365,142 research outputs found

    Process of end-capping a polyimide system

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    A process of endcapping a polyimide system with an endcapping agent in order to achieve a controlled decrease in molecular weight and melt viscosity along with predictable fracture resistance of the molded products is disclosed. The uncapped system is formed by combining an equimolar ratio of 4,4'-bis (3,4-dicarboxyphenoxy) diphenylsulfide dianhydride (BDSDA) and 1,-bis (aminophenoxy) benzene (APB) dissolved in bis (2-methoxyethyl)ether. The endcapped system is formed by dissolving APB in bis-(2-methoxyethyl)ether, adding the BDSDA. By varying the amount of endcapping from 0 to 4%, molecular weight is decreased from 13,900 to 8660. At a processing temperature of 250 C, there is a linear relationship between molecular weight and viscosity, with the viscosity decreasing by two orders of magnitude as the molecular weight decreased from 13,900 to 8660

    More minimal non-σ\sigma-scattered linear orders

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    Assuming an instance of the Brodsky-Rinot proxy principle holding at a regular uncountable cardinal κ\kappa, we construct 2κ2^\kappa-many pairwise non-embeddable minimal non-σ\sigma-scattered linear orders of size κ\kappa. In particular, in G\"odel's constructible universe LL, these linear orders exist for any regular uncountable cardinal κ\kappa that is not weakly compact. This extends a recent result of Cummings, Eisworth and Moore that takes care of all the successor cardinals of LL. At the level of 1\aleph_1, their work answered an old question of Baumgartner by constructing from \diamondsuit a minimal Aronszajn line that is not Souslin. Our use of the proxy principle yields the same conclusion from a weaker assumption which holds for instance in the generic extension after adding a single Cohen real to a model of CHCH.Comment: 22 pages, comments are welcom

    Low-momentum interactions with Brown-Rho-Ericson scalings and the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy

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    We have calculated the nuclear symmetry energy Esym(ρ)E_{sym}(\rho) up to densities of 45ρ04 \sim 5 \rho_0 with the effects from the Brown-Rho (BR) and Ericson scalings for the in-medium mesons included. Using the VlowkV_{low-k} low-momentum interaction with and without such scalings, the equations of state (EOS) of symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter have been calculated using a ring-diagarm formalism where the particle-particle-hole-hole ring diagrams are included to all orders. The EOS for symmetric nuclear matter and neutron matter obtained with linear BR scaling are both overly stiff compared with the empirical constraints of Danielewicz {\it et al.} \cite{daniel02}. In contrast, satisfactory results are obtained by either using the nonlinear Ericson scaling or by adding a Skyrme-type three-nucleon force (TNF) to the unscaled VlowkV_{low-k} interaction. Our results for Esym(ρ)E_{sym}(\rho) obtained with the nonlinear Ericson scaling are in good agreement with the empirical values of Tsang {\it et al.} \cite{tsang09} and Li {\it et al.} \cite{li05}, while those with TNF are slightly below these values. For densities below the nuclear saturation density ρ0\rho_0, the results of the above calculations are nearly equivalent to each other and all in satisfactory agreement with the empirical values.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Phase separation and the effect of quenched disorder in Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3Pr_{0.5}Sr_{0.5}MnO_3

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    The nature of phase separation in Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3Pr_{0.5}Sr_{0.5}MnO_3 has been probed by linear as well as nonlinear magnetic susceptibilities and resistivity measurements across the 2nd order paramagnetic to ferromagnetic transition (TCT_C) and 1st order ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic transition (TNT_N). We found that the ferromagnetic (metallic) clusters, which form with the onset of long-range order in the system at TCT_C, continuously decrease their size with the decrease in temperature and coexist with non-ferromagnetic (insulating) clusters. These non-ferromagnetic clusters are identified to be antiferromagnetic. Significantly, it is shown that they do not arise because of the superheating effect of the lower temperature 1st order transition. Thus reveals unique phase coexistence in a manganite around half-doping encompassing two long-range order transitions. Both the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic clusters form at TCT_C and persist much below TNT_N. Substitution of quenched disorder (Ga) at Mn-site promotes antiferromagnetism at the cost of ferromagnetism without adding any magnetic interaction or introducing any significant lattice distortion. Moreover, increase in disorder decreases the ferromagnetic cluster size and with 7.5% Ga substitution clusters size reduces to the single domain limit. Yet, all the samples show significant short-range ferromagnetic interaction much above TCT_C. Resistivity measurements also reveal the novel phase coexistence identified from the magnetic measurements. It is significant that, increase in disorder up to 7.5% increases the resistivity of the low temperature antiferromagnetic phase by about four orders