3 research outputs found

    Secure and Energy Aware Cluster based Routing using Trust Centric ā€“ Multiobjective Black Widow Optimization for large scale WSN

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a promising approach that is developed for a wide range of applications due to its low installation cost. However, the nodes in the WSN are susceptible to different security threats, because these nodes are located in hostile or harsh environments. Moreover, an inappropriate selection of routing path affects the data delivery of the WSN. The important goal of this paper is to obtain secure data transmission while minimizing energy consumption. In this paper, Trust Centric - Multiobjective Black Widow Optimization (TC-MBWO) is proposed for selection of Secure Cluster Head (SCH) from the large-scale WSN. Moreover, the secure routing path is generated by using the TC-MBWO, in which the factors considered for the cost function are: residual energy, distance, trust and node degree. Therefore, the secured clustering and routing achieved by using TC-MBWO, provides the resistance against malicious nodes and simultaneously the energy consumption is also minimized by identifying the shortest path. The proposed TC-MBWO method is analyzed in terms of alive nodes, dead nodes, energy consumption, throughput, and network lifetime. Here, the TC-MBWO method is compared with different existing methods such as Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH), Particle Swarm Optimization - Grey Wolf Optimizer (PSO-GWO), Particle-Water Wave Optimization (P-WWO) and Particle-based Spider Monkey Optimization (P-SMO). The alive nodes of the TC-MBWO are 70 for 2800 rounds which are higher in number when compared to the PSO-GWO, P-WWO and P-SMO

    Secure cluster-based routing using multi objective-trust centric artificial algae algorithm for wireless sensor network

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    Nowadays, wireless sensor network (WSN) is developed as a key technology to observe and track applications over a wide range. However, energy consumption and security are considered as important issues in the WSN. In this paper, the multi objective-trust centric artificial algae algorithm (M-TCAAA) is proposed to accomplish a secure broadcasting over the WSN. The proposed M-TCAAA is used to choose the secure cluster head (SCH) as well as routing path, based on the distinct fitness measures such as trust, communication cost, residual energy, and node degree. Hence, the M-TCAAA is used to ensure a secure data transmission while decreasing the energy consumed by the nodes. The performance of the M-TCAAA is analyzed by means of energy consumption, packet delivery ratio (PDR), throughput, end to end delay (EED), normalized routing load (NRL), and network lifetime. The existing researches namely energy aware trust and opportunity-based routing with mobile nodes (ETOR-MN), grey wolf updated whale optimization (GUWO), secure cluster-based routing protocol (SCBRP), secure routing protocol based on multi-objective ant-colony-optimization (SRPMA) and multi objective trust aware hybrid optimization (MOTAHO) are considered for evaluating the M-TCAAA. The PDR of the M-TCAAA for 100 nodes is 99.87%, which is larger than the ETOR-MN, GUWO, SRPMA and MOTAHO

    Efficient two-stage cryptography scheme for secure distributed data storage in cloud computing

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    Cloud computing environment requires secure access for data from the cloud server, small execution time, and low time complexity. Existing traditional cryptography algorithms are not suitable for cloud storage. In this paper, an efficient two-stage cryptography scheme is proposed to access and store data into cloud safely. It comprises both user authentication and encryption processes. First, a two-factor authentication scheme one-time password is proposed. It overcomes the weaknesses in the existing authentication schemes. The proposed authentication method does not require specific extra hardware or additional processing time to identity the user. Second, the plaintext is divided into two parts which are encrypted separately using a unique key for each. This division increases the security of the proposed scheme and in addition decreases the encryption time. The keys are generated using logistic chaos model theory. Chaos equation generates different values of keys which are very sensitive to initial condition and control parameter values entered by the user. This scheme achieves high-security level by introducing different security processes with different stages. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme reduces the size of the ciphertext and both encryption and decryption times than competing schemes without adding any complexity