35 research outputs found

    Interval simulation: raising the level of abstraction in architectural simulation

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    Detailed architectural simulators suffer from a long development cycle and extremely long evaluation times. This longstanding problem is further exacerbated in the multi-core processor era. Existing solutions address the simulation problem by either sampling the simulated instruction stream or by mapping the simulation models on FPGAs; these approaches achieve substantial simulation speedups while simulating performance in a cycle-accurate manner This paper proposes interval simulation which rakes a completely different approach: interval simulation raises the level of abstraction and replaces the core-level cycle-accurate simulation model by a mechanistic analytical model. The analytical model estimates core-level performance by analyzing intervals, or the timing between two miss events (branch mispredictions and TLB/cache misses); the miss events are determined through simulation of the memory hierarchy, cache coherence protocol, interconnection network and branch predictor By raising the level of abstraction, interval simulation reduces both development time and evaluation time. Our experimental results using the SPEC CPU2000 and PARSEC benchmark suites and the MS multi-core simulator show good accuracy up to eight cores (average error of 4.6% and max error of 11% for the multi-threaded full-system workloads), while achieving a one order of magnitude simulation speedup compared to cycle-accurate simulation. Moreover interval simulation is easy to implement: our implementation of the mechanistic analytical model incurs only one thousand lines of code. Its high accuracy, fast simulation speed and ease-of-use make interval simulation a useful complement to the architect's toolbox for exploring system-level and high-level micro-architecture trade-offs

    BP-NUCA: Cache Pressure-Aware Migration for High-Performance Caching in CMPs

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    As the momentum behind Chip Multi-Processors (CMPs) continues to grow, Last Level Cache (LLC) management becomes a crucial issue to CMPs because off-chip accesses often involve a big latency. Private cache design is distinguished by smaller local access latency, good performance isolation and easy scalability, thus is becoming an attractive design alternative for LLC of CMPs. This paper proposes Balanced Private Non-Uniform Cache Architecture (BP-NUCA), a new LLC architecture that starts from private cache design for smaller local access latency and good performance isolation, then introduces a low cost mechanism to dynamically migrate private blocks among peer private caches of LLC to improve the overall space utilization. BP-NUCA achieves this by measuring the cache access pressure level that each cache set experiences at runtime and then using the information to guide block migration among different private caches of LLC. A heavily accessed set, namely a set with high access pressure level, is allowed to migrate its evicted blocks to peer private caches, replacing blocks of sets which are with the same index and have low access pressure level. By migrating blocks from heavily accessed cache sets to less accessed cache sets, BP-NUCA effectively balances space utilization of LLC among different cores. Experimental results using a full system CMP simulator show that BP-NUCA improves the overall throughput by as much as 20.3 %, 12.4 %, 14.5 % and 18.0 % (on average 7.7 %, 4.4 %, 4.0 % and 6.1 %) over private cache, shared cache, shared cache management scheme UCP and private cache organization CC respectively on a 4-core CMP for SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks

    Beyond the socket: NUMA-aware GPUs

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    GPUs achieve high throughput and power efficiency by employing many small single instruction multiple thread (SIMT) cores. To minimize scheduling logic and performance variance they utilize a uniform memory system and leverage strong data parallelism exposed via the programming model. With Moore's law slowing, for GPUs to continue scaling performance (which largely depends on SIMT core count) they are likely to embrace multi-socket designs where transistors are more readily available. However when moving to such designs, maintaining the illusion of a uniform memory system is increasingly difficult. In this work we investigate multi-socket non-uniform memory access (NUMA) GPU designs and show that significant changes are needed to both the GPU interconnect and cache architectures to achieve performance scalability. We show that application phase effects can be exploited allowing GPU sockets to dynamically optimize their individual interconnect and cache policies, minimizing the impact of NUMA effects. Our NUMA-aware GPU outperforms a single GPU by 1.5Ă—, 2.3Ă—, and 3.2Ă— while achieving 89%, 84%, and 76% of theoretical application scalability in 2, 4, and 8 sockets designs respectively. Implementable today, NUMA-aware multi-socket GPUs may be a promising candidate for scaling GPU performance beyond a single socket.We would like to thank anonymous reviewers and Steve Keckler for their help in improving this paper. The first author is supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (TIN2012-34557, TIN2015-65316-P, and BES-2013-063925)Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Analyzing Instructtion Based Cache Replacement Policies

