is typically used for solving scientific or technical problems that require a large number of computer processing cycles or access to substantial amounts of data. Various resource allocation strategies have been used to make resource use more productive, with subsequent distributed environmental performance increases. The user sends a job by providing a predetermined time limit for running that job. Then, the scheduler gives priority to work according to the request and scheduling policy and places it in the waiting queue. When the resource is released, the scheduler selects the job from the waiting queue with a specific algorithm. Requests will be rejected if the required resources are not available. The user can re-submit a new request by modifying the parameter until available resources can be found. Eventually, there is a decrease in idle resources between work and resource utilization, and the waiting time will increase. An effective scheduling policy is required to improve resource use and reduce waiting times. In this paper, the FCFS-LRH method is proposed, where jobs received will be sorted by arrival time, execution time, and the number of resources needed. After the sorting process, the work will be placed in a logical view, and the job will be sent to the actual resource when it executes. The experimental results show that the proposed model can increase resource utilization by 1.34% and reduce waiting time by 20.47% when compared to existing approaches. This finding could be beneficially implemented in cloud systems resource allocation management

    Media Pembelajaran untuk Metode Penjadwalan First Come First Serve-Ejecting Based Dynamic Scheduling (FCFS-EDS) untuk MPI Job dalam Sistem Grid

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    First Come First Serve-Ejecting Based Dynamic Scheduling (FCFS-EDS) adalah metode untuk menjadwalkan untuk MPI Job berdasarkan reservasi atau pemesanan. Message Passing Interface (MPI) adalah spesifikasi API yang mengijinkan aplikasi paralel untuk berkomunikasi dengan sesamanya dengan saling berkirim pesan. Penjadwalan FCFS-EDS masuk dalam kategori Flexible Advance Reservation, dinamik pada sudut pandang lojik. Oleh karena itu akan sulit dipahami dan dibayangkan karena hanya bersifat lojik saja. Untuk itulah perlu dibuat simulasi dari penjadwalan MPI job dengan metode FCFS-EDS, untuk membantu memahami proses penjadwalan MPI job dengan metode FCFS-EDS. Dengan simulasi ini pengguna dapat merubah-rubah parameter dalam penjadwalan MPI job dan melihat visualisasi dari penjadwalan MPI job dalam sudut pandang lojik, dan juga mengetahui bagaimana nantinya sebuah MPI job akan dieksekusi