7,666 research outputs found

    A preliminary approach to intelligent x-ray imaging for baggage inspection at airports

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    Identifying explosives in baggage at airports relies on being able to characterize the materials that make up an X-ray image. If a suspicion is generated during the imaging process (step 1), the image data could be enhanced by adapting the scanning parameters (step 2). This paper addresses the first part of this problem and uses textural signatures to recognize and characterize materials and hence enabling system control. Directional Gabor-type filtering was applied to a series of different X-ray images. Images were processed in such a way as to simulate a line scanning geometry. Based on our experiments with images of industrial standards and our own samples it was found that different materials could be characterized in terms of the frequency range and orientation of the filters. It was also found that the signal strength generated by the filters could be used as an indicator of visibility and optimum imaging conditions predicted

    Data-Driven Distributed Optical Vibration Sensors: A Review

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    Distributed optical vibration sensors (DOVS) have attracted much attention recently since it can be used to monitor mechanical vibrations or acoustic waves with long reach and high sensitivity. Phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometry (Φ-OTDR) is one of the most commonly used DOVS schemes. For Φ-OTDR, the whole length of fiber under test (FUT) works as the sensing instrument and continuously generates sensing data during measurement. Researchers have made great efforts to try to extract external intrusions from the redundant data. High signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is necessary in order to accurately locate and identify external intrusions in Φ-OTDR systems. Improvement in SNR is normally limited by the properties of light source, photodetector and FUT. But this limitation can also be overcome by post-processing of the received optical signals. In this context, detailed methodologies of SNR enhancement post-processing algorithms in Φ-OTDR systems have been described in this paper. Furthermore, after successfully locating the external vibrations, it is also important to identify the types of source of the vibrations. Pattern classification is a powerful tool in recognizing the intrusion types from the vibration signals in practical applications. Recent reports of Φ-OTDR systems employed with pattern classification algorithms are subsequently reviewed and discussed. This thorough review will provide a design pathway for improving the performance of Φ-OTDR while maintaining the cost of the system as no additional hardware is required


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    Video transmission plays a critical role in robotic telesurgery because of the high bandwidth and high quality requirement. The goal of this dissertation is to find a preprocessing method based on human visual perception for telesurgical video, so that when preprocessed image sequences are passed to the video encoder, the bandwidth can be reallocated from non-essential surrounding regions to the region of interest, ensuring excellent image quality of critical regions (e.g. surgical region). It can also be considered as a quality control scheme that will gracefully degrade the video quality in the presence of network congestion. The proposed preprocessing method can be separated into two major parts. First, we propose a time-varying attention map whose value is highest at the gazing point and falls off progressively towards the periphery. Second, we propose adaptive spatial filtering and the parameters of which are adjusted according to the attention map. By adding visual adaptation to the spatial filtering, telesurgical video data can be compressed efficiently because of the high degree of visual redundancy removal by our algorithm. Our experimental results have shown that with the proposed preprocessing method, over half of the bandwidth can be reduced while there is no significant visual effect for the observer. We have also developed an optimal parameter selecting algorithm, so that when the network bandwidth is limited, the overall visual distortion after preprocessing is minimized

    Adaptive kernel estimation for enhanced filtering and pattern classification of magnetic resonance imaging: novel techniques for evaluating the biomechanics and pathologic conditions of the lumbar spine

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    This dissertation investigates the contribution the lumbar spine musculature has on etiological and pathogenic characteristics of low back pain and lumbar spondylosis. This endeavor necessarily required a two-step process: 1) design of an accurate post-processing method for extracting relevant information via magnetic resonance images and 2) determine pathological trends by elucidating high-dimensional datasets through multivariate pattern classification. The lumbar musculature was initially evaluated by post-processing and segmentation of magnetic resonance (MR) images of the lumbar spine, which characteristically suffer from nonlinear corruption of the signal intensity. This so called intensity inhomogeneity degrades the efficacy of traditional intensity-based segmentation algorithms. Proposed in this dissertation is a solution for filtering individual MR images by extracting a map of the underlying intensity inhomogeneity to adaptively generate local estimates of the kernel’s optimal bandwidth. The adaptive kernel is implemented and tested within the structure of the non-local means filter, but also generalized and extended to the Gaussian and anisotropic diffusion filters. Testing of the proposed filters showed that the adaptive kernel significantly outperformed their non-adaptive counterparts. A variety of performance metrics were utilized to measure either fine feature preservation or accuracy of post-processed segmentation. Based on these metrics the adaptive filters proposed in this dissertation significantly outperformed the non-adaptive versions. Using the proposed filter, the MR data was semi-automatically segmented to delineate between adipose and lean muscle tissues. Two important findings were reached utilizing this data. First, a clear distinction between the musculature of males and females was established that provided 100% accuracy in being able to predict gender. Second, degenerative lumbar spines were accurately predicted at a rate of up to 92% accuracy. These results solidify prior assumptions made regarding sexual dimorphic anatomy and the pathogenic nature of degenerative spine disease
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