5 research outputs found

    Palm Print Edge Extraction Using Fractional Differential Algorithm

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    Algorithm based on fractional difference was used for the edge extraction of thenar palm print image. Based on fractional order difference function which was deduced from classical fractional differential G-L definition, three filter templates were constructed to extract thenar palm print edge. The experiment results showed that this algorithm can reduce noise and detect rich edge details and has higher SNR than traditional methods

    Visual target tracking for rover-based planetary exploration

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    Abstract-To command a rover to go to a location of scientific interest on a remote planet, the rover must be capable of reliably tracking the target designated by a scientist from about ten rover lengths away. The rover must maintain lock on the target while traversing rough terrain and avoiding obstacles without the need for communication with Earth. Among the challenges of tracking targets from a rover are the large changes in the appearance and shape of the selected target as the rover approaches it, the limited frame rate at which images can be acquired and processed, and the sudden changes in camera pointing as the rover goes over rocky terrain. We have investigated various techniques for combining 2D and 3D information in order to increase the reliability of visually tracking targets under Mars like conditions. We will present the approaches that we have examined on simulated data and tested onboard the Rocky 8 rover in the JPL Mars Yard and the K9 rover in the ARC Marscape. These techniques include results for 2D trackers, ICP, visual odometry, and 2D/3D trackers

    Pedestrian head detection using automatic scale selection for feature detection and statistical edge curvature analysis

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    In this report we focus on pedestrian head detection and tracking in video sequences. The task is not trivial in real and complex scenarios where the deformation induced by the perspective field requires a multi-scale analy- sis. Multi-scale shape models for the human head are considered to identify the correct size of the region of interest. Anisotropic diffusion is used as a pre-processing step and edge detection is performed using an automatic scale selection process. A non parametric statistical description is given for the edge curvature and detection is performed by means of goodness-of-fit tests. The head detector is used as a validation tool in a correlation-based tracker. The local maxima of the correlation matrix are analyzed. Tracking is performed associating the displacement vector of the target with that local maximum which maximizes the goodness-of-fit with the distribution of the edge curvature of the head

    Contributions à la segmentation d'image : phase locale et modèles statistiques

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    Ce document presente une synthèse de mes travaux apres these, principalement sur la problematique de la segmentation d’images