6 research outputs found

    Adaptive-resolution octree-based volumetric SLAM

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    We introduce a novel volumetric SLAM pipeline for the integration and rendering of depth images at an adaptive level of detail. Our core contribution is a fusion algorithm which dynamically selects the appropriate integration scale based on the effective sensor resolution given the distance from the observed scene, addressing aliasing issues, reconstruction quality, and efficiency simultaneously. We implement our approach using an efficient octree structure which supports multi-resolution rendering allowing for online frame-to-model alignment. Our qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate significantly improved reconstruction quality and up to six-fold execution time speed-ups compared to single resolution grids

    Elastic and efficient LiDAR reconstruction for large-scale exploration tasks

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    We present an efficient, elastic 3D LiDAR reconstruction framework which can reconstruct up to maximum LiDAR ranges (60 m) at multiple frames per second, thus enabling robot exploration in large-scale environments. Our approach only requires a CPU. We focus on three main challenges of large-scale reconstruction: integration of long-range LiDAR scans at high frequency, the capacity to deform the reconstruction after loop closures are detected, and scalability for long-duration exploration. Our system extends upon a state-of-the-art efficient RGB-D volumetric reconstruction technique, called supereight, to support LiDAR scans and a newly developed submapping technique to allow for dynamic correction of the 3D reconstruction. We then introduce a novel pose graph sparsification and submap fusion feature to make our system more scalable for large environments. We evaluate the performance using a published dataset captured by a handheld mapping device scanning a set of buildings, and with a mobile robot exploring an underground room network. Experimental results demonstrate that our system can reconstruct at 3 Hz with 60 m sensor range and ~5 cm resolution, while state-of-the-art approaches can only reconstruct to 25 cm resolution or 20 m range at the same frequency

    Multi-resolution mapping and planning for UAV navigation in attitude constrained environments

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    In this thesis we aim to bridge the gap between high quality map reconstruction and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) SE(3) motion planning in challenging environments with narrow openings, such as disaster areas, which requires attitude to be considered. We propose an efficient system that leverages the concept of adaptive-resolution volumetric mapping, which naturally integrates with the hierarchical decomposition of space in an octree data structure. Instead of a Truncated Signed Distance Function (TSDF), we adopt mapping of occupancy probabilities in log-odds representation, which allows representation of both surfaces, as well as the entire free, i.e.\ observed space, as opposed to unobserved space. We introduce a method for choosing resolution -on the fly- in real-time by means of a multi-scale max-min pooling of the input depth image. The notion of explicit free space mapping paired with the spatial hierarchy in the data structure, as well as map resolution, allows for collision queries, as needed for robot motion planning, at unprecedented speed. Our mapping strategy supports pinhole cameras as well as spherical sensor models. Additionally, we introduce a first-of-a-kind global minimum cost path search method based on A* that considers attitude along the path. State-of-the-art methods incorporate attitude only in the refinement stage. To make the problem tractable, our method exploits an adaptive and coarse-to-fine approach using global and local A* runs, plus an efficient method to introduce the UAV attitude in the process. We integrate our method with an SE(3) trajectory optimisation method based on a safe-flight-corridor, yielding a complete path planning pipeline. We quantitatively evaluate our mapping strategy in terms of mapping accuracy, memory, runtime performance, and planning performance showing improvements over the state-of-the-art, particularly in cases requiring high resolution maps. Furthermore, extensive evaluation is undertaken using the AirSim flight simulator under closed loop control in a set of randomised maps, allowing us to quantitatively assess our path initialisation method. We show that it achieves significantly higher success rates than the baselines, at a reduced computational burden.Open Acces

    Agent and object aware tracking and mapping methods for mobile manipulators

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    The age of the intelligent machine is upon us. They exist in our factories, our warehouses, our military, our hospitals, on our roads, and on the moon. Most of these things we call robots. When placed in a controlled or known environment such as an automotive factory or a distribution warehouse they perform their given roles with exceptional efficiency, achieving far more than is within reach of a humble human being. Despite the remarkable success of intelligent machines in such domains, they have yet to make a full-hearted deployment into our homes. The missing link between the robots we have now and the robots that are soon to come to our houses is perception. Perception as we mean it here refers to a level of understanding beyond the collection and aggregation of sensory data. Much of the available sensory information is noisy and unreliable, our homes contain many reflective surfaces, repeating textures on large flat surfaces, and many disruptive moving elements, including humans. These environments change over time, with objects frequently moving within and between rooms. This idea of change in an environment is fundamental to robotic applications, as in most cases we expect them to be effectors of such change. We can identify two particular challenges1 that must be solved for robots to make the jump to less structured environments - how to manage noise and disruptive elements in observational data, and how to understand the world as a set of changeable elements (objects) which move over time within a wider environment. In this thesis we look at one possible approach to solving each of these problems. For the first challenge we use proprioception aboard a robot with an articulated arm to handle difficult and unreliable visual data caused both by the robot and the environment. We use sensor data aboard the robot to improve the pose tracking of a visual system when the robot moves rapidly, with high jerk, or when observing a scene with little visual variation. For the second challenge, we build a model of the world on the level of rigid objects, and relocalise them both as they change location between different sequences and as they move. We use semantics, image keypoints, and 3D geometry to register and align objects between sequences, showing how their position has moved between disparate observations.Open Acces