125 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Survey on Trustworthy Graph Neural Networks: Privacy, Robustness, Fairness, and Explainability

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have made rapid developments in the recent years. Due to their great ability in modeling graph-structured data, GNNs are vastly used in various applications, including high-stakes scenarios such as financial analysis, traffic predictions, and drug discovery. Despite their great potential in benefiting humans in the real world, recent study shows that GNNs can leak private information, are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, can inherit and magnify societal bias from training data and lack interpretability, which have risk of causing unintentional harm to the users and society. For example, existing works demonstrate that attackers can fool the GNNs to give the outcome they desire with unnoticeable perturbation on training graph. GNNs trained on social networks may embed the discrimination in their decision process, strengthening the undesirable societal bias. Consequently, trustworthy GNNs in various aspects are emerging to prevent the harm from GNN models and increase the users' trust in GNNs. In this paper, we give a comprehensive survey of GNNs in the computational aspects of privacy, robustness, fairness, and explainability. For each aspect, we give the taxonomy of the related methods and formulate the general frameworks for the multiple categories of trustworthy GNNs. We also discuss the future research directions of each aspect and connections between these aspects to help achieve trustworthiness

    Data Augmentation for Deep Graph Learning: A Survey

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    Graph neural networks, a powerful deep learning tool to model graph-structured data, have demonstrated remarkable performance on numerous graph learning tasks. To address the data noise and data scarcity issues in deep graph learning, the research on graph data augmentation has intensified lately. However, conventional data augmentation methods can hardly handle graph-structured data which is defined in non-Euclidean space with multi-modality. In this survey, we formally formulate the problem of graph data augmentation and further review the representative techniques and their applications in different deep graph learning problems. Specifically, we first propose a taxonomy for graph data augmentation techniques and then provide a structured review by categorizing the related work based on the augmented information modalities. Moreover, we summarize the applications of graph data augmentation in two representative problems in data-centric deep graph learning: (1) reliable graph learning which focuses on enhancing the utility of input graph as well as the model capacity via graph data augmentation; and (2) low-resource graph learning which targets on enlarging the labeled training data scale through graph data augmentation. For each problem, we also provide a hierarchical problem taxonomy and review the existing literature related to graph data augmentation. Finally, we point out promising research directions and the challenges in future research.Comment: Accepted by SIGKDD Explorations Paper list: https://github.com/kaize0409/awesome-graph-data-augmentaio

    Towards Data-centric Graph Machine Learning: Review and Outlook

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    Data-centric AI, with its primary focus on the collection, management, and utilization of data to drive AI models and applications, has attracted increasing attention in recent years. In this article, we conduct an in-depth and comprehensive review, offering a forward-looking outlook on the current efforts in data-centric AI pertaining to graph data-the fundamental data structure for representing and capturing intricate dependencies among massive and diverse real-life entities. We introduce a systematic framework, Data-centric Graph Machine Learning (DC-GML), that encompasses all stages of the graph data lifecycle, including graph data collection, exploration, improvement, exploitation, and maintenance. A thorough taxonomy of each stage is presented to answer three critical graph-centric questions: (1) how to enhance graph data availability and quality; (2) how to learn from graph data with limited-availability and low-quality; (3) how to build graph MLOps systems from the graph data-centric view. Lastly, we pinpoint the future prospects of the DC-GML domain, providing insights to navigate its advancements and applications.Comment: 42 pages, 9 figure

    Online Social Networks: Measurements, Analysis and Solutions for Mining Challenges

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    In the last decade, online social networks showed enormous growth. With the rise of these networks and the consequent availability of wealth social network data, Social Network Analysis (SNA) led researchers to get the opportunity to access, analyse and mine the social behaviour of millions of people, explore the way they communicate and exchange information. Despite the growing interest in analysing social networks, there are some challenges and implications accompanying the analysis and mining of these networks. For example, dealing with large-scale and evolving networks is not yet an easy task and still requires a new mining solution. In addition, finding communities within these networks is a challenging task and could open opportunities to see how people behave in groups on a large scale. Also, the challenge of validating and optimizing communities without knowing in advance the structure of the network due to the lack of ground truth is yet another challenging barrier for validating the meaningfulness of the resulting communities. In this thesis, we started by providing an overview of the necessary background and key concepts required in the area of social networks analysis. Our main focus is to provide solutions to tackle the key challenges in this area. For doing so, first, we introduce a predictive technique to help in the prediction of the execution time of the analysis tasks for evolving networks through employing predictive modeling techniques to the problem of evolving and large-scale networks. Second, we study the performance of existing community detection approaches to derive high quality community structure using a real email network through analysing the exchange of emails and exploring community dynamics. The aim is to study the community behavioral patterns and evaluate their quality within an actual network. Finally, we propose an ensemble technique for deriving communities using a rich internal enterprise real network in IBM that reflects real collaborations and communications between employees. The technique aims to improve the community detection process through the fusion of different algorithms

    Built-In Return-Oriented Programs in Embedded Systems and Deep Learning for Hardware Trojan Detection

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    Microcontrollers and integrated circuits in general have become ubiquitous in the world today. All aspects of our lives depend on them from driving to work, to calling our friends, to checking our bank account balance. People who would do harm to individuals, corporations and nation states are aware of this and for that reason they seek to find or create and exploit vulnerabilities in integrated circuits. This dissertation contains three papers dealing with these types of vulnerabilities. The first paper talks about a vulnerability that was found on a microcontroller, which is a type of integrated circuit. The final two papers deal with hardware trojans. Hardware trojans are purposely added to the design of an integrated circuit in secret so that the manufacturer doesn’t know about it. They are used to damage the integrated circuit, leak confidential information, or in other ways alter the circuit. Hardware trojans are a major concern for anyone using integrated circuits because an attacker can alter a circuit in almost any way if they are successful in inserting one. A known method to prevent hardware trojan insertion is discussed and a type of circuit for which this method does not work is revealed. The discussion of hardware trojans is concluded with a new way to detect them before the integrated circuit is manufactured. Modern deep learning models are used to detect the portions of the hardware trojan called triggers that activate them

    20th SC@RUG 2023 proceedings 2022-2023

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