256 research outputs found

    Unstructured spline spaces for isogeometric analysis based on spline manifolds

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    Based on spline manifolds we introduce and study a mathematical framework for analysis-suitable unstructured B-spline spaces. In this setting the parameter domain has a manifold structure, which allows for the definition of function spaces that have a tensor-product structure locally, but not globally. This includes configurations such as B-splines over multi-patch domains with extraordinary points, analysis-suitable unstructured T-splines, or more general constructions. Within this framework, we generalize the concept of dual-compatible B-splines, which was originally developed for structured T-splines. This allows us to prove the key properties that are needed for isogeometric analysis, such as linear independence and optimal approximation properties for hh-refined meshes

    Inf-sup stability of isogeometric Taylor-Hood and Sub-Grid methods for the Stokes problem with hierarchical splines

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    In this article, we prove the inf-sup stability of an adaptive isogeometric discretization of the Stokes problem. The discretization is based on the hierarchical generalization of the isogeometric Taylor-Hood and Sub-Grid elements, which were described by Bressan & Sangalli (2013, Isogeometric discretizations of the Stokes problem: stability analysis by the macroelement technique. IMA J. Numer. Anal., 33, 629- 651) for tensor-product splines. In order to extend the existing proof to the hierarchical setting, we need to adapt some of the steps considerably. In particular, the required local approximation estimate is obtained by analysing the properties of the quasi-interpolant of Speleers & Manni (2016, Effortless quasi-interpolation in hierarchical spaces. Numer. Math., 132, 155-184) with respect to certain Sobolev norms. In addition to the theoretical results, we also perform numerical tests in order to analyse the dependency of the inf-sup constant on the mesh regularity assumptions. Finally, the article also presents a numerical convergence test of the resulting adaptive method on a T-shaped domain

    Constructing IGA-suitable planar parameterization from complex CAD boundary by domain partition and global/local optimization

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    In this paper, we propose a general framework for constructing IGA-suitable planar B-spline parameterizations from given complex CAD boundaries consisting of a set of B-spline curves. Instead of forming the computational domain by a simple boundary, planar domains with high genus and more complex boundary curves are considered. Firstly, some pre-processing operations including B\'ezier extraction and subdivision are performed on each boundary curve in order to generate a high-quality planar parameterization; then a robust planar domain partition framework is proposed to construct high-quality patch-meshing results with few singularities from the discrete boundary formed by connecting the end points of the resulting boundary segments. After the topology information generation of quadrilateral decomposition, the optimal placement of interior B\'ezier curves corresponding to the interior edges of the quadrangulation is constructed by a global optimization method to achieve a patch-partition with high quality. Finally, after the imposition of C1=G1-continuity constraints on the interface of neighboring B\'ezier patches with respect to each quad in the quadrangulation, the high-quality B\'ezier patch parameterization is obtained by a C1-constrained local optimization method to achieve uniform and orthogonal iso-parametric structures while keeping the continuity conditions between patches. The efficiency and robustness of the proposed method are demonstrated by several examples which are compared to results obtained by the skeleton-based parameterization approach

    Construction of analysis-suitable G1G^1 planar multi-patch parameterizations

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    Isogeometric analysis allows to define shape functions of global C1C^{1} continuity (or of higher continuity) over multi-patch geometries. The construction of such C1C^{1}-smooth isogeometric functions is a non-trivial task and requires particular multi-patch parameterizations, so-called analysis-suitable G1G^{1} (in short, AS-G1G^{1}) parameterizations, to ensure that the resulting C1C^{1} isogeometric spaces possess optimal approximation properties, cf. [7]. In this work, we show through examples that it is possible to construct AS-G1G^{1} multi-patch parameterizations of planar domains, given their boundary. More precisely, given a generic multi-patch geometry, we generate an AS-G1G^{1} multi-patch parameterization possessing the same boundary, the same vertices and the same first derivatives at the vertices, and which is as close as possible to this initial geometry. Our algorithm is based on a quadratic optimization problem with linear side constraints. Numerical tests also confirm that C1C^{1} isogeometric spaces over AS-G1G^{1} multi-patch parameterized domains converge optimally under mesh refinement, while for generic parameterizations the convergence order is severely reduced

    Adaptive isogeometric analysis with hierarchical box splines

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    Isogeometric analysis is a recently developed framework based on finite element analysis, where the simple building blocks in geometry and solution space are replaced by more complex and geometrically-oriented compounds. Box splines are an established tool to model complex geometry, and form an intermediate approach between classical tensor-product B-splines and splines over triangulations. Local refinement can be achieved by considering hierarchically nested sequences of box spline spaces. Since box splines do not offer special elements to impose boundary conditions for the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs), we discuss a weak treatment of such boundary conditions. Along the domain boundary, an appropriate domain strip is introduced to enforce the boundary conditions in a weak sense. The thickness of the strip is adaptively defined in order to avoid unnecessary computations. Numerical examples show the optimal convergence rate of box splines and their hierarchical variants for the solution of PDEs
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