4 research outputs found

    Improving OLTP Scalability Using Speculative Lock Inheritance

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    Transaction processing workloads provide ample request level concurrency which highly parallel architectures can exploit. However, the resulting heavy utilization of core database services also causes resource contention within the database engine itself and limits scalability. Meanwhile, many database workloads consist of short transactions which access only a few database records each, often with stringent response time requirements. Performance of these short transactions is determined largely by the amount of overhead the database engine imposes for services such as logging, locking, and transaction management. This paper highlights the negative scalability impact of database locking, an effect which is especially severe for short transactions running on highly concurrent multicore hardware. We propose and evaluate Speculative Lock Inheritance, a technique where hot database locks pass directly from transaction to transaction, bypassing the lock manager bottleneck. We implement SLI in the Shore-MT storage manager and show that lock inheritance fundamentally improves scalability by decoupling the number of simultaneous requests for popular locks from the number of threads in the system, eliminating contention within the lock manager even as core counts continue to increase. We achieve this effect with only minor changes to the lock manager and without changes to consistency or other application-visible effects

    Contention Adapting Search Trees

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    Abstract-With multicores being ubiquitous, concurrent data structures are becoming increasingly important. This paper proposes a novel approach to concurrent data structure design where the data structure collects statistics about contention and adapts dynamically according to this statistics. We use this approach to create a contention adapting binary search tree (CA tree) that can be used to implement concurrent ordered sets and maps. Our experimental evaluation shows that CA trees scale similar to recently proposed algorithms on a big multicore machine on various scenarios with a larger set size, and outperform the same data structures in more contended scenarios and in sequential performance. We also show that CA trees are well suited for optimization with hardware lock elision. In short, we propose a practically useful and easy to implement and show correct concurrent search tree that naturally adapts to the level of contention. I. INTRODUCTION With multicores being widespread, the need for efficient concurrent data structures has increased. In this paper we propose a novel adaptive technique for creating concurrent data structures. Our technique collects statistics about contention in locks and does local adaptations dynamically to reduce the contention or to optimize for low contention. This is the first contribution of this paper. Previous research on adapting to the level of contention has focused on objects where access cannot be easily distibuted, such as locks We demonstrate the benefits of our contention adapting technique by describing and evaluating a data structure for concurrent ordered sets or maps. We call this data structure contention adapting search tree or CA tree for short. The design of CA trees is the second contribution of this paper. Curren