26 research outputs found

    Modelado jerárquico de objetos 3D con superficies de subdivisión

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    Las SSs (Superficies de Subdivisión) son un potente paradigma de modelado de objetos 3D (tridimensionales) que establece un puente entre los dos enfoques tradicionales a la aproximación de superficies, basados en mallas poligonales y de parches alabeados, que conllevan problemas uno y otro. Los esquemas de subdivisión permiten definir una superficie suave (a tramos), como las más frecuentes en la práctica, como el límite de un proceso recursivo de refinamiento de una malla de control burda, que puede ser descrita muy compactamente. Además, la recursividad inherente a las SSs establece naturalmente una relación de anidamiento piramidal entre las mallas / NDs (Niveles de Detalle) generadas/os sucesivamente, por lo que las SSs se prestan extraordinariamente al AMRO (Análisis Multiresolución mediante Ondículas) de superficies, que tiene aplicaciones prácticas inmediatas e interesantísimas, como la codificación y la edición jerárquicas de modelos 3D. Empezamos describiendo los vínculos entre las tres áreas que han servido de base a nuestro trabajo (SSs, extracción automática de NDs y AMRO) para explicar como encajan estas tres piezas del puzzle del modelado jerárquico de objetos de 3D con SSs. El AMRO consiste en descomponer una función en una versión burda suya y un conjunto de refinamientos aditivos anidados jerárquicamente llamados "coeficientes ondiculares". La teoría clásica de ondículas estudia las señales clásicas nD: las definidas sobre dominios paramétricos homeomorfos a R" o (0,1)n como el audio (n=1), las imágenes (n=2) o el vídeo (n=3). En topologías menos triviales, como las variedades 2D) (superficies en el espacio 3D), el AMRO no es tan obvio, pero sigue siendo posible si se enfoca desde la perspectiva de las SSs. Basta con partir de una malla burda que aproxime a un bajo ND la superficie considerada, subdividirla recursivamente y, al hacerlo, ir añadiendo los coeficientes ondiculares, que son los detalles 3D necesarios para obtener aproximaciones más y más finas a la superficie original. Pasamos después a las aplicaciones prácticas que constituyen nuestros principal desarrollo original y, en particular, presentamos una técnica de codificación jerárquica de modelos 3D basada en SSs, que actúa sobre los detalles 3D mencionados: los expresa en un referencial normal loscal; los organiza según una estructura jerárquica basada en facetas; los cuantifica dedicando menos bits a sus componentes tangenciales, menos energéticas, y los "escalariza"; y los codifica dinalmente gracias a una técnica similar al SPIHT (Set Partitioning In Hierarchical Tress) de Said y Pearlman. El resultado es un código completamente embebido y al menos dos veces más compacto, para superficies mayormente suaves, que los obtenidos con técnicas de codificación progresiva de mallas 3D publicadas previamente, en las que además los NDs no están anidados piramidalmente. Finalmente, describimos varios métodos auxiliares que hemos desarrollado, mejorando técnicas previas y creando otras propias, ya que una solución completa al modelado de objetos 3D con SSs requiere resolver otros dos problemas. El primero es la extracción de una malla base (triangular, en nuestro caso) de la superficie original, habitualmente dada por una malla triangular fina con conectividad arbitraria. El segundo es la generación de un remallado recursivo con conectividad de subdivisión de la malla original/objetivo mediante un refinamiento recursivo de la malla base, calculando así los detalles 3D necesarios para corregir las posiciones predichas por la subdivisión para nuevos vértices

    Surface Remeshing and Applications

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    Due to the focus of popular graphic accelerators, triangle meshes remain the primary representation for 3D surfaces. They are the simplest form of interpolation between surface samples, which may have been acquired with a laser scanner, computed from a 3D scalar field resolved on a regular grid, or identified on slices of medical data. Typical methods for the generation of triangle meshes from raw data attempt to lose as less information as possible, so that the resulting surface models can be used in the widest range of scenarios. When such a general-purpose model has to be used in a particular application context, however, a pre-processing is often worth to be considered. In some cases, it is convenient to slightly modify the geometry and/or the connectivity of the mesh, so that further processing can take place more easily. Other applications may require the mesh to have a pre-defined structure, which is often different from the one of the original general-purpose mesh. The central focus of this thesis is the automatic remeshing of highly detailed surface triangulations. Besides a thorough discussion of state-of-the-art applications such as real-time rendering and simulation, new approaches are proposed which use remeshing for topological analysis, flexible mesh generation and 3D compression. Furthermore, innovative methods are introduced to post-process polygonal models in order to recover information which was lost, or hidden, by a prior remeshing process. Besides the technical contributions, this thesis aims at showing that surface remeshing is much more useful than it may seem at a first sight, as it represents a nearly fundamental step for making several applications feasible in practice

