19 research outputs found

    Determination of the Role of Branch Managers in Promotion of Financial Innovations in Commercial Banks of Pakistan

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    The present study investigates the role of branch manager in promotion of financial innovation by analyzing  four big banks of Pakistan such as  United Bank Limited, Allied Bank Limited, Habib Bank Limited and Muslim Commercial Bank limited located  in three district of Punjab province Lahore, Multan and Vehari. Primary data was collected by using a Sampling technique. 200 respondents were selected randomly from these four banks through a structured questionnaire. The response rate is 100%. The objective of the study was to determine the role of manager in financial product innovations like mobile banking, ATMs, Credit card, Internet Banking, and Debit cards. Pearson’s correlation test is applied to measure relationship between variables. Results show that there is no relationship between the manager personality and the product innovation.  Keywords: innovations. Manager performance. Financial products

    Strategies for Effective Adoption of Electronic Banking In Nigeria

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    A major trend in modern industrial and commercial systems is the integration of electronic services into different levels ofbusiness operations. This has resulted into an explosion in the global exchange of monetary value of products and serviceselectronically. The continued upward trend in this electronic revolution is dependents on a number of factors. The aim of thisresearch is to investigate the factors which influence the adoption of e-banking in Nigeria. The research is particularly timelyand urgent considering the new cashless regime of the Nigeria Apex Bank. Key factors impacting e-banking adoptions areidentified from the literature review. The research is structured into research survey using questionnaire, online responsesfrom social websites and face-to-face interviews. The research results provide a foundation for the need for an enhancedadoption of e-banking strategy and for the practical development of e-banking products.Keywords: E-Commerce, Adoption factors, E-payment systems, E-banking, Driver

    Customer Satisfaction on Quality of ISO Standard 9126 Services in Electronic Banking in Libya

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    Despite the availability of some electronic banking (e-banking) services in Libya, these services are still facing difficulties in many ways, they have advantages and disadvantages, and so far, they have not been understood by some customers to get their satisfaction.  This research aims to know the extent of customer satisfaction (CS) with e-banking services in Libya through ISO 9126 standards.  The research population consisted of all customers of (Al-Wahda) and (Commerce & Development (C&D)) bank in Benghazi city, a random sample of 180 and 207 clients were selected respectively. Research hypotheses have been tested, and we noticed a relationship between the existence of a strong significant correlation between the quality services of e-banking according to quality standards ISO 9126 software and CS among the banks under study. The value of this research comes from the new scientific results to study the impact of the quality of e-banking services on CS in Libyan banks, and its originality lies because of the lack of this research applied to Libyan banks in general and Benghazi city in particular

    The magnitude of barriers facing e-commerce businesses in Kenya

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    The aim of the paper was to examine comprehensively, the internal and external factors of organisations which affect the future of electronic commerce (e-commerce) and the magnitude of these constraints in Kenya, using the systems framework. The research methodology used a questionnaire survey (internet survey) to collect data from 137 e-commerce businesses out of which 74 or 54.01% usable questionnaires were received. The businesses ranged from very small to large organizations cutting across all major industry sectors, consisting of the following forms of ownership: local, government, multinational and joint ventures with foreign ownership. The findings of the study established the following barriers in order of decreasing magnitude: economic, social, telecommunications infrastructure barrier, legal/political, individual and organizational barriers. The first three variables are positively but moderately correlated with each other, while with the exception of telecommunications infrastructure, others are poorly correlated with individual and organisational barriers. As expected, the latter two correlate moderately with each other. The regression analysis suggests that telecommunications infrastructure barriers hold the key to unlocking the gordian knot of e-commerce in Kenya, as a decrease in this area would have multiplier effects on the other barriers. The study recommended that the government has a vital role to play in reducing the first four barriers, which are all external to organisations, while at the organisational level, organizations should set (ecommerce) goals and objectives that are well spelt out; build human organisational capital structures to facilitate good working relationships and provide training on e-commerce to minimise resistance and blocking of new changes in organization

    Prospects and Challenges of Electronic Banking in Société Generale Ghana Limited: Evidence from Accra Metropolis

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    The study examines   the prospects and challenges of E-banking using SOCIETE GENERALE GHANA LTD in Greater Accra, Region of Ghana. Simple random sampling technique was used to sample Ninety (90) respondents for the study. Data was collected with structured questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The results revealed that about 97%   of respondents used E-banking products. These products include: ATM, text message, internet. Electronic mail, and Telephone. ATM is most popular E-banking products used by the respondents. The study further revealed the following benefits which the respondents derived from the use of E-banking products:  saving of time, quickness in banking transactions, easy access to account details and reduction of long queues in banking halls. According to the study, customer satisfaction and competition from other banks were the main influencing factors for E-banking adoption. Notwithstanding E-banking advantages, it is confronted with challenges such as frequent network failure, high bank charges, limit on amount of cash withdrawal and wrong debit was identified as the paramount challenges. Nevertheless, respondents recommended that for effective E-banking system, customer education and marketing of E-banking products should be the key strategy to use to attract more customers, increasing security for E-banking products, reduction of charges of E-banking products and increasing more ATM outlets in the country. Keywords: electronic banking, Ghana, Universal bank

