6 research outputs found

    An information theoretic image steganalysis for LSB steganography

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    Steganography hides the data within a media file in an imperceptible way. Steganalysis exposes steganography by using detection measures. Traditionally, Steganalysis revealed steganography by targeting perceptible and statistical properties which results in developing secure steganography schemes. In this work, we target LSB image steganography by using entropy and joint entropy metrics for steganalysis. First, the Embedded image is processed for feature extraction then analyzed by entropy and joint entropy with their corresponding original image. Second, SVM and Ensemble classifiers are trained according to the analysis results. The decision of classifiers discriminates cover image from stego image. This scheme is further applied on attacked stego image for checking detection reliability. Performance evaluation of proposed scheme is conducted over grayscale image datasets. We analyzed LSB embedded images by Comparing information gain from entropy and joint entropy metrics. Results conclude that entropy of the suspected image is more preserving than joint entropy. As before histogram attack, detection rate with entropy metric is 70% and 98% with joint entropy metric. However after an attack, entropy metric ends with 30% detection rate while joint entropy metric gives 93% detection rate. Therefore, joint entropy proves to be better steganalysis measure with 93% detection accuracy and less false alarms with varying hiding ratio

    Adaptive Steganalysis of Least Significant Bit Replacement in Grayscale Natural Images

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the detection of hidden bits in the Least Significant Bit (LSB) plane of a natural image. The mean level and the covariance matrix of the image, considered as a quantized Gaussian random matrix, are unknown. An adaptive statistical test is designed such that its probability distribution is always independent of the unknown image parameters, while ensuring a high probability of hidden bits detection. This test is based on the likelihood ratio test except that the unknown parameters are replaced by estimates based on a local linear regression model. It is shown that this test maximizes the probability of detection as the image size becomes arbitrarily large and the quantization step vanishes. This provides an asymptotic upper-bound for the detection of hidden bits based on the LSB replacement mechanism. Numerical results on real natural images show the relevance of the method and the sharpness of the asymptotic expression for the probability of detection

    Adaptive Steganalysis of Least Significant Bit Replacement in Grayscale Natural Images

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    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 24. Number 4.

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    Détection statistique d'information cachée dans des images naturelles

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    La nécessité de communiquer de façon sécurisée n est pas chose nouvelle : depuis l antiquité des méthodes existent afin de dissimuler une communication. La cryptographie a permis de rendre un message inintelligible en le chiffrant, la stéganographie quant à elle permet de dissimuler le fait même qu un message est échangé. Cette thèse s inscrit dans le cadre du projet "Recherche d Informations Cachées" financé par l Agence Nationale de la Recherche, l Université de Technologie de Troyes a travaillé sur la modélisation mathématique d une image naturelle et à la mise en place de détecteurs d informations cachées dans les images. Ce mémoire propose d étudier la stéganalyse dans les images naturelles du point de vue de la décision statistique paramétrique. Dans les images JPEG, un détecteur basé sur la modélisation des coefficients DCT quantifiés est proposé et les calculs des probabilités du détecteur sont établis théoriquement. De plus, une étude du nombre moyen d effondrements apparaissant lors de l insertion avec les algorithmes F3 et F4 est proposée. Enfin, dans le cadre des images non compressées, les tests proposés sont optimaux sous certaines contraintes, une des difficultés surmontées étant le caractère quantifié des donnéesThe need of secure communication is not something new: from ancient, methods exist to conceal communication. Cryptography helped make unintelligible message using encryption, steganography can hide the fact that a message is exchanged.This thesis is part of the project "Hidden Information Research" funded by the National Research Agency, Troyes University of Technology worked on the mathematical modeling of a natural image and creating detectors of hidden information in digital pictures.This thesis proposes to study the steganalysis in natural images in terms of parametric statistical decision. In JPEG images, a detector based on the modeling of quantized DCT coefficients is proposed and calculations of probabilities of the detector are established theoretically. In addition, a study of the number of shrinkage occurring during embedding by F3 and F4 algorithms is proposed. Finally, for the uncompressed images, the proposed tests are optimal under certain constraints, a difficulty overcome is the data quantizationTROYES-SCD-UTT (103872102) / SudocSudocFranceF