19,717 research outputs found

    Additive-Decomposition-Based Output Feedback Tracking Control for Systems with Measurable Nonlinearities and Unknown Disturbances

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    In this paper, a new control scheme, called as additive-decomposition-based tracking control, is proposed to solve the output feedback tracking problem for a class of systems with measurable nonlinearities and unknown disturbances. By the additive decomposition, the output feedback tracking task for the considered nonlinear system is decomposed into three independent subtasks: a pure tracking subtask for a linear time invariant (LTI) system, a pure rejection subtask for another LTI system and a stabilization subtask for a nonlinear system. By benefiting from the decomposition, the proposed additive-decomposition-based tracking control scheme i) can give a potential way to avoid conflict among tracking performance, rejection performance and robustness, and ii) can mix both design in time domain and frequency domain for one controller design. To demonstrate the effectiveness, the output feedback tracking problem for a single-link robot arm subject to a sinusoidal or a general disturbance is solved respectively, where the transfer function method for tracking and rejection and backstepping method for stabilization are applied together to the design.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Robust Whole-Body Motion Control of Legged Robots

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    We introduce a robust control architecture for the whole-body motion control of torque controlled robots with arms and legs. The method is based on the robust control of contact forces in order to track a planned Center of Mass trajectory. Its appeal lies in the ability to guarantee robust stability and performance despite rigid body model mismatch, actuator dynamics, delays, contact surface stiffness, and unobserved ground profiles. Furthermore, we introduce a task space decomposition approach which removes the coupling effects between contact force controller and the other non-contact controllers. Finally, we verify our control performance on a quadruped robot and compare its performance to a standard inverse dynamics approach on hardware.Comment: 8 Page

    Modelling of Sound Events with Hidden Imbalances Based on Clustering and Separate Sub-Dictionary Learning

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    This paper proposes an effective modelling of sound event spectra with a hidden data-size-imbalance, for improved Acoustic Event Detection (AED). The proposed method models each event as an aggregated representation of a few latent factors, while conventional approaches try to find acoustic elements directly from the event spectra. In the method, all the latent factors across all events are assigned comparable importance and complexity to overcome the hidden imbalance of data-sizes in event spectra. To extract latent factors in each event, the proposed method employs clustering and performs non-negative matrix factorization to each latent factor, and learns its acoustic elements as a sub-dictionary. Separate sub-dictionary learning effectively models the acoustic elements with limited data-sizes and avoids over-fitting due to hidden imbalances in training data. For the task of polyphonic sound event detection from DCASE 2013 challenge, an AED based on the proposed modelling achieves a detection F-measure of 46.5%, a significant improvement of more than 19% as compared to the existing state-of-the-art methods

    Automated sequence and motion planning for robotic spatial extrusion of 3D trusses

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    While robotic spatial extrusion has demonstrated a new and efficient means to fabricate 3D truss structures in architectural scale, a major challenge remains in automatically planning extrusion sequence and robotic motion for trusses with unconstrained topologies. This paper presents the first attempt in the field to rigorously formulate the extrusion sequence and motion planning (SAMP) problem, using a CSP encoding. Furthermore, this research proposes a new hierarchical planning framework to solve the extrusion SAMP problems that usually have a long planning horizon and 3D configuration complexity. By decoupling sequence and motion planning, the planning framework is able to efficiently solve the extrusion sequence, end-effector poses, joint configurations, and transition trajectories for spatial trusses with nonstandard topologies. This paper also presents the first detailed computation data to reveal the runtime bottleneck on solving SAMP problems, which provides insight and comparing baseline for future algorithmic development. Together with the algorithmic results, this paper also presents an open-source and modularized software implementation called Choreo that is machine-agnostic. To demonstrate the power of this algorithmic framework, three case studies, including real fabrication and simulation results, are presented.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figure