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    The increasing speed gap between microprocessors and off-chip DRAM makes last-level caches (LLCs) a critical component for computer performance. Multi core processors aggravate the problem since multiple processor cores compete for the LLC. As a result, LLCs typically consume a significant amount of the die area and effective utilization of LLCs is mandatory for both performance and power efficiency. We present a novel replacement policy for last-level caches (LLCs). The fundamental observation is to view LLCs as a shared resource among multiple address streams with each stream being generated by a static memory access instruction. The management of LLCs in both single-core and multi-core processors can then be modeled as a competition among multiple instructions. In our proposed scheme, we prioritize those instructions based on the number of LLC accesses and reuses and only allow cache lines having high instruction priorities to replace those of low priorities. The hardware support for our proposed replacement policy is light-weighted. Our experimental results based on a set of SPEC 2006 benchmarks show that it achieves significant performance improvement upon the least-recently used (LRU) replacement policy for benchmarks with high numbers of LLC misses. To handle LRU-friendly workloads, the set sampling technique is adopted to retain the benefits from the LRU replacement policy

    The ZCache: Decoupling Ways and Associativity

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    Abstract—The ever-increasing importance of main memory latency and bandwidth is pushing CMPs towards caches with higher capacity and associativity. Associativity is typically im-proved by increasing the number of ways. This reduces conflict misses, but increases hit latency and energy, placing a stringent trade-off on cache design. We present the zcache, a cache design that allows much higher associativity than the number of physical ways (e.g. a 64-associative cache with 4 ways). The zcache draws on previous research on skew-associative caches and cuckoo hashing. Hits, the common case, require a single lookup, incurring the latency and energy costs of a cache with a very low number of ways. On a miss, additional tag lookups happen off the critical path, yielding an arbitrarily large number of replacement candidates for the incoming block. Unlike conventional designs, the zcache provides associativity by increasing the number of replacement candidates, but not the number of cache ways. To understand the implications of this approach, we develop a general analysis framework that allows to compare associativity across different cache designs (e.g. a set-associative cache and a zcache) by representing associativity as a probability distribution. We use this framework to show that for zcaches, associativity depends only on the number of replacement candidates, and is independent of other factors (such as the number of cache ways or the workload). We also show that, for the same number of replacement candidates, the associativity of a zcache is superior than that of a set-associative cache for most workloads. Finally, we perform detailed simulations of multithreaded and multiprogrammed workloads on a large-scale CMP with zcache as the last-level cache. We show that zcaches provide higher performance and better energy efficiency than conventional caches without incurring the overheads of designs with a large number of ways. I

    Talus: A simple way to remove cliffs in cache performance

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    Caches often suffer from performance cliffs: minor changes in program behavior or available cache space cause large changes in miss rate. Cliffs hurt performance and complicate cache management. We present Talus, a simple scheme that removes these cliffs. Talus works by dividing a single application's access stream into two partitions, unlike prior work that partitions among competing applications. By controlling the sizes of these partitions, Talus ensures that as an application is given more cache space, its miss rate decreases in a convex fashion. We prove that Talus removes performance cliffs, and evaluate it through extensive simulation. Talus adds negligible overheads, improves single-application performance, simplifies partitioning algorithms, and makes cache partitioning more effective and fair.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1318384

    Whirlpool: Improving Dynamic Cache Management with Static Data Classification

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    Cache hierarchies are increasingly non-uniform and difficult to manage. Several techniques, such as scratchpads or reuse hints, use static information about how programs access data to manage the memory hierarchy. Static techniques are effective on regular programs, but because they set fixed policies, they are vulnerable to changes in program behavior or available cache space. Instead, most systems rely on dynamic caching policies that adapt to observed program behavior. Unfortunately, dynamic policies spend significant resources trying to learn how programs use memory, and yet they often perform worse than a static policy. We present Whirlpool, a novel approach that combines static information with dynamic policies to reap the benefits of each. Whirlpool statically classifies data into pools based on how the program uses memory. Whirlpool then uses dynamic policies to tune the cache to each pool. Hence, rather than setting policies statically, Whirlpool uses static analysis to guide dynamic policies. We present both an API that lets programmers specify pools manually and a profiling tool that discovers pools automatically in unmodified binaries. We evaluate Whirlpool on a state-of-the-art NUCA cache. Whirlpool significantly outperforms prior approaches: on sequential programs, Whirlpool improves performance by up to 38% and reduces data movement energy by up to 53%; on parallel programs, Whirlpool improves performance by up to 67% and reduces data movement energy by up to 2.6x.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant CCF-1318384)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER-1452994)Samsung (Firm) (GRO award