40,333 research outputs found

    Discrete time quantum walks on percolation graphs

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    Randomly breaking connections in a graph alters its transport properties, a model used to describe percolation. In the case of quantum walks, dynamic percolation graphs represent a special type of imperfections, where the connections appear and disappear randomly in each step during the time evolution. The resulting open system dynamics is hard to treat numerically in general. We shortly review the literature on this problem. We then present our method to solve the evolution on finite percolation graphs in the long time limit, applying the asymptotic methods concerning random unitary maps. We work out the case of one dimensional chains in detail and provide a concrete, step by step numerical example in order to give more insight into the possible asymptotic behavior. The results about the case of the two-dimensional integer lattice are summarized, focusing on the Grover type coin operator.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Fundamentals of Large Sensor Networks: Connectivity, Capacity, Clocks and Computation

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    Sensor networks potentially feature large numbers of nodes that can sense their environment over time, communicate with each other over a wireless network, and process information. They differ from data networks in that the network as a whole may be designed for a specific application. We study the theoretical foundations of such large scale sensor networks, addressing four fundamental issues- connectivity, capacity, clocks and function computation. To begin with, a sensor network must be connected so that information can indeed be exchanged between nodes. The connectivity graph of an ad-hoc network is modeled as a random graph and the critical range for asymptotic connectivity is determined, as well as the critical number of neighbors that a node needs to connect to. Next, given connectivity, we address the issue of how much data can be transported over the sensor network. We present fundamental bounds on capacity under several models, as well as architectural implications for how wireless communication should be organized. Temporal information is important both for the applications of sensor networks as well as their operation.We present fundamental bounds on the synchronizability of clocks in networks, and also present and analyze algorithms for clock synchronization. Finally we turn to the issue of gathering relevant information, that sensor networks are designed to do. One needs to study optimal strategies for in-network aggregation of data, in order to reliably compute a composite function of sensor measurements, as well as the complexity of doing so. We address the issue of how such computation can be performed efficiently in a sensor network and the algorithms for doing so, for some classes of functions.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to the Proceedings of the IEE

    Graph Signal Processing: Overview, Challenges and Applications

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    Research in Graph Signal Processing (GSP) aims to develop tools for processing data defined on irregular graph domains. In this paper we first provide an overview of core ideas in GSP and their connection to conventional digital signal processing. We then summarize recent developments in developing basic GSP tools, including methods for sampling, filtering or graph learning. Next, we review progress in several application areas using GSP, including processing and analysis of sensor network data, biological data, and applications to image processing and machine learning. We finish by providing a brief historical perspective to highlight how concepts recently developed in GSP build on top of prior research in other areas.Comment: To appear, Proceedings of the IEE

    Large-Scale Sensor Network Localization via Rigid Subnetwork Registration

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    In this paper, we describe an algorithm for sensor network localization (SNL) that proceeds by dividing the whole network into smaller subnetworks, then localizes them in parallel using some fast and accurate algorithm, and finally registers the localized subnetworks in a global coordinate system. We demonstrate that this divide-and-conquer algorithm can be used to leverage existing high-precision SNL algorithms to large-scale networks, which could otherwise only be applied to small-to-medium sized networks. The main contribution of this paper concerns the final registration phase. In particular, we consider a least-squares formulation of the registration problem (both with and without anchor constraints) and demonstrate how this otherwise non-convex problem can be relaxed into a tractable convex program. We provide some preliminary simulation results for large-scale SNL demonstrating that the proposed registration algorithm (together with an accurate localization scheme) offers a good tradeoff between run time and accuracy.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. To appear in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, April 19-24, 201

    Distributed Local Linear Parameter Estimation using Gaussian SPAWN

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    We consider the problem of estimating local sensor parameters, where the local parameters and sensor observations are related through linear stochastic models. Sensors exchange messages and cooperate with each other to estimate their own local parameters iteratively. We study the Gaussian Sum-Product Algorithm over a Wireless Network (gSPAWN) procedure, which is based on belief propagation, but uses fixed size broadcast messages at each sensor instead. Compared with the popular diffusion strategies for performing network parameter estimation, whose communication cost at each sensor increases with increasing network density, the gSPAWN algorithm allows sensors to broadcast a message whose size does not depend on the network size or density, making it more suitable for applications in wireless sensor networks. We show that the gSPAWN algorithm converges in mean and has mean-square stability under some technical sufficient conditions, and we describe an application of the gSPAWN algorithm to a network localization problem in non-line-of-sight environments. Numerical results suggest that gSPAWN converges much faster in general than the diffusion method, and has lower communication costs, with comparable root mean square errors