7 research outputs found

    Adaptively secure feldman VSS and applications to universally-composable threshold cryptography

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    Abstract. We propose the first distributed discrete-log key generation (DLKG) protocol from scratch which is adaptively-secure in the non-erasure model, and at the same time completely avoids the use of interactive zero-knowledge proofs. As a consequence, the protocol can be proven secure in a universally-composable (UC) like framework which prohibits rewinding. We prove the security in what we call the single-inconsistent-player (SIP) UC model, which guarantees arbitrary composition as long as all protocols are executed by the same players. As applications, we propose a fully UC threshold Schnorr signature scheme, a fully UC threshold DSS signature scheme, and a SIP UC threshold Cramer-Shoup cryptosystem. Our results are based on a new adaptively-secure Feldman VSS scheme. Although adaptive security was already addressed by Feldman in the original paper, the scheme requires secure communication, secure erasure, and either a linear number of rounds or digital signatures to resolve disputes. Our scheme overcomes all of these shortcomings, but on the other hand requires some restriction on the corruption behavior of the adversary, which however disappears in some applications including our new DLKG protocol. We also propose several new adaptively-secure protocols, which may find other applications, like a distributed trapdoor-key generation protocol for Pedersen’s commitment scheme, an adaptively-secure Pedersen VSS scheme (as a committed VSS), or distributed-verifier proofs for proving relations among commitments or even any NP relations in general.

    Increased Resilience in Threshold Cryptography: Sharing a Secret with Devices That Cannot Store Shares

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    Threshold cryptography has been used to secure data and control access by sharing a private cryptographic key over different devices. This means that a minimum number of these devices, the threshold t+1t+1, need to be present to use the key. The benefits are increased security, because an adversary can compromise up to tt devices, and resilience, since any subset of t+1t+1 devices is sufficient. Many personal devices are not suitable for threshold schemes, because they do not offer secure storage, which is needed to store shares of the private key. This article presents several protocols in which shares are stored in protected form (possibly externally). This makes them suitable for low-cost devices with a factory-embedded key, e.g., car keys and access cards. All protocols are verifiable through public broadcast, thus without private channels. In addition, distributed key generation does not require all devices to be present

    Universally Composable Signatures, Certification and Authentication

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    Recently some efforts were made towards capturing the security requirements from digital signature schemes as an ideal functionality within a composable security framework. This modeling of digital signatures potentially has some significant analytical advantages (such as enabling component-wise analysis of complex systems that use signature schemes, as well as symbolic and automatable analysis of such systems). However, it turns out that formulating ideal functionalities that capture the properties expected from signature schemes in a way that is both sound and enjoys the above advantages is not a trivial task. This work has several contributions. We first correct some flaws in the definition of the ideal signature functionality of Canetti, 2001, andsubsequent formulations. Next we provide a minimal formalization of ``ideal certification authorities\u27\u27 and show how authenticated communication can be obtained using ideal signatures and an ideal certification authority. This is done while guaranteeing full modularity (i.e., each component is analyzed as stand-alone), and in an unconditional and errorless way. This opens the door to symbolic and automated analysis of protocols for these tasks, in a way that is both modular and cryptographically sound

    Tag-KEM/DEM: A New Framework for Hybrid Encryption

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    This paper presents a novel framework for the generic construction of hybrid encryption schemes which produces more efficient schemes than the ones known before. A previous framework introduced by Shoup combines a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) and a data encryption mechanism (DEM). While it is sufficient to require both components to be secure against chosen ciphertext attacks (CCA-secure), Kurosawa and Desmedt showed a particular example of KEM that is not CCA-secure but can be securely combined with a specific type of CCA-secure DEM to obtain a more efficient, CCA-secure hybrid encryption scheme. There are also many other efficient hybrid encryption schemes in the literature that do not fit Shoup\u27s framework. These facts serve as motivation to seek another framework. The framework we propose yields more efficient hybrid scheme, and in addition provides insightful explanation about existing schemes that do not fit into the previous framework. Moreover, it allows immediate conversion from a class of threshold public-key encryption to a hybrid one without considerable overhead, which may not be possible in the previous approach

    A secure bulletin board

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    Adaptively Secure 5 Round Threshold Signatures from MLWE/MSIS and DL with Rewinding

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    T-out-of-N threshold signatures have recently seen a renewed interest, with various types now available, each offering different tradeoffs. However, one property that has remained elusive is adaptive security. When we target thresholdizing existing efficient signatures schemes based on the Fiat-Shamir paradigm such as Schnorr, the elusive nature becomes clear. This class of signature schemes typically rely on the forking lemma to prove unforgeability. That is, an adversary is rewound and run twice within the security game. Such a proof is at odds with adaptive security, as the reduction must be ready to answer 2(T-1) secret key shares in total, implying that it can reconstruct the full secret key. Indeed, prior works either assumed strong idealized models such as the algebraic group model (AGM) or modified the underlying signature scheme so as not to rely on rewinding based proofs. In this work, we propose a new proof technique to construct adaptively secure threshold signatures for existing rewinding-based Fiat-Shamir signatures. As a result, we obtain the following: 1. The first adaptively secure 5 round lattice-based threshold signature under the MLWE and MSIS assumptions in the ROM. The resulting signature is a standard signature of Raccoon, a lattice-based signature scheme by del Pino et al., submitted to the additional NIST call for proposals. 2. The first adaptively secure 5 round threshold signature under the DL assumption in the ROM. The resulting signature is a standard Schnorr signature. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first adaptively secure threshold signature based on DL even assuming stronger models like AGM. Our work is inspired by the recent statically secure lattice-based 3 round threshold signature by del Pino et al. (Eurocrypt~2024) based on Raccoon. While they relied on so-called one-time additive masks to solve lattice specific issues, we notice that these masks can also be a useful tool to achieve adaptive security. At a very high level, we use these masks throughout the signing protocol to carefully control the information the adversary can learn from the signing transcripts. Intuitively, this allows the reduction to return a total of 2(T-1) randomly sampled secret key shares to the adversary consistently and without being detected, resolving the above paradoxical situation. Lastly, by allowing the parties to maintain a simple state, we can compress our 5 round schemes into 4 rounds

    Universally Composable Security: A New Paradigm for Cryptographic Protocols

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    We present a general framework for representing cryptographic protocols and analyzing their security. The framework allows specifying the security requirements of practically any cryptographic task in a unified and systematic way. Furthermore, in this framework the security of protocols is maintained under a general composition operation, called universal composition. The proposed framework with its security-preserving composition property allow for modular design and analysis of complex cryptographic protocols from relatively simple building blocks. Moreover, within this framework, protocols are guaranteed to maintain their security within any context, even in the presence of an unbounded number of arbitrary protocol instances that run concurrently in an adversarially controlled manner. This is a useful guarantee, that allows arguing about the security of cryptographic protocols in complex and unpredictable environments such as modern communication networks