15 research outputs found

    A weak formulation for a rate-independent delamination evolution with inertial and viscosity effects subjected to unilateral constraint

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    We consider a system of two viscoelastic bodies attached on one edge by an adhesive where a delamination process occurs. We study the dynamic of the system subjected to external forces, suitable boundary conditions, and an unilateral constraint on the jump of the displacement at the interface between the bodies. The constraint arises in a graph inclusion, while the delamination coeficient evolves in a rate-independent way. We prove the existence of a weak solution to the corresponding system of PDEs

    From nonlinear to linear elasticity in a coupled rate-dependent/independent system for brittle delamination

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    We revisit the weak, energetic-type existence results obtained in [Rossi/Thomas-ESAIM-COCV-21(1):1-59,2015] for a system for rate-independent, brittle delamination between two visco-elastic, physically nonlinear bulk materials and explain how to rigorously extend such results to the case of visco-elastic, linearly elastic bulk materials. Our approximation result is essentially based on deducing the Mosco-convergence of the functionals involved in the energetic formulation of the system. We apply this approximation result in two different situations: Firstly, to pass from a nonlinearly elastic to a linearly elastic, brittle model on the time-continuous level, and secondly, to pass from a time-discrete to a time-continuous model using an adhesive contact approximation of the brittle model, in combination with a vanishing, super-quadratic regularization of the bulk energy. The latter approach is beneficial if the model also accounts for the evolution of temperature

    A variational approach to the quasistatic limit of viscous dynamic evolutions in finite dimension

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    In this paper we study the vanishing inertia and viscosity limit of a second order system set in an Euclidean space, driven by a possibly nonconvex time-dependent potential satisfying very general assumptions. By means of a variational approach, we show that the solutions of the singularly perturbed problem converge to a curve of stationary points of the energy and characterize the behavior of the limit evolution at jump times. At those times, the left and right limits of the evolution are connected by a finite number of heteroclinic solutions to the unscaled equation

    Stress-driven local-solution approach to quasistatic brittle delamination

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    A unilateral contact problem between elastic bodies at small strains glued by a brittle adhesive is addressed in the quasistatic rate-independent setting. The delamination process is modelled as governed by stresses rather than by energies. This results in a specific scaling of an approximating elastic adhesive contact problem, discretised by a semi-implicit scheme and regularized by a BV-type gradient term. An analytical zero-dimensional example motivates the model and a specific local-solution concept. Two-dimensional numerical simulations performed on an engineering benchmark problem of debonding a fiber in an elastic matrix further illustrate the validity of the model, convergence, and algorithmical efficiency even for very rigid adhesives with high elastic moduli