6 research outputs found

    Adoption and Impact of Mobile-Integrated Business Processes - Comparison of Existing Frameworks and Analysis of their Generalization Potential

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    The integration of mobile workplaces in the (electronically mapped) intra-enterprise value chain is a major and still increasing corporate IT issue. Although the usage of mobile technologies for this purpose is far behind expectations and numerous failures can be observed,still little work has been done on theory building in this area. In this contribution we identify and compare existing frameworks for adoption and impact of mobile technology to support mobile business processes. The hypotheses underlying these frameworks are challenged with experiences from three long-term case studies which are diverse in industry, company size and other factors in order to scrutinize their potential for generalization. The outcome is a set of hypotheses that show robustness against variation of major parameters and thus may be suitable to serve as a basis for a generalized and unified framework on mobile-integrated business processes.

    Adoption and Impact of Mobile-Integrated Business Processes - Comparison of Existing Frameworks and Analysis of their Generalization Potential

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    The integration of mobile workplaces in the (electronically mapped) intra-enterprise value chain is a major and still increasing corporate IT issue. Although the usage of mobile technologies for this purpose is far behind expectations and numerous failures can be observed,still little work has been done on theory building in this area. In this contribution we identify and compare existing frameworks for adoption and impact of mobile technology to support mobile business processes. The hypotheses underlying these frameworks are challenged with experiences from three long-term case studies which are diverse in industry, company size and other factors in order to scrutinize their potential for generalization. The outcome is a set of hypotheses that show robustness against variation of major parameters and thus may be suitable to serve as a basis for a generalized and unified framework on mobile-integrated business processes

    Influencing Factors for the Introduction of Mobile-Integrated Business Processes

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    Although mobile information technology is introduced in business processes of enterprises for many years, many projects for integrating mobile workforces still fail to generate a business value for the company. However, reasons for a successful introduction of mobile IT have not been investigated so far. In this paper, we present the findings of a grounded theory study that focused on influencing factors for the introduction of mobile-integrated business processes. The outcome of the paper is a theoretical framework describing the decision process and the intervening conditions on the intention to introduce mobile-integrated business processes. The framework should be extended by the effects resulting from the introduction of mobile IT to get a picture as complete as possible

    Measuring the Value of User Participation in Change Projects - Results from Case Studies in the Mobile IT-Service Sector

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    Mobile devices offer great potentials for business process change and reengineering. However, realizing these potentials in practice still faces serious problems. While technologies are now widely mature, the problems still lie in the adoption and usage of mobile technology. In this paper, we analyze the contribution of user participation to the successful improvement of business metrics. This paper presents results from five case studies conducted in the IT-Service sector. The paper gives an example of a process calculation before and after mobile tool integration. Major findings include (a) user participation leads to improvements in business metrics and, (b) faster adoption and payback periods

    On the usage of theories in the field of Wirtschaftsinformatik : a quantitative literature analysis

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    The development of theories is a central goal of every scientific discipline. Hence, theory development is also of considerable importance to the field of Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), which seeks to progress as a scientific discipline. WI is the discipline focussing on research and design of information systems conducted by the German-speaking community. WI has slightly different objectives, focusses on different methods and different desired results compared to the Anglo-American Information Systems (IS) research discipline. Although both disciplines deal with information systems as their main research object, Mertens et al. (2014) propose to consider both disciplines as halfsister disciplines (in German: Halbschwesterdisziplinen). Against the background of the growing importance of theory development in WI, a lot of WI research contributions use and reference existing theories and theoretical models for different purposes, e.g. to derive and test hypotheses or to justify design decisions in the context of information systems’ design and development. Often, these theories originate from related scientific disciplines like economics or psychology. However, as it is still not clear which theories are of particular importance to WI research, this report aims at presenting a detailed analysis of the current usage of theories in WI and addresses the following research questions: Which theories are used in WI research and where do they originate from? and How has the usage of theories developed over time? These questions were examined based on a systematic analysis of a broad amount of scientific literature. Thus, this report is supposed to make a contribution to the ongoing discussion on the theoretical foundations of WI. Our analysis shows that 1,160 WI articles from 2000 to 2011 do, in large part, reference the same theories as Anglo-American Information Systems (IS) research. These findings are discussed and implications are highlighted

