3 research outputs found

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    Collective additive tree spanners for circle graphs and polygonal graphs

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    AbstractA graph G=(V,E) is said to admit a system of ÎŒ collective additive tree r-spanners if there is a system T(G) of at most ÎŒ spanning trees of G such that for any two vertices u,v of G a spanning tree T∈T(G) exists such that the distance in T between u and v is at most r plus their distance in G. In this paper, we examine the problem of finding “small” systems of collective additive tree r-spanners for small values of r on circle graphs and on polygonal graphs. Among other results, we show that every n-vertex circle graph admits a system of at most 2log32n collective additive tree 2-spanners and every n-vertex k-polygonal graph admits a system of at most 2log32k+7 collective additive tree 2-spanners. Moreover, we show that every n-vertex k-polygonal graph admits an additive (k+6)-spanner with at most 6n−6 edges and every n-vertex 3-polygonal graph admits a system of at most three collective additive tree 2-spanners and an additive tree 6-spanner. All our collective tree spanners as well as all sparse spanners are constructible in polynomial time

    Additive sparse spanners for graphs with bounded length of largest induced cycle

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    AbstractIn this paper, we show that every chordal graph with n vertices and m edges admits an additive 4-spanner with at most 2n-2 edges and an additive 3-spanner with at most O(nlogn) edges. This significantly improves results of Peleg and SchĂ€ffer from [Graph Spanners, J. Graph Theory 13 (1989) 99–116]. Our spanners are additive and easier to construct. An additive 4-spanner can be constructed in linear time while an additive 3-spanner is constructable in O(mlogn) time. Furthermore, our method can be extended to graphs with largest induced cycles of length k. Any such graph admits an additive (k+1)-spanner with at most 2n-2 edges which is constructable in O(nk+m) time