2 research outputs found

    Studies of inspection algorithms and associated microprogrammable hardware implementations

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    This work is concerned with the design and development of real-time algorithms for industrial inspection applications. Rather than implement algorithms in dedicated hardware, microprogrammable machines were considered essential in order to maintain flexibility. After a survey of image pattern recognition where algorithms applicable to real-time use are cited, this thesis presents industrial inspection algorithms that locate and scrutinise actual manufactured products. These are fast and robust - a necessary requirement in industrial environments. The National Physical Laboratory have developed a Linear Array Processor (LAP) specifically designed for industrial recognition work. As with most array processors, the LAP has a greater performance than conventional processors, yet is strictly limited to parallel algorithms for optimum performance. It was therefore necessary to incorporate sequentialism into the design of a multiprocessor system. A microcoded bit-slice Sequential Image Processor (SIP) has been designed and built at RHBNC in conjunction with the NPL. This was primarily intended as a post-processor for the LAP based on the VMEbus but in fact has proved its usefulness as a stand-alone processor. This is described along with an assembler written for SIP which translates assembly language mnemonics to microcode. This work, which includes a review of current architectures, leads to the specification of a hybrid (SIMD/NIMD) architecture consisting of multiple autonomous sequential processors. This involves an analysis of various configurations and entails an investigation of the source of bottlenecks within each design. Such systems require a significant amount of interprocessor communication: methods for achieving this are discussed, some of which have only become practical with the decrease incost of electronic components. This eventually leads to a system for which algorithm execution speed increases approximately linearly with the number of processors. The algorithms described in earlier chapters are examined on the system and the practicalities of such a design are analysed in detail. Overall, this thesis has arrived at designs of programmable real-time inspection systems, and has obtained guidelines which will help with the implementation of future inspection systems.<p

    Contributions au tri automatique de documents et de courrier d'entreprises

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    Ce travail de thèse s inscrit dans le cadre du développement de systèmes de vision industrielle pour le tri automatique de documents et de courriers d entreprises. Les architectures existantes, dont nous avons balayé les spécificités dans les trois premiers chapitres de la thèse, présentent des faiblesses qui se traduisent par des erreurs de lecture et des rejets que l on impute encore trop souvent aux OCR. Or, les étapes responsables de ces rejets et de ces erreurs de lecture sont les premières à intervenir dans le processus. Nous avons ainsi choisi de porter notre contribution sur les aspects inhérents à la segmentation des images de courriers et la localisation de leurs régions d intérêt en investissant une nouvelle approche pyramidale de modélisation par coloration hiérarchique de graphes ; à ce jour, la coloration de graphes n a jamais été exploitée dans un tel contexte. Elle intervient dans notre contribution à toutes les étapes d analyse de la structure des documents ainsi que dans la prise de décision pour la reconnaissance (reconnaissance de la nature du document à traiter et reconnaissance du bloc adresse). Notre architecture a été conçue pour réaliser essentiellement les étapes d analyse de structures et de reconnaissance en garantissant une réelle coopération entres les différents modules d analyse et de décision. Elle s articule autour de trois grandes parties : une partie de segmentation bas niveau (binarisation et recherche de connexités), une partie d extraction de la structure physique par coloration hiérarchique de graphe et une partie de localisation de blocs adresse et de classification de documents. Les algorithmes impliqués dans le système ont été conçus pour leur rapidité d exécution (en adéquation avec les contraintes de temps réels), leur robustesse, et leur compatibilité. Les expérimentations réalisées dans ce contexte sont très encourageantes et offrent également de nouvelles perspectives à une plus grande diversité d images de documents.This thesis deals with the development of industrial vision systems for automatic business documents and mail sorting. These systems need very high processing time, accuracy and precision of results. The current systems are most of time made of sequential modules needing fast and efficient algorithms throughout the processing line: from low to high level stages of analysis and content recognition. The existing architectures that we have described in the three first chapters of the thesis have shown their weaknesses that are expressed by reading errors and OCR rejections. The modules that are responsible of these rejections and reading errors are mostly the first to occur in the processes of image segmentation and interest regions location. Indeed, theses two processes, involving each other, are fundamental for the system performances and the efficiency of the automatic sorting lines. In this thesis, we have chosen to focus on different sides of mail images segmentation and of relevant zones (as address block) location. We have chosen to develop a model based on a new pyramidal approach using a hierarchical graph coloring. As for now, graph coloring has never been exploited in such context. It has been introduced in our contribution at every stage of document layout analysis for the recognition and decision tasks (kind of document or address block recognition). The recognition stage is made about a training process with a unique model of graph b-coloring. Our architecture is basically designed to guarantee a good cooperation bewtween the different modules of decision and analysis for the layout analysis and the recognition stages. It is composed of three main sections: the low-level segmentation (binarisation and connected component labeling), the physical layout extraction by hierarchical graph coloring and the address block location and document sorting. The algorithms involved in the system have been designed for their execution speed (matching with real time constraints), their robustness, and their compatibility. The experimentations made in this context are very encouraging and lead to investigate a wider diversity of document images.VILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA-Bib. elec. (692669901) / SudocSudocFranceF