    Anwendbarkeit von Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalysen auf mobile Anwendungssysteme

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    Die aktuelle weltweite Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise stellt viele Unternehmen vor große Herausforderungen. Die rasanten technologischen Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre, insbesondere im Bereich der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IuK), werfen die Frage auf, inwieweit Investitionen in diesem Bereich fĂŒr Unternehmen möglich oder notwendig sind, um ein erfolgreiches Fortbestehen in der Zukunft zu garantieren. Investitionen in IuK sind langfristig und richtungsweisend sowie aufgrund ihres hĂ€ufig großen Umfangs sowohl in strategischer als auch finanzieller Hinsicht von großer Bedeutung fĂŒr die Unternehmen. Es besteht damit zunehmend der Bedarf, den wirtschaftlichen Nutzen einer Investition in diesem Bereich darzustellen. Dabei ist festzustellen, dass in beinahe allen Bereichen der Industrie mittlerweile eine informationstechnische UnterstĂŒtzung der ArbeitsablĂ€ufe erfolgt. Diese reicht von den Kernfunktionen eines Enterprise-Resource-Planing Systems (ERPSystems) wie der Buchhaltung, dem Controlling oder dem Personalwesen bis hin zu Lagerverwaltungs-, Vertriebs- und Customer-Relationship-Systemen (CRMSystem). Die starke Durchdringung aller GeschĂ€ftsbereiche mit Informations und Kommunikationstechnologien (IuK-Technologien) entwickelt sich dabei immer stĂ€rker von einem unternehmensunterstĂŒtzenden hin zu einem unternehmensentwickelnden Faktor. So können nicht nur GeschĂ€ftsprozesse durch Informationstechnologien (IT) unterstĂŒtzt, sondern durch den gezielten Einsatz von IuK-Technologien neue GeschĂ€ftsfelder und Dienstleistungen angeboten werden. In diesem Zusammenhang wird oft vom strategischen Faktor der IT gesprochen. Ein Einussfaktor von besonderer Bedeutung ist die MobilitĂ€t in der heutigen Gesellschaft, die die Herausforderungen an die Unternehmens-IT noch erhöht. Die MobilitĂ€t muss dabei in unterschiedlicher Weise betrachtet werden. Sie kann sich auf den Menschen, die ArbeitsablĂ€ufe, die eingesetzte Software sowie die Technologien beziehen. So werden durch die rasante Entwicklung im Bereich der Funk- und Mobiltechnik immer neue, bisher nicht denkbare UnternehmensablĂ€ufe möglich. Die mobile Technologie ist dabei der Treiber, der hinter den verschiedenen Entwicklungen bezĂŒglich der MobilitĂ€t steht. Ziel der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit ist es, vorhandene Instrumente zur Darstellung der Wirtschaftlichkeit auf ihre Tauglichkeit hin zu untersuchen sowie die besonderen Nutzeneekte mobiler Anwendungssysteme darzustellen. Wobei der Fokus der Arbeit darin liegt, zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen, ob die Verfahren den zu realisierenden Nutzen (entstehend aus der MobilitĂ€t) beschreiben können. Die zentrale Fragestellung ist dabei, welches die besonderen Nutzen-Kriterien sind, die ein mobiles Anwendungssystem ausmachen. Es werden daher die Besonderheiten bezĂŒglich des Nutzens eines mobilen Anwendungssystems herausgearbeitet, die Kriterien abgeleitet und in Form eines Kriterienrahmens auf die zu untersuchenden Instrumente angewendet. Im Rahmen eines Proof of Concept wird die Anwendbarkeit eines Instruments in einem konkreten Anwendungsfall, aus der beruflichen Praxis des Autors, aufgezeigt.