2 research outputs found

    Adaptive Global Power Optimization For Web Servers

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    Thiswork investigates power and performance trade-offs forWeb servers on a state-of-the-art, high-density, power-efficient SeaMicro SM15k cluster byAMD.We relied on the concept of virtual power states (VPSs), a combination of CPU utilization rate to the P/C power states available inmodern processors, and on our global optimization algorithm called Slack Recovery, to deploy an adaptive global powermanagement system in a production environment. The main contributions of this paper are twofold. First, it presents the Slack Recovery algorithm deployed on a real cluster, composed of 25 SeaMicro nodes. The algorithm finds a P-state and a utilization rate for each CPU node to minimize power under a minimum performance requirement. Second, it proposes a novel mechanism to control utilization rates in each server, a key aspect on our power/performance optimization system which enables the implementation of the VPS concept in practice. Experimental results show that our Slack Recovery-based system can reduce up to 6.7% of the power consumption when compared to policies usually deployed in SeaMicro production systems. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014.68310881112(2013) Libpfm4 Documentation, , http://perfmon2.sourceforge.net/docs_v4.html, Accessed on 04th July 2013Abbasi, Z., Varsamopoulos, G., Gupta, S.K.S., Tacoma: Server and workload management in internet data centers considering cooling-computing power trade-off and energy proportionality (2012) ACM Trans Archit Code Optim, 9, p. 2(2012) SeaMicro SM15000 Fabric Compute Systems, , AMD. 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