    Procedurally generated models for Isogeometric Analysis

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    Increasingly powerful hard- and software allows for the numerical simulation of complex physical phenomena with high levels of detail. In light of this development the definition of numerical models for the Finite Element Method (FEM) has become the bottleneck in the simulation process. Characteristic features of the model generation are large manual efforts and a de-coupling of geometric and numerical model. In the highly probable case of design revisions all steps of model preprocessing and mesh generation have to be repeated. This includes the idealization and approximation of a geometric model as well as the definition of boundary conditions and model parameters. Design variants leading to more resource-efficient structures might hence be disregarded due to limited budgets and constrained time frames. A potential solution to above problem is given with the concept of Isogeometric Analysis (IGA). Core idea of this method is to directly employ a geometric model for numerical simulations, which allows to circumvent model transformations and the accompanying data losses. Basis for this method are geometric models described in terms of Non-uniform rational B-Splines (NURBS). This class of piecewise continuous rational polynomial functions is ubiquitous in computer graphics and Computer-Aided Design (CAD). It allows the description of a wide range of geometries using a compact mathematical representation. The shape of an object thereby results from the interpolation of a set of control points by means of the NURBS functions, allowing efficient representations for curves, surfaces and solid bodies alike. Existing software applications, however, only support the modeling and manipulation of the former two. The description of three-dimensional solid bodies consequently requires significant manual effort, thus essentially forbidding the setup of complex models. This thesis proposes a procedural approach for the generation of volumetric NURBS models. That is, a model is not described in terms of its data structures but as a sequence of modeling operations applied to a simple initial shape. In a sense this describes the "evolution" of the geometric model under the sequence of operations. In order to adapt this concept to NURBS geometries, only a compact set of commands is necessary which, in turn, can be adapted from existing algorithms. A model then can be treated in terms of interpretable model parameters. This leads to an abstraction from its data structures and model variants can be set up by variation of the governing parameters. The proposed concept complements existing template modeling approaches: templates can not only be defined in terms of modeling commands but can also serve as input geometry for said operations. Such templates, arranged in a nested hierarchy, provide an elegant model representation. They offer adaptivity on each tier of the model hierarchy and allow to create complex models from only few model parameters. This is demonstrated for volumetric fluid domains used in the simulation of vertical-axis wind turbines. Starting from a template representation of airfoil cross-sections, the complete "negative space" around the rotor blades can be described by a small set of model parameters, and model variants can be set up in a fraction of a second. NURBS models offer a high geometric flexibility, allowing to represent a given shape in different ways. Different model instances can exhibit varying suitability for numerical analyses. For their assessment, Finite Element mesh quality metrics are regarded. The considered metrics are based on purely geometric criteria and allow to identify model degenerations commonly used to achieve certain geometric features. They can be used to decide upon model adaptions and provide a measure for their efficacy. Unfortunately, they do not reveal a relation between mesh distortion and ill-conditioning of the equation systems resulting from the numerical model

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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    Sixth Biennial Report : August 2001 - May 2003

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    Highly Symmetric Multiple Bi-Frames for Curve and Surface Multiresolution Processing

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    Wavelets and wavelet frames are important and useful mathematical tools in numerous applications, such as signal and image processing, and numerical analysis. Recently, the theory of wavelet frames plays an essential role in signal processing, image processing, sampling theory, and harmonic analysis. However, multiwavelets and multiple frames are more flexible and have more freedom in their construction which can provide more desired properties than the scalar case, such as short compact support, orthogonality, high approximation order, and symmetry. These properties are useful in several applications, such as curve and surface noise-removing as studied in this dissertation. Thus, the study of multiwavelets and multiple frames construction has more advantages for many applications. Recently, the construction of highly symmetric bi-frames for curve and surface multiresolution processing has been investigated. The 6-fold symmetric bi-frames, which lead to highly symmetric analysis and synthesis bi-frame algorithms, have been introduced. Moreover, these multiple bi-frame algorithms play an important role on curve and surface multiresolution processing. This dissertation is an extension of the study of construction of univariate biorthogonal wavelet frames (bi-frames for short) or dual wavelet frames with each framelet being symmetric in the scalar case. We will expand the study of biorthogonal wavelets and bi-frames construction from the scalar case to the vector case to construct biorthogonal multiwavelets and multiple bi-frames in one-dimension. In addition, we will extend the study of highly symmetric bi-frames for triangle surface multiresolution processing from the scalar case to the vector case. More precisely, the objective of this research is to construct highly symmetric biorthogonal multiwavelets and multiple bi-frames in one and two dimensions for curve and surface multiresolution processing. It runs in parallel with the scalar case. We mainly present the methods of constructing biorthogonal multiwavelets and multiple bi-frames in both dimensions by using the idea of lifting scheme. On the whole, we discuss several topics include a brief introduction and discussion of multiwavelets theory, multiresolution analysis, scalar wavelet frames, multiple frames, and the lifting scheme. Then, we present and discuss some results of one-dimensional biorthogonal multiwavelets and multiple bi-frames for curve multiresolution processing with uniform symmetry: type I and type II along with biorthogonality, sum rule orders, vanishing moments, and uniform symmetry for both types. In addition, we present and discuss some results of two-dimensional biorthogonal multiwavelets and multiple bi-frames and the multiresolution algorithms for surface multiresolution processing. Finally, we show experimental results on curve and surface noise-removing by applying our multiple bi-frame algorithms