7 research outputs found

    Automatic Performance Optimization of Stencil Codes

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    A widely used class of codes are stencil codes. Their general structure is very simple: data points in a large grid are repeatedly recomputed from neighboring values. This predefined neighborhood is the so-called stencil. Despite their very simple structure, stencil codes are hard to optimize since only few computations are performed while a comparatively large number of values have to be accessed, i.e., stencil codes usually have a very low computational intensity. Moreover, the set of optimizations and their parameters also depend on the hardware on which the code is executed. To cut a long story short, current production compilers are not able to fully optimize this class of codes and optimizing each application by hand is not practical. As a remedy, we propose a set of optimizations and describe how they can be applied automatically by a code generator for the domain of stencil codes. A combination of a space and time tiling is able to increase the data locality, which significantly reduces the memory-bandwidth requirements: a standard three-dimensional 7-point Jacobi stencil can be accelerated by a factor of 3. This optimization can target basically any stencil code, while others are more specialized. E.g., support for arbitrary linear data layout transformations is especially beneficial for colored kernels, such as a Red-Black Gauss-Seidel smoother. On the one hand, an optimized data layout for such kernels reduces the bandwidth requirements while, on the other hand, it simplifies an explicit vectorization. Other noticeable optimizations described in detail are redundancy elimination techniques to eliminate common subexpressions both in a sequence of statements and across loop boundaries, arithmetic simplifications and normalizations, and the vectorization mentioned previously. In combination, these optimizations are able to increase the performance not only of the model problem given by Poisson’s equation, but also of real-world applications: an optical flow simulation and the simulation of a non-isothermal and non-Newtonian fluid flow

    Learning Instruction Scheduling Heuristics from Optimal Data

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    The development of modern pipelined and multiple functional unit processors has increased the available instruction level parallelism. In order to fully utilize these resources, compiler writers spend large amounts of time developing complex scheduling heuristics for each new architecture. In order to reduce the time spent on this process, automated machine learning techniques have been proposed to generate scheduling heuristics. We present two case studies using these techniques to generate instruction scheduling heuristics for basic blocks and super blocks. A basic block is a block of code with a single flow of control and a super block is a collection of basic blocks with a single entry point but multiple exit points. We improve previous techniques for automated generation of basic block scheduling heuristics by increasing the quality of the training data and increasing the number of features considered, including several novel features that have useful effects on scheduling instructions. Our case study into super block scheduling heuristics is a novel contribution as previous approaches were only applied to basic blocks. We show through experimentation that we can produce efficient heuristics that perform better than current heuristic methods for basic block and super block scheduling. We show that we can reduce the number of non-optimally scheduled blocks by up to 55% for basic blocks and 38% for super blocks. We also show that we can produce better schedules 7. 8 times more often than the next best heuristic for basic blocks and 4. 4 times more often for super blocks

    Collaborative compilation

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    Thesis (M. Eng. and S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 105-110).Modern optimizing compilers use many heuristic solutions that must be tuned empirically. This tuning is usually done "at the factory" using standard benchmarks. However, applications that are not in the benchmark suite will not achieve the best possible performance, because they are not considered when tuning the compiler. Collaborative compilation alleviates this problem by using local profiling information for at-the-factory style training, allowing users to tune their compilers based on the applications that they use most. It takes advantage of the repeated compilations performed in Java virtual machines to gather performance information from the programs that the user runs. For a single user, this approach may cause undue overhead; for this reason, collaborative compilation allows the sharing of profile information and publishing of the results of tuning. Thus, users see no performance degradation from profiling, only performance improvement due to tuning. This document describes the challenges of implementing collaborative compilation and the solutions we have developed. We present experiments showing that collaborative compilation can be used to gain performance improvements on several compilation problems. In addition, we relate collaborative compilation to previous research and describe directions for future work.by Benjamin R. Wagner.M.Eng.and S.B