    Factors Affecting the Adoption of Internet Banking in Jordan: An Extended TAM Model

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    This study aims to investigate how customers perceive and adopt internet banking (IB) in Jordan. An extended Model, based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), was developed. Three more constructs were added to the Model, namely; Perceived Risk (PR), Perceived Trust (PT) and Bank Credibility (BC). To empirically test the Model’s ability to predict customers’ intention to adopt and use internet banking, a questionnaire was developed and used. A randomly 500 graduate students at four Jordanian Universities were surveyed. An exploratory factor analysis, correlation matrix, and a regression analysis were used to test the robustness of the model as well as to test the hypothesized relationships among variables. The results provide support to the extended TAM model and confirm its robustness in predicting customers’ intention to adopt and use internet banking. This study contributes to the body of literature about internet banking, and its results provide useful information for bank managers on how to deal with internet challenges in Jordan. Since this empirical study was performed with a time constraint, it is not without limitation


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    There are several advantages with m-banking. Several related studies have shown that m-banking and indeed SMS-based mobile banking applications have become popular in many countries in Europe and America. The phenomenon remains not widely used in many others such as Nigeria. This study identified and investigated the factors that influence academics in Nigeria to use m- banking with focus on the evaluation of SMS-based mobile banking. The research model was adopted from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model (UTAUT). A survey questionnaire was administered to collect data from 150 academic staff and 350 university students of the University of Ilorin, Nigeria. The results show a positive correlation between customer service, type of bank and perceived ease of use and the use of m-banking. The implications of the results are crucial for technology adoption research and managers of banks in Nigeria

    Customer Satisfaction on Quality of ISO Standard 9126 Services in Electronic Banking in Libya

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    Despite the availability of some electronic banking (e-banking) services in Libya, these services are still facing difficulties in many ways, they have advantages and disadvantages, and so far, they have not been understood by some customers to get their satisfaction.  This research aims to know the extent of customer satisfaction (CS) with e-banking services in Libya through ISO 9126 standards.  The research population consisted of all customers of (Al-Wahda) and (Commerce & Development (C&D)) bank in Benghazi city, a random sample of 180 and 207 clients were selected respectively. Research hypotheses have been tested, and we noticed a relationship between the existence of a strong significant correlation between the quality services of e-banking according to quality standards ISO 9126 software and CS among the banks under study. The value of this research comes from the new scientific results to study the impact of the quality of e-banking services on CS in Libyan banks, and its originality lies because of the lack of this research applied to Libyan banks in general and Benghazi city in particular

    Effect of Process Innovations on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya

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    Process innovations positively influence the firm’s performance and ultimately influence the industry’s performance and interactions. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of identified process innovations as independent variables on the financial performance as dependent variables in Kenyan commercial banks using panel data for the period from 2014 to 2018. The study assessed the performance of the commercial banks during the pre-innovation period of 2009 to 2013 using return on assets the performance measure and compared the performance during the two periods. Based on the analysis results, firms’ performance as measured by the return on assets (ROA) improved during the post innovations period as compared to pre-innovations period as per the calculated p- values. The findings show that mobile banking transactions, agency banking transactions and internet banking transactions controlled by the firm size and leverage positively affect the financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya. Further, it can be deduced that in order to harness efficiency and operational effectiveness, banks need to be innovative to provide better service to their customers, save on costs, tap markets towards competing effectively. The study evaluated the commercial banks in Kenya especially those whose data on innovation activities was available. The F-statistics test was used to test the validity of the variables and the model used. However, though the findings of the study were positive, further research should be conducted especially focusing on the effects of other forms of innovations (product innovation, marketing and organization innovation) and evaluate how they influence firms performance using other performance measures and incorporating other variables like ownership structures, capital structures or corporate governance measures as either mediating or moderating variables. Keywords: Innovation activities, financial institutions, financial inclusion, mobile banking, internet banking and agency banking. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-20-03 Publication date:October 31st 201

    Drivers e barreiras do e-banking : o caso de Cabo Verde

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    Mestrado em Ciências EmpresariaisA inovação tecnológica na área das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) tem contribuído para a revolução do setor bancário, com impactos significativos nos serviços tradicionalmente oferecidos pelas agências bancárias. O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar os drivers e barreiras ao desenvolvimento do internet banking, em Cabo Verde, na perspetiva dos gestores dos bancos comerciais e de outros stakeholders da envolvente externa. O estudo de caso, baseado na framework Technology–Organization–Environment (TOE), concluiu que as principais barreiras estão relacionadas com o contexto ambiental, em particular o suporte governamental, o quadro legal e regulamentar e os atributos culturais que levam à relutância dos clientes em utilizar os serviços e-banking. O estudo apresenta contribuições para académicos e gestores do setor bancário.Technological innovation in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has contributed to the revolution in the banking industry with significant impacts on the services traditionally offered by bank branches. The goal of this research was to assess the drivers and barriers to the development of internet banking in Cape Verde, from the perspective of managers of commercial banks and other stakeholders of the external environment. The case study based on the framework Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE), concluded that the main barriers are related to the environmental context in particular government support, legal and regulatory framework and cultural attributes that lead to reluctance of customers use e-banking services. The study makes contributions to academics and managers in the banking sector