8,783 research outputs found

    On Generalizations of Network Design Problems with Degree Bounds

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    Iterative rounding and relaxation have arguably become the method of choice in dealing with unconstrained and constrained network design problems. In this paper we extend the scope of the iterative relaxation method in two directions: (1) by handling more complex degree constraints in the minimum spanning tree problem (namely, laminar crossing spanning tree), and (2) by incorporating `degree bounds' in other combinatorial optimization problems such as matroid intersection and lattice polyhedra. We give new or improved approximation algorithms, hardness results, and integrality gaps for these problems.Comment: v2, 24 pages, 4 figure

    Bi-Criteria and Approximation Algorithms for Restricted Matchings

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    In this work we study approximation algorithms for the \textit{Bounded Color Matching} problem (a.k.a. Restricted Matching problem) which is defined as follows: given a graph in which each edge ee has a color cec_e and a profit peQ+p_e \in \mathbb{Q}^+, we want to compute a maximum (cardinality or profit) matching in which no more than wjZ+w_j \in \mathbb{Z}^+ edges of color cjc_j are present. This kind of problems, beside the theoretical interest on its own right, emerges in multi-fiber optical networking systems, where we interpret each unique wavelength that can travel through the fiber as a color class and we would like to establish communication between pairs of systems. We study approximation and bi-criteria algorithms for this problem which are based on linear programming techniques and, in particular, on polyhedral characterizations of the natural linear formulation of the problem. In our setting, we allow violations of the bounds wjw_j and we model our problem as a bi-criteria problem: we have two objectives to optimize namely (a) to maximize the profit (maximum matching) while (b) minimizing the violation of the color bounds. We prove how we can "beat" the integrality gap of the natural linear programming formulation of the problem by allowing only a slight violation of the color bounds. In particular, our main result is \textit{constant} approximation bounds for both criteria of the corresponding bi-criteria optimization problem

    Seeding with Costly Network Information

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    We study the task of selecting kk nodes in a social network of size nn, to seed a diffusion with maximum expected spread size, under the independent cascade model with cascade probability pp. Most of the previous work on this problem (known as influence maximization) focuses on efficient algorithms to approximate the optimal seed set with provable guarantees, given the knowledge of the entire network. However, in practice, obtaining full knowledge of the network is very costly. To address this gap, we first study the achievable guarantees using o(n)o(n) influence samples. We provide an approximation algorithm with a tight (1-1/e){\mbox{OPT}}-\epsilon n guarantee, using Oϵ(k2logn)O_{\epsilon}(k^2\log n) influence samples and show that this dependence on kk is asymptotically optimal. We then propose a probing algorithm that queries Oϵ(pn2log4n+kpn1.5log5.5n+knlog3.5n){O}_{\epsilon}(p n^2\log^4 n + \sqrt{k p} n^{1.5}\log^{5.5} n + k n\log^{3.5}{n}) edges from the graph and use them to find a seed set with the same almost tight approximation guarantee. We also provide a matching (up to logarithmic factors) lower-bound on the required number of edges. To address the dependence of our probing algorithm on the independent cascade probability pp, we show that it is impossible to maintain the same approximation guarantees by controlling the discrepancy between the probing and seeding cascade probabilities. Instead, we propose to down-sample the probed edges to match the seeding cascade probability, provided that it does not exceed that of probing. Finally, we test our algorithms on real world data to quantify the trade-off between the cost of obtaining more refined network information and the benefit of the added information for guiding improved seeding strategies

    Learning Graphs from Linear Measurements: Fundamental Trade-offs and Applications

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    We consider a specific graph learning task: reconstructing a symmetric matrix that represents an underlying graph using linear measurements. We present a sparsity characterization for distributions of random graphs (that are allowed to contain high-degree nodes), based on which we study fundamental trade-offs between the number of measurements, the complexity of the graph class, and the probability of error. We first derive a necessary condition on the number of measurements. Then, by considering a three-stage recovery scheme, we give a sufficient condition for recovery. Furthermore, assuming the measurements are Gaussian IID, we prove upper and lower bounds on the (worst-case) sample complexity for both noisy and noiseless recovery. In the special cases of the uniform distribution on trees with n nodes and the Erdős-Rényi (n,p) class, the fundamental trade-offs are tight up to multiplicative factors with noiseless measurements. In addition, for practical applications, we design and implement a polynomial-time (in n ) algorithm based on the three-stage recovery scheme. Experiments show that the heuristic algorithm outperforms basis pursuit on star graphs. We apply the heuristic algorithm to learn admittance matrices in electric grids. Simulations for several canonical graph classes and IEEE power system test cases demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm for parameter reconstruction

    On a generalization of iterated and randomized rounding

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    We give a general method for rounding linear programs that combines the commonly used iterated rounding and randomized rounding techniques. In particular, we show that whenever iterated rounding can be applied to a problem with some slack, there is a randomized procedure that returns an integral solution that satisfies the guarantees of iterated rounding and also has concentration properties. We use this to give new results for several classic problems where iterated rounding has been useful