    Iterative Schedule Optimization for Parallelization in the Polyhedron Model

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    In high-performance computing, one primary objective is to exploit the performance that the given target hardware can deliver to the fullest. Compilers that have the ability to automatically optimize programs for a specific target hardware can be highly useful in this context. Iterative (or search-based) compilation requires little or no prior knowledge and can adapt more easily to concrete programs and target hardware than static cost models and heuristics. Thereby, iterative compilation helps in situations in which static heuristics do not reflect the combination of input program and target hardware well. Moreover, iterative compilation may enable the derivation of more accurate cost models and heuristics for optimizing compilers. In this context, the polyhedron model is of help as it provides not only a mathematical representation of programs but, more importantly, a uniform representation of complex sequences of program transformations by schedule functions. The latter facilitates the systematic exploration of the set of legal transformations of a given program. Early approaches to purely iterative schedule optimization in the polyhedron model do not limit their search to schedules that preserve program semantics and, thereby, suffer from the need to explore numbers of illegal schedules. More recent research ensures the legality of program transformations but presumes a sequential rather than a parallel execution of the transformed program. Other approaches do not perform a purely iterative optimization. We propose an approach to iterative schedule optimization for parallelization and tiling in the polyhedron model. Our approach targets loop programs that profit from data locality optimization and coarse-grained loop parallelization. The schedule search space can be explored either randomly or by means of a genetic algorithm. To determine a schedule's profitability, we rely primarily on measuring the transformed code's execution time. While benchmarking is accurate, it increases the time and resource consumption of program optimization tremendously and can even make it impractical. We address this limitation by proposing to learn surrogate models from schedules generated and evaluated in previous runs of the iterative optimization and to replace benchmarking by performance prediction to the extent possible. Our evaluation on the PolyBench 4.1 benchmark set reveals that, in a given setting, iterative schedule optimization yields significantly higher speedups in the execution of the program to be optimized. Surrogate performance models learned from training data that was generated during previous iterative optimizations can reduce the benchmarking effort without strongly impairing the optimization result. A prerequisite for this approach is a sufficient similarity between the training programs and the program to be optimized

    Automating the construction of a complier heuristics using machine learning

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 153-162).Compiler writers are expected to create effective and inexpensive solutions to NP-hard problems such as instruction scheduling and register allocation. To make matters worse, separate optimization phases have strong interactions and competing resource constraints. Compiler writers deal with system complexity by dividing the problem into multiple phases and devising approximate heuristics for each phase. However, to achieve satisfactory performance, developers are forced to manually tweak their heuristics with trial-and-error experimentation. In this dissertation I present meta optimization, a methodology for automatically constructing high quality compiler heuristics using machine learning techniques. This thesis describes machine-learned heuristics for three important compiler optimizations: hyperblock formation, register allocation, and loop unrolling. The machine-learned heuristics outperform (by as much as 3x in some cases) their state-of-the-art hand-crafted counterparts. By automatically collecting data and systematically analyzing them, my techniques discover subtle interactions that even experienced engineers would likely overlook. In addition to improving performance, my techniques can significantly reduce the human effort involved in compiler design.(cont.) Machine learning algorithms can design critical portions of compiler heuristics, thereby freeing the human designer to focus on compiler correctness. The progression of experiments I conduct in this thesis leads to collaborative compilation, an approach which enables ordinary users to transparently train compiler heuristics by running their applications as they normally would. The collaborative system automatically adapts itself to the applications in which a community of users is interested.by Mark W. Stephenson.Ph.D

    Adaptive Java Optimisation Using Instance-Based Learning

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    This paper describes a portable, machine learning-based approach to Java optimisation. This approach uses an instance-based learning scheme to select good transformations drawn from Pugh's Unified Transformation Framework[11]. This approach was implemented and applied to a number of numerical Java benchmarks on two platforms. Using this scheme, we are able to gain over 70% of the performance improvement found when using an exhaustive iterative search of the best compiler optimisations. Thus we have a scheme that gives a high level of portable performance without any excessive compilations

    Adaptive java optimisation using instance-based learning

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