4 research outputs found

    Towards an automatic semantic annotation of car aesthetics

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    The design of a new car is guided by a set of directives indicating the target market and specific engineering and aesthetic constraints, which may include also the preservation of the company brand identity or the restyling of products already on the market. When creating a new product designers are used to evaluating other existing products to take inspiration or to possibly reuse successful solutions. In the perspective of an optimised styling workflow a great benefit could come from the opportunity of easily retrieving the related documentation and existing digital models both from internal and external repositories. In fact, the rapid growth of the web contents and the widely spread adoption of computerassisted design tools have made a huge amount of digital data available, whose exploitation could be improved by more selective retrieval methods. In particular, the retrieval of aesthetic elements may help designers to more efficiently create digital models conforming to specific styling properties. The aim of the research described in this document is the definition of a framework able to support a (semi-) automatic extraction of semantic data from 3D models and other multimedia data to allow car designers to reuse knowledge and design solutions within the styling department. The first objective is then capturing and structuring both the explicit and implicit elements that contribute to the car aesthetics and can be realistically tackled through computational models and methods. The second step is the definition of a system architecture able to transfer such semantics through an automatic annotation of car models

    A new approach of developing compliance-checking system

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    Semantic annotation services for 3D models of cultural heritage artefacts

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    Adding semantics to 3D digital libraries

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    Many disciplines in academia and industry must deal with large numbers of 3D objects. There has been a recent push to organize multimedia content into digital libraries, and attention has now turned towards archiving 3D objects in an intelligent way. A 3D object representation in the most primitive form is a collection of space points connected via edges to form triangle faces. This representation has no semantics associated with it. Therefore, it is important that semantic information be included with the raw 3D data when creating searchable databases or digital libraries. Our work has focused on creating a patent pending process to create 3D digital libraries. There are several steps necessary to create and associate semantics with the content that are at least partially automated. We also conclude that there is a need for a discipline expert to assist and validate the process. We give an example of an Osteological 3D library and describe the steps of the process in this paper.