9,263 research outputs found

    Adaptive Reduced Rank Regression

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    We study the low rank regression problem y=Mx+ϵ\mathbf{y} = M\mathbf{x} + \epsilon, where x\mathbf{x} and y\mathbf{y} are d1d_1 and d2d_2 dimensional vectors respectively. We consider the extreme high-dimensional setting where the number of observations nn is less than d1+d2d_1 + d_2. Existing algorithms are designed for settings where nn is typically as large as rank(M)(d1+d2)\mathrm{rank}(M)(d_1+d_2). This work provides an efficient algorithm which only involves two SVD, and establishes statistical guarantees on its performance. The algorithm decouples the problem by first estimating the precision matrix of the features, and then solving the matrix denoising problem. To complement the upper bound, we introduce new techniques for establishing lower bounds on the performance of any algorithm for this problem. Our preliminary experiments confirm that our algorithm often out-performs existing baselines, and is always at least competitive.Comment: 40 page

    Subspace Tracking and Least Squares Approaches to Channel Estimation in Millimeter Wave Multiuser MIMO

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    The problem of MIMO channel estimation at millimeter wave frequencies, both in a single-user and in a multi-user setting, is tackled in this paper. Using a subspace approach, we develop a protocol enabling the estimation of the right (resp. left) singular vectors at the transmitter (resp. receiver) side; then, we adapt the projection approximation subspace tracking with deflation and the orthogonal Oja algorithms to our framework and obtain two channel estimation algorithms. We also present an alternative algorithm based on the least squares approach. The hybrid analog/digital nature of the beamformer is also explicitly taken into account at the algorithm design stage. In order to limit the system complexity, a fixed analog beamformer is used at both sides of the communication links. The obtained numerical results, showing the accuracy in the estimation of the channel matrix dominant singular vectors, the system achievable spectral efficiency, and the system bit-error-rate, prove that the proposed algorithms are effective, and that they compare favorably, in terms of the performance-complexity trade-off, with respect to several competing alternatives.Comment: To appear on the IEEE Transactions on Communication

    High Dimensional Semiparametric Scale-Invariant Principal Component Analysis

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    We propose a new high dimensional semiparametric principal component analysis (PCA) method, named Copula Component Analysis (COCA). The semiparametric model assumes that, after unspecified marginally monotone transformations, the distributions are multivariate Gaussian. COCA improves upon PCA and sparse PCA in three aspects: (i) It is robust to modeling assumptions; (ii) It is robust to outliers and data contamination; (iii) It is scale-invariant and yields more interpretable results. We prove that the COCA estimators obtain fast estimation rates and are feature selection consistent when the dimension is nearly exponentially large relative to the sample size. Careful experiments confirm that COCA outperforms sparse PCA on both synthetic and real-world datasets.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPMAI

    Randomized Dimension Reduction on Massive Data

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    Scalability of statistical estimators is of increasing importance in modern applications and dimension reduction is often used to extract relevant information from data. A variety of popular dimension reduction approaches can be framed as symmetric generalized eigendecomposition problems. In this paper we outline how taking into account the low rank structure assumption implicit in these dimension reduction approaches provides both computational and statistical advantages. We adapt recent randomized low-rank approximation algorithms to provide efficient solutions to three dimension reduction methods: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Sliced Inverse Regression (SIR), and Localized Sliced Inverse Regression (LSIR). A key observation in this paper is that randomization serves a dual role, improving both computational and statistical performance. This point is highlighted in our experiments on real and simulated data.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures, Key Words:dimension reduction, generalized eigendecompositon, low-rank, supervised, inverse regression, random projections, randomized algorithms, Krylov subspace method

    Diffusion Maps Kalman Filter for a Class of Systems with Gradient Flows

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    In this paper, we propose a non-parametric method for state estimation of high-dimensional nonlinear stochastic dynamical systems, which evolve according to gradient flows with isotropic diffusion. We combine diffusion maps, a manifold learning technique, with a linear Kalman filter and with concepts from Koopman operator theory. More concretely, using diffusion maps, we construct data-driven virtual state coordinates, which linearize the system model. Based on these coordinates, we devise a data-driven framework for state estimation using the Kalman filter. We demonstrate the strengths of our method with respect to both parametric and non-parametric algorithms in three tracking problems. In particular, applying the approach to actual recordings of hippocampal neural activity in rodents directly yields a representation of the position of the animals. We show that the proposed method outperforms competing non-parametric algorithms in the examined stochastic problem formulations. Additionally, we obtain results comparable to classical parametric algorithms, which, in contrast to our method, are equipped with model knowledge.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, submitted to IEEE TS

    A nonparametric empirical Bayes approach to covariance matrix estimation

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    We propose an empirical Bayes method to estimate high-dimensional covariance matrices. Our procedure centers on vectorizing the covariance matrix and treating matrix estimation as a vector estimation problem. Drawing from the compound decision theory literature, we introduce a new class of decision rules that generalizes several existing procedures. We then use a nonparametric empirical Bayes g-modeling approach to estimate the oracle optimal rule in that class. This allows us to let the data itself determine how best to shrink the estimator, rather than shrinking in a pre-determined direction such as toward a diagonal matrix. Simulation results and a gene expression network analysis shows that our approach can outperform a number of state-of-the-art proposals in a wide range of settings, sometimes substantially.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Subspace Leakage Analysis and Improved DOA Estimation with Small Sample Size

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    Classical methods of DOA estimation such as the MUSIC algorithm are based on estimating the signal and noise subspaces from the sample covariance matrix. For a small number of samples, such methods are exposed to performance breakdown, as the sample covariance matrix can largely deviate from the true covariance matrix. In this paper, the problem of DOA estimation performance breakdown is investigated. We consider the structure of the sample covariance matrix and the dynamics of the root-MUSIC algorithm. The performance breakdown in the threshold region is associated with the subspace leakage where some portion of the true signal subspace resides in the estimated noise subspace. In this paper, the subspace leakage is theoretically derived. We also propose a two-step method which improves the performance by modifying the sample covariance matrix such that the amount of the subspace leakage is reduced. Furthermore, we introduce a phenomenon named as root-swap which occurs in the root-MUSIC algorithm in the low sample size region and degrades the performance of the DOA estimation. A new method is then proposed to alleviate this problem. Numerical examples and simulation results are given for uncorrelated and correlated sources to illustrate the improvement achieved by the proposed methods. Moreover, the proposed algorithms are combined with the pseudo-noise resampling method to further improve the performance.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figures, Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing in July 201
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