322 research outputs found

    Sonar systems for object recognition

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    The deep sea exploration and exploitation is one of the biggest challenges of the next century. Military, oil & gas, o shore wind farming, underwater mining, oceanography are some of the actors interested in this eld. The engineering and technical challenges to perform any tasks underwater are great but the most crucial element in any underwater systems has to be the sensors. In air numerous sensor systems have been developed: optic cameras, laser scanner or radar systems. Unfortunately electro magnetic waves propagate poorly in water, therefore acoustic sensors are a much preferred tool then optical ones. This thesis is dedicated to the study of the present and the future of acoustic sensors for detection, identi cation or survey. We will explore several sonar con gurations and designs and their corresponding models for target scattering. We will show that object echoes can contain essential information concerning its structure and/or composition

    Predicting room acoustical behavior with the ODEON computer model

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    Acoustical measurements on stages of nine U.S. concert halls

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