2 research outputs found

    Adaptive planning of 3G/4G systems using Q-analysis or polyhedral dynamics

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    In this paper we present a method for use Q-analysis in the initial planning process and later dynamic adaptation for 3G/4G cellular systems that intends to balance load in order to maximize capacity and reduce lost and dropped calls independently of the type of service. We support our proposal on dynamic simulations made with an own developed tool for dynamic simulations of CDMA systems, and show initial results that partially probe our proposed method

    Contribuci贸n al estudio de t茅cnicas Self Organizing & Self Optimizing Networks para redes de comunicaciones m贸viles LTE

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    La aparici贸n continua de nuevos servicios que consumen grandes anchos de banda, unida a la creciente demanda de acceso a Internet por parte de los usuarios en cualquier lugar en el que se encuentren, est谩 aumentando considerablemente la complejidad de las redes de telefon铆a m贸vil. Los mecanismos actuales permiten gestionar los limitados recursos radioel茅ctricos en redes heterog茅neas GSM/UMTS/LTE. Mediante el establecimiento de una estructura jer谩rquica celular, y unas funcionalidades de gesti贸n multicapa, se puede distribuir el tr谩fico de voz y datos para ofrecer el mejor servicio a los clientes. Por otro lado, la movilidad de los usuarios y su distribuci贸n geogr谩fica es muy variable dentro de un mismo territorio, por lo que las redes deben tambi茅n adaptarse a este escenario. En los entornos urbanos se requiere un dise帽o de red con muchos elementos, en el que coexistir谩n c茅lulas de diferentes tipos (macro, micro, pico, etc.) seg煤n la demanda de servicio, concentraci贸n de clientes y su movilidad.Adem谩s, estas redes han ido evolucionando tecnol贸gicamente, encontr谩ndonos en este momento en Espa帽a con sistemas GSM 900, DCS 1800, UMTS 2100, UMTS 900 y LTE 1800 (a corto plazo LTE 800), que est谩n en servicio simult谩neamente, con un alto grado de relaci贸n y traspasos entre ellos. Para ofrecer continuidad del servicio entre todas las redes, y con el objeto de obtener la m谩xima rentabilidad aprovechando las inversiones realizadas en la infraestructura actual (GSM, UMTS R99, HSPA), la definici贸n de la norma LTE contempla el mecanismo de 驴interworking驴, que consiste en un conjunto de funciones para permitir la interacci贸n entre todas la redes que ofrecen el servicio de telefon铆a m贸vil. Este aumento de la complejidad requerir谩 nuevas inversiones con el objeto de gestionar de forma adecuada las labores de optimizaci贸n, operaci贸n y mantenimiento de las redes, y en consecuencia, poder adaptarse a un mercado tan cambiante en el que constantemente est谩n apareciendo nuevos servicios, terminales y modelos de negocio. En este sentido, aparece el concepto SON, que significa Self Organizing Networks, y tiene como objetivo la automatizaci贸n de arduas tareas en la configuraci贸n, puesta en servicio, y optimizaci贸n de par谩metros de red, as铆 como la de responder adecuadamente a eventualidades, consiguiendo con todo ello una reducci贸n en los costes de operaci贸n y una mejora sustancial de la calidad de la red. La movilidad de los usuarios es una de las principales caracter铆sticas del servicio de telefon铆a m贸vil, por lo que uno de los m茅todos para garantizar la Calidad consiste en un correcto dise帽o de relaci贸n de colindancias entre c茅lulas cercanas, de tal manera que el terminal pueda disponer siempre de una c茅lula a la que asociarse mientras se desplaza, dando as铆 continuidad al servicio. En este trabajo de tesis se pretende dise帽ar un algoritmo de optimizaci贸n autom谩tica que genere una relaci贸n de colindancias entre c茅lulas para ofrecer la mejor calidad posible de la red.In this work we present theoretical studies on the characteristics of the cellular structures employed in the mobile communications networks, where there is a special emphasis on the interference and over reach like main limiting element of coverage, capacity and data rate. It also details the current trends of the different methods of optimization and shown a series of case studies carried out in the UMTS network of Telef贸nica, the results can be extrapolated to the LTE system. As a solution to the constraints of a real network compared to the theoretical designs, it is proposed in this thesis an ANR algorithm (Automatic Neighbour Relation) for the generation of neighbour lists which optimize the transfer between cells, achieving an increase in the number of completed calls and reduce the dropped calls or interrupted in the link radio Propagation models show the differences in free space loss with respect to complex urban environments, as well as the effects that produces the mobility of terminals in the characterization of the mobile channel. This feature is especially relevant in the heterogeneous scenarios with users where the communication is done through almost free spread, against others where the signal reaches them very attenuated and distorted after multiple reflections. The search for an optimal solution that offers good coverage, quality and capacity at the lowest cost, it is in this case a very complex task, so it is necessary to study the different lines of research in this area. In addition, the arrival of the LTE brings with it a cheaper and simplification of network structure, which includes the automation of the tasks of optimization. Consensus in different international forums and projector, described in this thesis the use cases and the most common algorithms and methods from several authors. To evaluate the characteristics of the test scenarios, measurements analysis and simulations were realized using innovative methods in order to obtain a characterization of the system in situations of high interference. In a first phase were implemented changes to the configuration of isolated cells, with the purpose of checking the mutual dependence that exists between all cells. With this procedure it was demonstrated that in dense scenarios, it is not possible to optimize the performance of a cell or base station without produce effects on the environment cells. With the conclusions of the previous tests there was designed a novel ANR algorithm that proposes different neighbor lists according to a set of constrains. Power measurements and interference obtained by a call traced tool, showed values very scattered and sometimes opposite. This makes difficult the selection of the best adjacent cell to complete a handover when the subscribers move. The algorithm is capable of combining the best option for a very wide area of the network with high interference, which represents a considerable improvement over the usual methods of neighbor list definition. Designed algorithm applied in the UMTS network of Telef贸nica, which is located in the Valle de la Orotava, and includes the towns of Puerto de la Cruz, La Orotava and Los Realejos. By the topography of the valley and the dispersion of the population, levels of interference and overreach are greater than in a normal urban scenario, so the net performance are lower. With the proposed method was obtained an increase in the total number of successfully calls, and reduced the number of dropped or interrupted calls